path: root/includes/js/dojox/gfx/vml.js
diff options
authormensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-14 15:39:19 +0000
committermensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-14 15:39:19 +0000
commit1c5685d68f1b73270fb814fe04cbb490eb90ba5f (patch)
tree3d3ada08a934b96fc31531f1327690d7edc6f766 /includes/js/dojox/gfx/vml.js
parent104d59099e048688c4dbac37d72137006e396558 (diff)
Minor fix: Remove DOJO library (60Mo) replaced by link to Google CDN (online DOJO library)
git-svn-id: https://semanticscuttle.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/semanticscuttle/trunk@159 b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/gfx/vml.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1165 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/gfx/vml.js b/includes/js/dojox/gfx/vml.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 44f01db..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dojox/gfx/vml.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1165 +0,0 @@
-if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx.vml"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx.vml"] = true;
-// dojox.gfx.vml.xmlns: String: a VML's namespace
-dojox.gfx.vml.xmlns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml";
-// dojox.gfx.vml.text_alignment: Object: mapping from SVG alignment to VML alignment
-dojox.gfx.vml.text_alignment = {start: "left", middle: "center", end: "right"};
-dojox.gfx.vml._parseFloat = function(str) {
- // summary: a helper function to parse VML-specific floating-point values
- // str: String: a representation of a floating-point number
- return str.match(/^\d+f$/i) ? parseInt(str) / 65536 : parseFloat(str); // Number
-dojox.gfx.vml._bool = {"t": 1, "true": 1};
-dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.Shape, {
- // summary: VML-specific implementation of dojox.gfx.Shape methods
- setFill: function(fill){
- // summary: sets a fill object (VML)
- // fill: Object: a fill object
- // (see dojox.gfx.defaultLinearGradient,
- // dojox.gfx.defaultRadialGradient,
- // dojox.gfx.defaultPattern,
- // or dojo.Color)
- if(!fill){
- // don't fill
- this.fillStyle = null;
- this.rawNode.filled = "f";
- return this;
- }
- if(typeof fill == "object" && "type" in fill){
- // gradient
- var i, f, fo, a, s;
- switch(fill.type){
- case "linear":
- var matrix = this._getRealMatrix(), m = dojox.gfx.matrix;
- s = [];
- f = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultLinearGradient, fill);
- a = f.colors;
- this.fillStyle = f;
- dojo.forEach(a, function(v, i, a){
- a[i].color = dojox.gfx.normalizeColor(v.color);
- });
- if(a[0].offset > 0){
- s.push("0 " + a[0].color.toHex());
- }
- for(i = 0; i < a.length; ++i){
- s.push(a[i].offset.toFixed(8) + " " + a[i].color.toHex());
- }
- i = a.length - 1;
- if(a[i].offset < 1){
- s.push("1 " + a[i].color.toHex());
- }
- fo = this.rawNode.fill;
- fo.colors.value = s.join(";");
- fo.method = "sigma";
- fo.type = "gradient";
- var fc1 = matrix ? m.multiplyPoint(matrix, f.x1, f.y1) : {x: f.x1, y: f.y1},
- fc2 = matrix ? m.multiplyPoint(matrix, f.x2, f.y2) : {x: f.x2, y: f.y2};
- fo.angle = (m._radToDeg(Math.atan2(fc2.x - fc1.x, fc2.y - fc1.y)) + 180) % 360;
- fo.on = true;
- break;
- case "radial":
- f = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, fill);
- this.fillStyle = f;
- var l = parseFloat(this.rawNode.style.left),
- t = parseFloat(this.rawNode.style.top),
- w = parseFloat(this.rawNode.style.width),
- h = parseFloat(this.rawNode.style.height),
- c = isNaN(w) ? 1 : 2 * f.r / w;
- a = [];
- // add a color at the offset 0 (1 in VML coordinates)
- if(f.colors[0].offset > 0){
- a.push({offset: 1, color: dojox.gfx.normalizeColor(f.colors[0].color)});
- }
- // massage colors
- dojo.forEach(f.colors, function(v, i){
- a.push({offset: 1 - v.offset * c, color: dojox.gfx.normalizeColor(v.color)});
- });
- i = a.length - 1;
- while(i >= 0 && a[i].offset < 0){ --i; }
- if(i < a.length - 1){
- // correct excessive colors
- var q = a[i], p = a[i + 1];
