path: root/includes/js/dojox/gfx/matrix.js
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authormensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-14 15:39:19 +0000
committermensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-14 15:39:19 +0000
commit1c5685d68f1b73270fb814fe04cbb490eb90ba5f (patch)
tree3d3ada08a934b96fc31531f1327690d7edc6f766 /includes/js/dojox/gfx/matrix.js
parent104d59099e048688c4dbac37d72137006e396558 (diff)
Minor fix: Remove DOJO library (60Mo) replaced by link to Google CDN (online DOJO library)
git-svn-id: https://semanticscuttle.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/semanticscuttle/trunk@159 b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/gfx/matrix.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 444 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/gfx/matrix.js b/includes/js/dojox/gfx/matrix.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f3402b1..0000000
--- a/includes/js/dojox/gfx/matrix.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx.matrix"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
-dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx.matrix"] = true;
- var m = dojox.gfx.matrix;
- // candidates for dojox.math:
- m._degToRad = function(degree){ return Math.PI * degree / 180; };
- m._radToDeg = function(radian){ return radian / Math.PI * 180; };
- m.Matrix2D = function(arg){
- // summary: a 2D matrix object
- // description: Normalizes a 2D matrix-like object. If arrays is passed,
- // all objects of the array are normalized and multiplied sequentially.
- // arg: Object
- // a 2D matrix-like object, a number, or an array of such objects
- if(arg){
- if(typeof arg == "number"){
- this.xx = this.yy = arg;
- }else if(arg instanceof Array){
- if(arg.length > 0){
- var matrix = m.normalize(arg[0]);
- // combine matrices
- for(var i = 1; i < arg.length; ++i){
- var l = matrix, r = dojox.gfx.matrix.normalize(arg[i]);
- matrix = new m.Matrix2D();
- matrix.xx = l.xx * r.xx + l.xy * r.yx;
- matrix.xy = l.xx * r.xy + l.xy * r.yy;
- matrix.yx = l.yx * r.xx + l.yy * r.yx;
- matrix.yy = l.yx * r.xy + l.yy * r.yy;
- matrix.dx = l.xx * r.dx + l.xy * r.dy + l.dx;
- matrix.dy = l.yx * r.dx + l.yy * r.dy + l.dy;
- }
- dojo.mixin(this, matrix);
- }
- }else{
- dojo.mixin(this, arg);
- }
- }
- };
- // the default (identity) matrix, which is used to fill in missing values
- dojo.extend(m.Matrix2D, {xx: 1, xy: 0, yx: 0, yy: 1, dx: 0, dy: 0});
- dojo.mixin(m, {
- // summary: class constants, and methods of dojox.gfx.matrix
- // matrix constants
- // identity: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- // an identity matrix constant: identity * (x, y) == (x, y)
- identity: new m.Matrix2D(),
- // flipX: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- // a matrix, which reflects points at x = 0 line: flipX * (x, y) == (-x, y)
- flipX: new m.Matrix2D({xx: -1}),
- // flipY: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- // a matrix, which reflects points at y = 0 line: flipY * (x, y) == (x, -y)
- flipY: new m.Matrix2D({yy: -1}),
- // flipXY: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- // a matrix, which reflects points at the origin of coordinates: flipXY * (x, y) == (-x, -y)
- flipXY: new m.Matrix2D({xx: -1, yy: -1}),
- // matrix creators
- translate: function(a, b){
- // summary: forms a translation matrix
- // description: The resulting matrix is used to translate (move) points by specified offsets.
- // a: Number: an x coordinate value
- // b: Number: a y coordinate value
- if(arguments.length > 1){
- return new m.Matrix2D({dx: a, dy: b}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- }
- // branch
- // a: dojox.gfx.Point: a point-like object, which specifies offsets for both dimensions
- // b: null
- return new m.Matrix2D({dx: a.x, dy: a.y}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- scale: function(a, b){
- // summary: forms a scaling matrix
- // description: The resulting matrix is used to scale (magnify) points by specified offsets.