- p.color = dojo.blendColors(q.color, p.color, q.offset / (q.offset - p.offset));
- p.offset = 0;
- while(a.length - i > 2) a.pop();
- }
- // set colors
- i = a.length - 1, s = [];
- if(a[i].offset > 0){
- s.push("0 " + a[i].color.toHex());
- }
- for(; i >= 0; --i){
- s.push(a[i].offset.toFixed(8) + " " + a[i].color.toHex());
- }
- fo = this.rawNode.fill;
- fo.colors.value = s.join(";");
- fo.method = "sigma";
- fo.type = "gradientradial";
- if(isNaN(w) || isNaN(h) || isNaN(l) || isNaN(t)){
- fo.focusposition = "0.5 0.5";
- }else{
- fo.focusposition = ((f.cx - l) / w).toFixed(8) + " " + ((f.cy - t) / h).toFixed(8);
- }
- fo.focussize = "0 0";
- fo.on = true;
- break;
- case "pattern":
- f = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultPattern, fill);
- this.fillStyle = f;
- fo = this.rawNode.fill;
- fo.type = "tile";
- fo.src = f.src;
- if(f.width && f.height){
- // in points
- fo.size.x = dojox.gfx.px2pt(f.width);
- fo.size.y = dojox.gfx.px2pt(f.height);
- }
- fo.alignShape = "f";
- fo.position.x = 0;
- fo.position.y = 0;
- fo.origin.x = f.width ? f.x / f.width : 0;
- fo.origin.y = f.height ? f.y / f.height : 0;
- fo.on = true;
- break;
- }
- this.rawNode.fill.opacity = 1;
- return this;
- }
- // color object
- this.fillStyle = dojox.gfx.normalizeColor(fill);
- this.rawNode.fill.method = "any";
- this.rawNode.fill.type = "solid";
- this.rawNode.fillcolor = this.fillStyle.toHex();
- this.rawNode.fill.opacity = this.fillStyle.a;
- this.rawNode.filled = true;
- return this; // self
- },
- setStroke: function(stroke){
- // summary: sets a stroke object (VML)
- // stroke: Object: a stroke object
- // (see dojox.gfx.defaultStroke)
- if(!stroke){
- // don't stroke
- this.strokeStyle = null;
- this.rawNode.stroked = "f";
- return this;
- }
- // normalize the stroke
- if(typeof stroke == "string"){
- stroke = {color: stroke};
- }
- var s = this.strokeStyle = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultStroke, stroke);
- s.color = dojox.gfx.normalizeColor(s.color);
- // generate attributes
- var rn = this.rawNode;
- rn.stroked = true;
- rn.strokecolor = s.color.toCss();
- rn.strokeweight = s.width + "px"; // TODO: should we assume that the width is always in pixels?
- if(rn.stroke) {
- rn.stroke.opacity = s.color.a;
- rn.stroke.endcap = this._translate(this._capMap, s.cap);
- if(typeof s.join == "number") {
- rn.stroke.joinstyle = "miter";
- rn.stroke.miterlimit = s.join;
- }else{
- rn.stroke.joinstyle = s.join;
- // rn.stroke.miterlimit = s.width;
- }
- rn.stroke.dashstyle = s.style == "none" ? "Solid" : s.style;
- }
- return this; // self
- },
- _capMap: { butt: 'flat' },
- _capMapReversed: { flat: 'butt' },
- _translate: function(dict, value) {
- return (value in dict) ? dict[value] : value;
- },
- _applyTransform: function() {
- if(this.fillStyle && this.fillStyle.type == "linear"){
- this.setFill(this.fillStyle);
- }
- var matrix = this._getRealMatrix();
- if(!matrix) return this;
- var skew = this.rawNode.skew;
- if(typeof skew == "undefined"){
- for(var i = 0; i < this.rawNode.childNodes.length; ++i){
- if(this.rawNode.childNodes[i].tagName == "skew"){
- skew = this.rawNode.childNodes[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(skew){
- skew.on = "f";
- var mt = matrix.xx.toFixed(8) + " " + matrix.xy.toFixed(8) + " " +
- matrix.yx.toFixed(8) + " " + matrix.yy.toFixed(8) + " 0 0",
- offset = Math.floor(matrix.dx).toFixed() + "px " + Math.floor(matrix.dy).toFixed() + "px",
- s = this.rawNode.style,
- l = parseFloat(s.left),
- t = parseFloat(s.top),
- w = parseFloat(s.width),
- h = parseFloat(s.height);
- if(isNaN(l)) l = 0;
- if(isNaN(t)) t = 0;
- if(isNaN(w)) w = 1;
- if(isNaN(h)) h = 1;
- var origin = (-l / w - 0.5).toFixed(8) + " " + (-t / h - 0.5).toFixed(8);
- skew.matrix = mt;
- skew.origin = origin;
- skew.offset = offset;
- skew.on = true;
- }
- return this;
- },
- setRawNode: function(rawNode){
- // summary:
- // assigns and clears the underlying node that will represent this
- // shape. Once set, transforms, gradients, etc, can be applied.
- // (no fill & stroke by default)
- rawNode.stroked = "f";
- rawNode.filled = "f";
- this.rawNode = rawNode;
- },
- // move family
- _moveToFront: function(){
- // summary: moves a shape to front of its parent's list of shapes (VML)
- this.rawNode.parentNode.appendChild(this.rawNode);
- return this;
- },
- _moveToBack: function(){
- // summary: moves a shape to back of its parent's list of shapes (VML)
- var r = this.rawNode, p = r.parentNode, n = p.firstChild;
- p.insertBefore(r, n);
- if(n.tagName == "rect"){
- // surface has a background rectangle, which position should be preserved
- n.swapNode(r);
- }
- return this;
- },
- _getRealMatrix: function(){
- // summary: returns the cumulative ("real") transformation matrix
- // by combining the shape's matrix with its parent's matrix
- return this.parentMatrix ? new dojox.gfx.Matrix2D([this.parentMatrix, this.matrix]) : this.matrix; // dojox.gfx.Matrix2D
- }
-dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Group", dojox.gfx.Shape, {
- // summary: a group shape (VML), which can be used
- // to logically group shapes (e.g, to propagate matricies)
- constructor: function(){
- dojox.gfx.vml.Container._init.call(this);
- },
- // apply transformation
- _applyTransform: function(){
- // summary: applies a transformation matrix to a group
- var matrix = this._getRealMatrix();
- for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; ++i){
- this.children[i]._updateParentMatrix(matrix);
- }
- return this; // self
- }
-dojox.gfx.Group.nodeType = "group";
-dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Rect", dojox.gfx.shape.Rect, {
- // summary: a rectangle shape (VML)
- setShape: function(newShape){
- // summary: sets a rectangle shape object (VML)
- // newShape: Object: a rectangle shape object
- var shape = this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
- this.bbox = null;
- var style = this.rawNode.style;
- style.left = shape.x.toFixed();
- style.top = shape.y.toFixed();
- style.width = (typeof shape.width == "string" && shape.width.indexOf("%") >= 0) ? shape.width : shape.width.toFixed();
- style.height = (typeof shape.width == "string" && shape.height.indexOf("%") >= 0) ? shape.height : shape.height.toFixed();
- var r = Math.min(1, (shape.r / Math.min(parseFloat(shape.width), parseFloat(shape.height)))).toFixed(8);
- // a workaround for the VML's arcsize bug: cannot read arcsize of an instantiated node
- var parent = this.rawNode.parentNode, before = null;
- if(parent){
- if(parent.lastChild != this.rawNode){
- for(var i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; ++i){
- if(parent.childNodes[i] == this.rawNode){
- before = parent.childNodes[i+1];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- parent.removeChild(this.rawNode);
- }
- this.rawNode.arcsize = r;
- if(parent){
- if(before){
- parent.insertBefore(this.rawNode, before);
- }else{
- parent.appendChild(this.rawNode);
- }
- }
- // set all necessary styles, which are lost by VML (yes, it's a VML's bug)
- return this.setTransform(this.matrix).setFill(this.fillStyle).setStroke(this.strokeStyle); // self
- }
-dojox.gfx.Rect.nodeType = "roundrect"; // use a roundrect so the stroke join type is respected
-dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Ellipse", dojox.gfx.shape.Ellipse, {
- // summary: an ellipse shape (VML)
- setShape: function(newShape){
- // summary: sets an ellipse shape object (VML)
- // newShape: Object: an ellipse shape object
- var shape = this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
- this.bbox = null;
- var style = this.rawNode.style;
- style.left = (shape.cx - shape.rx).toFixed();
- style.top = (shape.cy - shape.ry).toFixed();
- style.width = (shape.rx * 2).toFixed();
- style.height = (shape.ry * 2).toFixed();
- return this.setTransform(this.matrix); // self
- }
-dojox.gfx.Ellipse.nodeType = "oval";
-dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Circle", dojox.gfx.shape.Circle, {
- // summary: a circle shape (VML)
- setShape: function(newShape){
- // summary: sets a circle shape object (VML)
- // newShape: Object: a circle shape object
- var shape = this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
- this.bbox = null;
- var style = this.rawNode.style;
- style.left = (shape.cx - shape.r).toFixed();
- style.top = (shape.cy - shape.r).toFixed();
- style.width = (shape.r * 2).toFixed();
- style.height = (shape.r * 2).toFixed();
- return this; // self
- }
-dojox.gfx.Circle.nodeType = "oval";
-dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Line", dojox.gfx.shape.Line, {
- // summary: a line shape (VML)
- constructor: function(rawNode){
- if(rawNode) rawNode.setAttribute("dojoGfxType", "line");
- },
- setShape: function(newShape){
- // summary: sets a line shape object (VML)
- // newShape: Object: a line shape object
- var shape = this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
- this.bbox = null;
- this.rawNode.path.v = "m" + shape.x1.toFixed() + " " + shape.y1.toFixed() +
- "l" + shape.x2.toFixed() + " " + shape.y2.toFixed() + "e";
- return this.setTransform(this.matrix); // self
- }
-dojox.gfx.Line.nodeType = "shape";
-dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Polyline", dojox.gfx.shape.Polyline, {
- // summary: a polyline/polygon shape (VML)
- constructor: function(rawNode){
- if(rawNode) rawNode.setAttribute("dojoGfxType", "polyline");
- },
- setShape: function(points, closed){
- // summary: sets a polyline/polygon shape object (VML)
- // points: Object: a polyline/polygon shape object