- // a: Number: a scaling factor used for the x coordinate
- // b: Number: a scaling factor used for the y coordinate
- if(arguments.length > 1){
- return new m.Matrix2D({xx: a, yy: b}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- }
- if(typeof a == "number"){
- // branch
- // a: Number: a uniform scaling factor used for the both coordinates
- // b: null
- return new m.Matrix2D({xx: a, yy: a}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- }
- // branch
- // a: dojox.gfx.Point: a point-like object, which specifies scale factors for both dimensions
- // b: null
- return new m.Matrix2D({xx: a.x, yy: a.y}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- rotate: function(angle){
- // summary: forms a rotating matrix
- // description: The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
- // around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified angle.
- // angle: Number: an angle of rotation in radians (>0 for CW)
- var c = Math.cos(angle);
- var s = Math.sin(angle);
- return new m.Matrix2D({xx: c, xy: -s, yx: s, yy: c}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- rotateg: function(degree){
- // summary: forms a rotating matrix
- // description: The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
- // around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified degree.
- // See dojox.gfx.matrix.rotate() for comparison.
- // degree: Number: an angle of rotation in degrees (>0 for CW)
- return m.rotate(m._degToRad(degree)); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- skewX: function(angle) {
- // summary: forms an x skewing matrix
- // description: The resulting matrix is used to skew points in the x dimension
- // around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified angle.
- // angle: Number: an skewing angle in radians
- return new m.Matrix2D({xy: -Math.tan(angle)}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- skewXg: function(degree){
- // summary: forms an x skewing matrix
- // description: The resulting matrix is used to skew points in the x dimension
- // around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified degree.
- // See dojox.gfx.matrix.skewX() for comparison.
- // degree: Number: an skewing angle in degrees
- return m.skewX(m._degToRad(degree)); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- skewY: function(angle){
- // summary: forms a y skewing matrix
- // description: The resulting matrix is used to skew points in the y dimension
- // around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified angle.
- // angle: Number: an skewing angle in radians
- return new m.Matrix2D({yx: Math.tan(angle)}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- skewYg: function(degree){
- // summary: forms a y skewing matrix
- // description: The resulting matrix is used to skew points in the y dimension
- // around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified degree.
- // See dojox.gfx.matrix.skewY() for comparison.
- // degree: Number: an skewing angle in degrees
- return m.skewY(m._degToRad(degree)); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- reflect: function(a, b){
- // summary: forms a reflection matrix
- // description: The resulting matrix is used to reflect points around a vector,
- // which goes through the origin.
- // a: dojox.gfx.Point: a point-like object, which specifies a vector of reflection
- // b: null
- if(arguments.length == 1){
- b = a.y;
- a = a.x;
- }
- // branch
- // a: Number: an x coordinate value
- // b: Number: a y coordinate value
- // make a unit vector
- var a2 = a * a, b2 = b * b, n2 = a2 + b2, xy = 2 * a * b / n2;
- return new m.Matrix2D({xx: 2 * a2 / n2 - 1, xy: xy, yx: xy, yy: 2 * b2 / n2 - 1}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- project: function(a, b){
- // summary: forms an orthogonal projection matrix
- // description: The resulting matrix is used to project points orthogonally on a vector,
- // which goes through the origin.
- // a: dojox.gfx.Point: a point-like object, which specifies a vector of projection
- // b: null
- if(arguments.length == 1){
- b = a.y;
- a = a.x;
- }
- // branch
- // a: Number: an x coordinate value
- // b: Number: a y coordinate value
- // make a unit vector
- var a2 = a * a, b2 = b * b, n2 = a2 + b2, xy = a * b / n2;
- return new m.Matrix2D({xx: a2 / n2, xy: xy, yx: xy, yy: b2 / n2}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- // ensure matrix 2D conformance
- normalize: function(matrix){
- // summary: converts an object to a matrix, if necessary
- // description: Converts any 2D matrix-like object or an array of
- // such objects to a valid dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D object.