- // closed: Boolean?: if true, close the polyline explicitely
- if(points && points instanceof Array){
- // branch
- // points: Array: an array of points
- this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, { points: points });
- if(closed && this.shape.points.length) this.shape.points.push(this.shape.points[0]);
- }else{
- this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, points);
- }
- this.bbox = null;
- var attr = [], p = this.shape.points;
- if(p.length > 0){
- attr.push("m");
- var k = 1;
- if(typeof p[0] == "number"){
- attr.push(p[0].toFixed());
- attr.push(p[1].toFixed());
- k = 2;
- }else{
- attr.push(p[0].x.toFixed());
- attr.push(p[0].y.toFixed());
- }
- if(p.length > k){
- attr.push("l");
- for(var i = k; i < p.length; ++i){
- if(typeof p[i] == "number"){
- attr.push(p[i].toFixed());
- }else{
- attr.push(p[i].x.toFixed());
- attr.push(p[i].y.toFixed());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- attr.push("e");
- this.rawNode.path.v = attr.join(" ");
- return this.setTransform(this.matrix); // self
- }
-dojox.gfx.Polyline.nodeType = "shape";
-dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Image", dojox.gfx.shape.Image, {
- // summary: an image (VML)
- constructor: function(rawNode){
- if(rawNode) rawNode.setAttribute("dojoGfxType", "image");
- },
- getEventSource: function() {
- // summary: returns a Node, which is used as
- // a source of events for this shape
- return this.rawNode ? this.rawNode.firstChild : null; // Node
- },
- setShape: function(newShape){
- // summary: sets an image shape object (VML)
- // newShape: Object: an image shape object
- var shape = this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
- this.bbox = null;
- this.rawNode.firstChild.src = shape.src;
- return this.setTransform(this.matrix); // self
- },
- _setDimensions: function(s, w, h){
- if(w || h){
- s.width = w + "px";
- s.height = h + "px";
- }
- },
- _resetImage: function(){
- var s = this.rawNode.firstChild.style,
- shape = this.shape;
- s.left = "0px";
- s.top = "0px";
- this._setDimensions(s, shape.width, shape.height);
- },
- _applyTransform: function() {
- var matrix = this._getRealMatrix(),
- img = this.rawNode.firstChild,
- s = img.style,
- shape = this.shape;
- if(matrix){
- matrix = dojox.gfx.matrix.multiply(matrix, {dx: shape.x, dy: shape.y});
- }else{
- matrix = dojox.gfx.matrix.normalize({dx: shape.x, dy: shape.y});
- }
- if(matrix.xy == 0 && matrix.yx == 0 && matrix.xx > 0 && matrix.yy > 0){
- // special case to avoid filters
- this.rawNode.style.filter = "";
- s.left = Math.floor(matrix.dx) + "px";
- s.top = Math.floor(matrix.dy) + "px";
- this._setDimensions(s, Math.floor(matrix.xx * shape.width), Math.floor(matrix.yy * shape.height));
- }else{
- this._resetImage();
- var f = this.rawNode.filters["DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix"];
- if(f){
- f.M11 = matrix.xx;
- f.M12 = matrix.xy;
- f.M21 = matrix.yx;
- f.M22 = matrix.yy;
- f.Dx = matrix.dx;
- f.Dy = matrix.dy;
- }else{
- this.rawNode.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=" + matrix.xx +
- ", M12=" + matrix.xy + ", M21=" + matrix.yx + ", M22=" + matrix.yy +
- ", Dx=" + matrix.dx + ", Dy=" + matrix.dy + ")";
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
-dojox.gfx.Image.nodeType = "div";
-dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Text", dojox.gfx.shape.Text, {
- // summary: an anchored text (VML)
- constructor: function(rawNode){
- if(rawNode){rawNode.setAttribute("dojoGfxType", "text");}
- this.fontStyle = null;
- },
- _alignment: {start: "left", middle: "center", end: "right"},
- setShape: function(newShape){
- // summary: sets a text shape object (VML)
- // newShape: Object: a text shape object
- this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
- this.bbox = null;
- var r = this.rawNode, s = this.shape, x = s.x, y = s.y.toFixed();
- switch(s.align){
- case "middle":
- x -= 5;
- break;
- case "end":
- x -= 10;
- break;
- }
- this.rawNode.path.v = "m" + x.toFixed() + "," + y +
- "l" + (x + 10).toFixed() + "," + y + "e";
- // find path and text path
- var p = null, t = null, c = r.childNodes;
- for(var i = 0; i < c.length; ++i){
- var tag = c[i].tagName;
- if(tag == "path"){
- p = c[i];
- if(t) break;
- }else if(tag == "textpath"){
- t = c[i];
- if(p) break;
- }
- }
- if(!p){
- p = this.rawNode.ownerDocument.createElement("v:path");
- r.appendChild(p);
- }
- if(!t){
- t = this.rawNode.ownerDocument.createElement("v:textpath");
- r.appendChild(t);
- }
- p.textPathOk = true;
- t.on = true;
- var a = dojox.gfx.vml.text_alignment[s.align];
- t.style["v-text-align"] = a ? a : "left";
- t.style["text-decoration"] = s.decoration;
- t.style["v-rotate-letters"] = s.rotated;
- t.style["v-text-kern"] = s.kerning;
- t.string = s.text;
- return this.setTransform(this.matrix); // self
- },
- _setFont: function(){
- // summary: sets a font object (VML)
- var f = this.fontStyle, c = this.rawNode.childNodes;
- for(var i = 0; i < c.length; ++i){
- if(c[i].tagName == "textpath"){
- c[i].style.font = dojox.gfx.makeFontString(f);
- break;
- }
- }
- this.setTransform(this.matrix);
- },
- _getRealMatrix: function(){
- // summary: returns the cumulative ("real") transformation matrix
- // by combining the shape's matrix with its parent's matrix;
- // it makes a correction for a font size
- var matrix = dojox.gfx.Shape.prototype._getRealMatrix.call(this);
- // It appears that text is always aligned vertically at a middle of x-height (???).
- // It is impossible to obtain these metrics from VML => I try to approximate it with
- // more-or-less util value of 0.7 * FontSize, which is typical for European fonts.
- if(matrix){
- matrix = dojox.gfx.matrix.multiply(matrix,
- {dy: -dojox.gfx.normalizedLength(this.fontStyle ? this.fontStyle.size : "10pt") * 0.35});
- }
- return matrix; // dojox.gfx.Matrix2D
- },
- getTextWidth: function(){
- // summary: get the text width, in px
- var rawNode = this.rawNode, _display = rawNode.style.display;
- rawNode.style.display = "inline";
- var _width = dojox.gfx.pt2px(parseFloat(rawNode.currentStyle.width));
- rawNode.style.display = _display;
- return _width;
- }
-dojox.gfx.Text.nodeType = "shape";
-dojox.gfx.path._calcArc = function(alpha){
- // return a start point, 1st and 2nd control points, and an end point
- var cosa = Math.cos(alpha), sina = Math.sin(alpha),
- p2 = {x: cosa + (4 / 3) * (1 - cosa), y: sina - (4 / 3) * cosa * (1 - cosa) / sina};
- return {
- s: {x: cosa, y: -sina},
- c1: {x: p2.x, y: -p2.y},
- c2: p2,
- e: {x: cosa, y: sina}
- };
-dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Path", dojox.gfx.path.Path, {
- // summary: a path shape (VML)
- constructor: function(rawNode){
- if(rawNode && !rawNode.getAttribute("dojoGfxType")){
- rawNode.setAttribute("dojoGfxType", "path");
- }
- this.vmlPath = "";
- this.lastControl = {};
- },
- _updateWithSegment: function(segment){
- // summary: updates the bounding box of path with new segment
- // segment: Object: a segment
- var last = dojo.clone(this.last);
- dojox.gfx.Path.superclass._updateWithSegment.apply(this, arguments);
- // add a VML path segment
- var path = this[this.renderers[segment.action]](segment, last);
- if(typeof this.vmlPath == "string"){
- this.vmlPath += path.join("");
- this.rawNode.path.v = this.vmlPath + " r0,0 e";
- }else{
- this.vmlPath = this.vmlPath.concat(path);
- }
- },
- setShape: function(newShape){
- // summary: forms a path using a shape (VML)
- // newShape: Object: an VML path string or a path object (see dojox.gfx.defaultPath)
- this.vmlPath = [];
- this.lastControl = {};
- dojox.gfx.Path.superclass.setShape.apply(this, arguments);
- this.vmlPath = this.vmlPath.join("");
- this.rawNode.path.v = this.vmlPath + " r0,0 e";
- return this;
- },
- _pathVmlToSvgMap: {m: "M", l: "L", t: "m", r: "l", c: "C", v: "c", qb: "Q", x: "z", e: ""},
- // VML-specific segment renderers
- renderers: {
- M: "_moveToA", m: "_moveToR",
- L: "_lineToA", l: "_lineToR",
- H: "_hLineToA", h: "_hLineToR",
- V: "_vLineToA", v: "_vLineToR",
- C: "_curveToA", c: "_curveToR",
- S: "_smoothCurveToA", s: "_smoothCurveToR",
- Q: "_qCurveToA", q: "_qCurveToR",
- T: "_qSmoothCurveToA", t: "_qSmoothCurveToR",
- A: "_arcTo", a: "_arcTo",
- Z: "_closePath", z: "_closePath"
- },
- _addArgs: function(path, args, from, upto){
- if(typeof upto == "undefined"){
- upto = args.length;
- }
- if(typeof from == "undefined"){
- from = 0;
- }
- for(var i = from; i < upto; ++i){
- path.push(" ");
- path.push(args[i].toFixed());
- }
- },
- _addArgsAdjusted: function(path, last, args, from, upto){
- if(typeof upto == "undefined"){
- upto = args.length;
- }
- if(typeof from == "undefined"){
- from = 0;
- }
- for(var i = from; i < upto; i += 2){
- path.push(" ");
- path.push((last.x + args[i]).toFixed());
- path.push(" ");
- path.push((last.y + args[i + 1]).toFixed());
- }
- },
- _moveToA: function(segment){
- var p = [" m"], n = segment.args, l = n.length;
- if(l == 2){
- this._addArgs(p, n);
- }else{
- this._addArgs(p, n, 0, 2);
- p.push(" l");
- this._addArgs(p, n, 2);
- }
- this.lastControl = {};
- return p;
- },
- _moveToR: function(segment, last){
- var p = ["x" in last ? " t" : " m"], n = segment.args, l = n.length;
- if(l == 2){
- this._addArgs(p, n);
- }else{
- this._addArgs(p, n, 0, 2);
- p.push(" r");
- this._addArgs(p, n, 2);
- }
- this.lastControl = {};
- return p;
- },
- _lineToA: function(segment){
- var p = [" l"];
- this._addArgs(p, segment.args);
- this.lastControl = {};
- return p;
- },
- _lineToR: function(segment){
- var p = [" r"];
- this._addArgs(p, segment.args);
- this.lastControl = {};
- return p;
- },
- _hLineToA: function(segment, last){
- var p = [" l"], n = segment.args, l = n.length, y = " " + last.y.toFixed();
- for(var i = 0; i < l; ++i){
- p.push(" ");
- p.push(n[i].toFixed());
- p.push(y);
- }
- this.lastControl = {};
- return p;
- },
- _hLineToR: function(segment){
- var p = [" r"], n = segment.args, l = n.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < l; ++i){
- p.push(" ");
- p.push(n[i].toFixed());
- p.push(" 0");
- }
- this.lastControl = {};
- return p;
- },
- _vLineToA: function(segment, last){
- var p = [" l"], n = segment.args, l = n.length, x = " " + last.x.toFixed();
- for(var i = 0; i < l; ++i){
- p.push(x);
- p.push(" ");
- p.push(n[i].toFixed());
- }
- this.lastControl = {};
- return p;
- },
- _vLineToR: function(segment){