- // matrix: Object: an object, which is converted to a matrix, if necessary
- return (matrix instanceof m.Matrix2D) ? matrix : new m.Matrix2D(matrix); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- // common operations
- clone: function(matrix){
- // summary: creates a copy of a 2D matrix
- // matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D: a 2D matrix-like object to be cloned
- var obj = new m.Matrix2D();
- for(var i in matrix){
- if(typeof(matrix[i]) == "number" && typeof(obj[i]) == "number" && obj[i] != matrix[i]) obj[i] = matrix[i];
- }
- return obj; // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- invert: function(matrix){
- // summary: inverts a 2D matrix
- // matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D: a 2D matrix-like object to be inverted
- var M = m.normalize(matrix),
- D = M.xx * M.yy - M.xy * M.yx,
- M = new m.Matrix2D({
- xx: M.yy/D, xy: -M.xy/D,
- yx: -M.yx/D, yy: M.xx/D,
- dx: (M.xy * M.dy - M.yy * M.dx) / D,
- dy: (M.yx * M.dx - M.xx * M.dy) / D
- });
- return M; // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- _multiplyPoint: function(matrix, x, y){
- // summary: applies a matrix to a point
- // matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D: a 2D matrix object to be applied
- // x: Number: an x coordinate of a point
- // y: Number: a y coordinate of a point
- return {x: matrix.xx * x + matrix.xy * y + matrix.dx, y: matrix.yx * x + matrix.yy * y + matrix.dy}; // dojox.gfx.Point
- },
- multiplyPoint: function(matrix, /* Number||Point */ a, /* Number, optional */ b){
- // summary: applies a matrix to a point
- // matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D: a 2D matrix object to be applied
- // a: Number: an x coordinate of a point
- // b: Number: a y coordinate of a point
- var M = m.normalize(matrix);
- if(typeof a == "number" && typeof b == "number"){
- return m._multiplyPoint(M, a, b); // dojox.gfx.Point
- }
- // branch
- // matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D: a 2D matrix object to be applied
- // a: dojox.gfx.Point: a point
- // b: null
- return m._multiplyPoint(M, a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.Point
- },
- multiply: function(matrix){
- // summary: combines matrices by multiplying them sequentially in the given order
- // matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D...: a 2D matrix-like object,
- // all subsequent arguments are matrix-like objects too
- var M = m.normalize(matrix);
- // combine matrices
- for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i){
- var l = M, r = m.normalize(arguments[i]);
- M = new m.Matrix2D();
- M.xx = l.xx * r.xx + l.xy * r.yx;
- M.xy = l.xx * r.xy + l.xy * r.yy;
- M.yx = l.yx * r.xx + l.yy * r.yx;
- M.yy = l.yx * r.xy + l.yy * r.yy;
- M.dx = l.xx * r.dx + l.xy * r.dy + l.dx;
- M.dy = l.yx * r.dx + l.yy * r.dy + l.dy;
- }
- return M; // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- // high level operations
- _sandwich: function(matrix, x, y){
- // summary: applies a matrix at a centrtal point
- // matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D: a 2D matrix-like object, which is applied at a central point
- // x: Number: an x component of the central point
- // y: Number: a y component of the central point
- return m.multiply(m.translate(x, y), matrix, m.translate(-x, -y)); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- scaleAt: function(a, b, c, d){
- // summary: scales a picture using a specified point as a center of scaling
- // description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.scale().
- // a: Number: a scaling factor used for the x coordinate
- // b: Number: a scaling factor used for the y coordinate
- // c: Number: an x component of a central point
- // d: Number: a y component of a central point
- // accepts several signatures:
- // 1) uniform scale factor, Point
- // 2) uniform scale factor, x, y
- // 3) x scale, y scale, Point
- // 4) x scale, y scale, x, y
- switch(arguments.length){
- case 4:
- // a and b are scale factor components, c and d are components of a point
- return m._sandwich(m.scale(a, b), c, d); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- case 3:
- if(typeof c == "number"){
- // branch
- // a: Number: a uniform scaling factor used for both coordinates
- // b: Number: an x component of a central point
- // c: Number: a y component of a central point
- // d: null
- return m._sandwich(m.scale(a), b, c); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- }
- // branch
- // a: Number: a scaling factor used for the x coordinate
- // b: Number: a scaling factor used for the y coordinate
- // c: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
- // d: null
- return m._sandwich(m.scale(a, b), c.x, c.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- }
- // branch
- // a: Number: a uniform scaling factor used for both coordinates
- // b: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
- // c: null
- // d: null
- return m._sandwich(m.scale(a), b.x, b.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- rotateAt: function(angle, a, b){
- // summary: rotates a picture using a specified point as a center of rotation
- // description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.rotate().