- var p = [" r"], n = segment.args, l = n.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < l; ++i){
- p.push(" 0 ");
- p.push(n[i].toFixed());
- }
- this.lastControl = {};
- return p;
- },
- _curveToA: function(segment){
- var p = [], n = segment.args, l = n.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 6){
- p.push(" c");
- this._addArgs(p, n, i, i + 6);
- }
- this.lastControl = {x: n[l - 4], y: n[l - 3], type: "C"};
- return p;
- },
- _curveToR: function(segment, last){
- var p = [], n = segment.args, l = n.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 6){
- p.push(" v");
- this._addArgs(p, n, i, i + 6);
- this.lastControl = {x: last.x + n[i + 2], y: last.y + n[i + 3]};
- last.x += n[i + 4];
- last.y += n[i + 5];
- }
- this.lastControl.type = "C";
- return p;
- },
- _smoothCurveToA: function(segment, last){
- var p = [], n = segment.args, l = n.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 4){
- p.push(" c");
- if(this.lastControl.type == "C"){
- this._addArgs(p, [
- 2 * last.x - this.lastControl.x,
- 2 * last.y - this.lastControl.y
- ]);
- }else{
- this._addArgs(p, [last.x, last.y]);
- }
- this._addArgs(p, n, i, i + 4);
- }
- this.lastControl = {x: n[l - 4], y: n[l - 3], type: "C"};
- return p;
- },
- _smoothCurveToR: function(segment, last){
- var p = [], n = segment.args, l = n.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 4){
- p.push(" v");
- if(this.lastControl.type == "C"){
- this._addArgs(p, [
- last.x - this.lastControl.x,
- last.y - this.lastControl.y
- ]);
- }else{
- this._addArgs(p, [0, 0]);
- }
- this._addArgs(p, n, i, i + 4);
- this.lastControl = {x: last.x + n[i], y: last.y + n[i + 1]};
- last.x += n[i + 2];
- last.y += n[i + 3];
- }
- this.lastControl.type = "C";
- return p;
- },
- _qCurveToA: function(segment){
- var p = [], n = segment.args, l = n.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 4){
- p.push(" qb");
- this._addArgs(p, n, i, i + 4);
- }
- this.lastControl = {x: n[l - 4], y: n[l - 3], type: "Q"};
- return p;
- },
- _qCurveToR: function(segment, last){
- var p = [], n = segment.args, l = n.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 4){
- p.push(" qb");
- this._addArgsAdjusted(p, last, n, i, i + 4);
- this.lastControl = {x: last.x + n[i], y: last.y + n[i + 1]};
- last.x += n[i + 2];
- last.y += n[i + 3];
- }
- this.lastControl.type = "Q";
- return p;
- },
- _qSmoothCurveToA: function(segment, last){
- var p = [], n = segment.args, l = n.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 2){
- p.push(" qb");
- if(this.lastControl.type == "Q"){
- this._addArgs(p, [
- this.lastControl.x = 2 * last.x - this.lastControl.x,
- this.lastControl.y = 2 * last.y - this.lastControl.y
- ]);
- }else{
- this._addArgs(p, [
- this.lastControl.x = last.x,
- this.lastControl.y = last.y
- ]);
- }
- this._addArgs(p, n, i, i + 2);
- }
- this.lastControl.type = "Q";
- return p;
- },
- _qSmoothCurveToR: function(segment, last){
- var p = [], n = segment.args, l = n.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 2){
- p.push(" qb");
- if(this.lastControl.type == "Q"){
- this._addArgs(p, [
- this.lastControl.x = 2 * last.x - this.lastControl.x,
- this.lastControl.y = 2 * last.y - this.lastControl.y
- ]);
- }else{
- this._addArgs(p, [
- this.lastControl.x = last.x,
- this.lastControl.y = last.y
- ]);
- }
- this._addArgsAdjusted(p, last, n, i, i + 2);
- }
- this.lastControl.type = "Q";
- return p;
- },
- _arcTo: function(segment, last){
- var p = [], n = segment.args, l = n.length, relative = segment.action == "a";
- for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 7){
- var x1 = n[i + 5], y1 = n[i + 6];
- if(relative){
- x1 += last.x;
- y1 += last.y;
- }
- var result = dojox.gfx.arc.arcAsBezier(
- last, n[i], n[i + 1], n[i + 2],
- n[i + 3] ? 1 : 0, n[i + 4] ? 1 : 0,
- x1, y1
- );
- for(var j = 0; j < result.length; ++j){
- p.push(" c");
- this._addArgs(p, result[j]);
- }
- last = {x: x1, y: y1};
- }
- this.lastControl = {};
- return p;
- },
- _closePath: function(){
- this.lastControl = {};
- return ["x"];
- }
-dojox.gfx.Path.nodeType = "shape";
-dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.TextPath", dojox.gfx.Path, {
- // summary: a textpath shape (VML)
- constructor: function(rawNode){
- if(rawNode){rawNode.setAttribute("dojoGfxType", "textpath");}
- this.fontStyle = null;
- if(!("text" in this)){
- this.text = dojo.clone(dojox.gfx.defaultTextPath);
- }
- if(!("fontStyle" in this)){
- this.fontStyle = dojo.clone(dojox.gfx.defaultFont);
- }
- },
- setText: function(newText){
- // summary: sets a text to be drawn along the path
- this.text = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.text,
- typeof newText == "string" ? {text: newText} : newText);
- this._setText();
- return this; // self
- },
- setFont: function(newFont){
- // summary: sets a font for text
- this.fontStyle = typeof newFont == "string" ?
- dojox.gfx.splitFontString(newFont) :
- dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultFont, newFont);
- this._setFont();
- return this; // self
- },
- _setText: function(){
- // summary: sets a text shape object (VML)
- this.bbox = null;
- var r = this.rawNode, s = this.text,
- // find path and text path
- p = null, t = null, c = r.childNodes;
- for(var i = 0; i < c.length; ++i){
- var tag = c[i].tagName;
- if(tag == "path"){
- p = c[i];
- if(t) break;
- }else if(tag == "textpath"){
- t = c[i];
- if(p) break;
- }
- }
- if(!p){
- p = this.rawNode.ownerDocument.createElement("v:path");
- r.appendChild(p);
- }
- if(!t){
- t = this.rawNode.ownerDocument.createElement("v:textpath");
- r.appendChild(t);
- }
- p.textPathOk = true;
- t.on = true;
- var a = dojox.gfx.vml.text_alignment[s.align];
- t.style["v-text-align"] = a ? a : "left";
- t.style["text-decoration"] = s.decoration;
- t.style["v-rotate-letters"] = s.rotated;
- t.style["v-text-kern"] = s.kerning;
- t.string = s.text;
- },
- _setFont: function(){
- // summary: sets a font object (VML)
- var f = this.fontStyle, c = this.rawNode.childNodes;
- for(var i = 0; i < c.length; ++i){
- if(c[i].tagName == "textpath"){
- c[i].style.font = dojox.gfx.makeFontString(f);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-dojox.gfx.TextPath.nodeType = "shape";
-dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Surface", dojox.gfx.shape.Surface, {
- // summary: a surface object to be used for drawings (VML)
- constructor: function(){
- dojox.gfx.vml.Container._init.call(this);
- },
- setDimensions: function(width, height){
- // summary: sets the width and height of the rawNode
- // width: String: width of surface, e.g., "100px"
- // height: String: height of surface, e.g., "100px"
- this.width = dojox.gfx.normalizedLength(width); // in pixels
- this.height = dojox.gfx.normalizedLength(height); // in pixels
- if(!this.rawNode) return this;
- var cs = this.clipNode.style,
- r = this.rawNode, rs = r.style,
- bs = this.bgNode.style;
- cs.width = width;
- cs.height = height;
- cs.clip = "rect(0 " + width + " " + height + " 0)";
- rs.width = width;
- rs.height = height;
- r.coordsize = width + " " + height;
- bs.width = width;
- bs.height = height;
- return this; // self
- },
- getDimensions: function(){
- // summary: returns an object with properties "width" and "height"
- var t = this.rawNode ? {
- width: dojox.gfx.normalizedLength(this.rawNode.style.width),
- height: dojox.gfx.normalizedLength(this.rawNode.style.height)} : null;
- if(t.width <= 0){ t.width = this.width; }
- if(t.height <= 0){ t.height = this.height; }
- return t; // Object
- }
-dojox.gfx.createSurface = function(parentNode, width, height){
- // summary: creates a surface (VML)
- // parentNode: Node: a parent node
- // width: String: width of surface, e.g., "100px"
- // height: String: height of surface, e.g., "100px"
- if(!width){ width = "100%"; }
- if(!height){ height = "100%"; }
- var s = new dojox.gfx.Surface(), p = dojo.byId(parentNode),
- c = s.clipNode = p.ownerDocument.createElement("div"),
- r = s.rawNode = p.ownerDocument.createElement("v:group"),
- cs = c.style, rs = r.style;
- p.style.width = width;
- p.style.height = height;
- cs.position = "absolute";
- cs.width = width;
- cs.height = height;
- cs.clip = "rect(0 " + width + " " + height + " 0)";
- rs.position = "absolute";
- rs.width = width;
- rs.height = height;
- r.coordsize = (width == "100%" ? width : parseFloat(width)) + " " +
- (height == "100%" ? height : parseFloat(height));
- r.coordorigin = "0 0";
- // create a background rectangle, which is required to show all other shapes
- var b = s.bgNode = r.ownerDocument.createElement("v:rect"), bs = b.style;
- bs.left = bs.top = 0;
- bs.width = rs.width;
- bs.height = rs.height;
- b.filled = b.stroked = "f";
- r.appendChild(b);
- c.appendChild(r);
- p.appendChild(c);
- s.width = dojox.gfx.normalizedLength(width); // in pixels
- s.height = dojox.gfx.normalizedLength(height); // in pixels
- return s; // dojox.gfx.Surface
-// Extenders
-dojox.gfx.vml.Container = {
- _init: function(){
- dojox.gfx.shape.Container._init.call(this);
- },
- add: function(shape){