- // angle: Number: an angle of rotation in radians (>0 for CW)
- // a: Number: an x component of a central point
- // b: Number: a y component of a central point
- // accepts several signatures:
- // 1) rotation angle in radians, Point
- // 2) rotation angle in radians, x, y
- if(arguments.length > 2){
- return m._sandwich(m.rotate(angle), a, b); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- }
- // branch
- // angle: Number: an angle of rotation in radians (>0 for CCW)
- // a: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
- // b: null
- return m._sandwich(m.rotate(angle), a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- rotategAt: function(degree, a, b){
- // summary: rotates a picture using a specified point as a center of rotation
- // description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.rotateg().
- // degree: Number: an angle of rotation in degrees (>0 for CW)
- // a: Number: an x component of a central point
- // b: Number: a y component of a central point
- // accepts several signatures:
- // 1) rotation angle in degrees, Point
- // 2) rotation angle in degrees, x, y
- if(arguments.length > 2){
- return m._sandwich(m.rotateg(degree), a, b); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- }
- // branch
- // degree: Number: an angle of rotation in degrees (>0 for CCW)
- // a: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
- // b: null
- return m._sandwich(m.rotateg(degree), a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- skewXAt: function(angle, a, b){
- // summary: skews a picture along the x axis using a specified point as a center of skewing
- // description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.skewX().
- // angle: Number: an skewing angle in radians
- // a: Number: an x component of a central point
- // b: Number: a y component of a central point
- // accepts several signatures:
- // 1) skew angle in radians, Point
- // 2) skew angle in radians, x, y
- if(arguments.length > 2){
- return m._sandwich(m.skewX(angle), a, b); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- }
- // branch
- // angle: Number: an skewing angle in radians
- // a: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
- // b: null
- return m._sandwich(m.skewX(angle), a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- skewXgAt: function(degree, a, b){
- // summary: skews a picture along the x axis using a specified point as a center of skewing
- // description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.skewXg().
- // degree: Number: an skewing angle in degrees
- // a: Number: an x component of a central point
- // b: Number: a y component of a central point
- // accepts several signatures:
- // 1) skew angle in degrees, Point
- // 2) skew angle in degrees, x, y
- if(arguments.length > 2){
- return m._sandwich(m.skewXg(degree), a, b); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- }
- // branch
- // degree: Number: an skewing angle in degrees
- // a: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
- // b: null
- return m._sandwich(m.skewXg(degree), a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- skewYAt: function(angle, a, b){
- // summary: skews a picture along the y axis using a specified point as a center of skewing
- // description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.skewY().
- // angle: Number: an skewing angle in radians
- // a: Number: an x component of a central point
- // b: Number: a y component of a central point
- // accepts several signatures:
- // 1) skew angle in radians, Point
- // 2) skew angle in radians, x, y
- if(arguments.length > 2){
- return m._sandwich(m.skewY(angle), a, b); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- }
- // branch
- // angle: Number: an skewing angle in radians
- // a: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
- // b: null
- return m._sandwich(m.skewY(angle), a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- },
- skewYgAt: function(/* Number */ degree, /* Number||Point */ a, /* Number, optional */ b){
- // summary: skews a picture along the y axis using a specified point as a center of skewing
- // description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.skewYg().
- // degree: Number: an skewing angle in degrees
- // a: Number: an x component of a central point
- // b: Number: a y component of a central point
- // accepts several signatures:
- // 1) skew angle in degrees, Point
- // 2) skew angle in degrees, x, y
- if(arguments.length > 2){
- return m._sandwich(m.skewYg(degree), a, b); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- }
- // branch
- // degree: Number: an skewing angle in degrees
- // a: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
- // b: null
- return m._sandwich(m.skewYg(degree), a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
- }
- //TODO: rect-to-rect mapping, scale-to-fit (isotropic and anisotropic versions)
- });
-// propagate Matrix2D up
-dojox.gfx.Matrix2D = dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D;