- // summary: adds a shape to a group/surface
- // shape: dojox.gfx.Shape: an VML shape object
- if(this != shape.getParent()){
- this.rawNode.appendChild(shape.rawNode);
- //dojox.gfx.Group.superclass.add.apply(this, arguments);
- //this.inherited(arguments);
- dojox.gfx.shape.Container.add.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return this; // self
- },
- remove: function(shape, silently){
- // summary: remove a shape from a group/surface
- // shape: dojox.gfx.Shape: an VML shape object
- // silently: Boolean?: if true, regenerate a picture
- if(this == shape.getParent()){
- if(this.rawNode == shape.rawNode.parentNode){
- this.rawNode.removeChild(shape.rawNode);
- }
- //dojox.gfx.Group.superclass.remove.apply(this, arguments);
- //this.inherited(arguments);
- dojox.gfx.shape.Container.remove.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return this; // self
- },
- clear: function(){
- // summary: removes all shapes from a group/surface
- var r = this.rawNode;
- while(r.firstChild != r.lastChild){
- if(r.firstChild != this.bgNode){
- r.removeChild(r.firstChild);
- }
- if(r.lastChild != this.bgNode){
- r.removeChild(r.lastChild);
- }
- }
- //return this.inherited(arguments); // self
- return dojox.gfx.shape.Container.clear.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- _moveChildToFront: dojox.gfx.shape.Container._moveChildToFront,
- _moveChildToBack: dojox.gfx.shape.Container._moveChildToBack
-dojo.mixin(dojox.gfx.shape.Creator, {
- // summary: VML shape creators
- createGroup: function(){
- // summary: creates a VML group shape
- var g = this.createObject(dojox.gfx.Group, null); // dojox.gfx.Group
- // create a background rectangle, which is required to show all other shapes
- var r = g.rawNode.ownerDocument.createElement("v:rect");
- r.style.left = r.style.top = 0;
- r.style.width = g.rawNode.style.width;
- r.style.height = g.rawNode.style.height;
- r.filled = r.stroked = "f";
- g.rawNode.appendChild(r);
- g.bgNode = r;
- return g; // dojox.gfx.Group
- },
- createImage: function(image){
- // summary: creates a VML image shape
- // image: Object: an image object (see dojox.gfx.defaultImage)
- if(!this.rawNode) return null;
- var shape = new dojox.gfx.Image(), node = this.rawNode.ownerDocument.createElement('div');
- node.style.position = "absolute";
- node.style.width = this.rawNode.style.width;
- node.style.height = this.rawNode.style.height;
- //node.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=1, M12=0, M21=0, M22=1, Dx=0, Dy=0)";
- var img = this.rawNode.ownerDocument.createElement('img');
- img.style.position = "relative";
- node.appendChild(img);
- shape.setRawNode(node);
- this.rawNode.appendChild(node);
- shape.setShape(image);
- this.add(shape);
- return shape; // dojox.gfx.Image
- },
- createObject: function(shapeType, rawShape) {
- // summary: creates an instance of the passed shapeType class
- // shapeType: Function: a class constructor to create an instance of
- // rawShape: Object: properties to be passed in to the classes "setShape" method
- // overrideSize: Boolean: set the size explicitly, if true
- if(!this.rawNode) return null;
- var shape = new shapeType(),
- node = this.rawNode.ownerDocument.createElement('v:' + shapeType.nodeType);
- shape.setRawNode(node);
- this.rawNode.appendChild(node);
- switch(shapeType){
- case dojox.gfx.Group:
- case dojox.gfx.Line:
- case dojox.gfx.Polyline:
- case dojox.gfx.Text:
- case dojox.gfx.Path:
- case dojox.gfx.TextPath:
- this._overrideSize(node);
- }
- shape.setShape(rawShape);
- this.add(shape);
- return shape; // dojox.gfx.Shape
- },
- _overrideSize: function(node){
- var p = this;
- while(p && !(p instanceof dojox.gfx.Surface)){ p = p.parent; }
- node.style.width = p.width;
- node.style.height = p.height;
- node.coordsize = p.width + " " + p.height;
- }
-dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.Group, dojox.gfx.vml.Container);
-dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.Group, dojox.gfx.shape.Creator);
-dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.Surface, dojox.gfx.vml.Container);
-dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.Surface, dojox.gfx.shape.Creator);