path: root/includes/js/dojox/data/CsvStore.js
diff options
authormensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
committermensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
commite44a7e37b6c7b5961adaffc62b9042b8d442938e (patch)
tree95b67c356e93163467db2451f2b8cce84ed5d582 /includes/js/dojox/data/CsvStore.js
parenta62b9742ee5e28bcec6872d88f50f25b820914f6 (diff)
New feature: basic Ajax suggestion for tags and implementation of Dojo toolkit
git-svn-id: b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dojox/data/CsvStore.js')
1 files changed, 561 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dojox/data/CsvStore.js b/includes/js/dojox/data/CsvStore.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87f7466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dojox/data/CsvStore.js
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource[""] = true;
+dojo.declare("", null, {
+ // summary:
+ // The CsvStore implements the API and reads
+ // data from files in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.
+ // All values are simple string values. References to other items
+ // are not supported as attribute values in this datastore.
+ //
+ // Example data file:
+ // name, color, age, tagline
+ // Kermit, green, 12, "Hi, I'm Kermit the Frog."
+ // Fozzie Bear, orange, 10, "Wakka Wakka Wakka!"
+ // Miss Piggy, pink, 11, "Kermie!"
+ //
+ // Note that values containing a comma must be enclosed with quotes ("")
+ // Also note that values containing quotes must be escaped with two consecutive quotes (""quoted"")
+ /* examples:
+ * var csvStore = new{url:"movies.csv");
+ * var csvStore = new{url:"");
+ */
+ constructor: function(/* Object */ keywordParameters){
+ // summary: initializer
+ // keywordParameters: {url: String}
+ // keywordParameters: {data: String}
+ // keywordParameters: {label: String} The column label for the column to use for the label returned by getLabel.
+ this._attributes = []; // e.g. ["Title", "Year", "Producer"]
+ this._attributeIndexes = {}; // e.g. {Title: 0, Year: 1, Producer: 2}
+ this._dataArray = []; // e.g. [[<Item0>],[<Item1>],[<Item2>]]
+ this._arrayOfAllItems = []; // e.g. [{_csvId:0,_csvStore:store},...]
+ this._loadFinished = false;
+ if(keywordParameters.url){
+ this.url = keywordParameters.url;
+ }
+ this._csvData =;
+ if(keywordParameters.label){
+ this.label = keywordParameters.label;
+ }else if(this.label === ""){
+ this.label = undefined;
+ }
+ this._storeProp = "_csvStore"; // Property name for the store reference on every item.
+ this._idProp = "_csvId"; // Property name for the Item Id on every item.
+ this._features = {
+ '': true,
+ '': true
+ };
+ this._loadInProgress = false; //Got to track the initial load to prevent duelling loads of the dataset.
+ this._queuedFetches = [];
+ },
+ url: "", //Declarative hook for setting Csv source url.
+ label: "", //Declarative hook for setting the label attribute.
+ _assertIsItem: function(/* item */ item){
+ // summary:
+ // This function tests whether the item passed in is indeed an item in the store.
+ // item:
+ // The item to test for being contained by the store.
+ if(!this.isItem(item)){
+ throw new Error(" a function was passed an item argument that was not an item");
+ }
+ },
+ _assertIsAttribute: function(/* item || String */ attribute){
+ // summary:
+ // This function tests whether the item passed in is indeed a valid 'attribute' like type for the store.
+ // attribute:
+ // The attribute to test for being contained by the store.
+ if(!dojo.isString(attribute)){
+ throw new Error(" a function was passed an attribute argument that was not an attribute object nor an attribute name string");
+ }
+ },
+ getValue: function( /* item */ item,
+ /* attribute || attribute-name-string */ attribute,
+ /* value? */ defaultValue){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ // Note that for the CsvStore, an empty string value is the same as no value,
+ // so the defaultValue would be returned instead of an empty string.
+ this._assertIsItem(item);
+ this._assertIsAttribute(attribute);
+ var itemValue = defaultValue;
+ if(this.hasAttribute(item, attribute)){
+ var itemData = this._dataArray[this.getIdentity(item)];
+ itemValue = itemData[this._attributeIndexes[attribute]];
+ }
+ return itemValue; //String
+ },
+ getValues: function(/* item */ item,
+ /* attribute || attribute-name-string */ attribute){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ // CSV syntax does not support multi-valued attributes, so this is just a
+ // wrapper function for getValue().
+ var value = this.getValue(item, attribute);
+ return (value ? [value] : []); //Array
+ },
+ getAttributes: function(/* item */ item){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ this._assertIsItem(item);
+ var attributes = [];
+ var itemData = this._dataArray[this.getIdentity(item)];
+ for(var i=0; i<itemData.length; i++){
+ // Check for empty string values. CsvStore treats empty strings as no value.
+ if(itemData[i] != ""){
+ attributes.push(this._attributes[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return attributes; //Array
+ },
+ hasAttribute: function( /* item */ item,
+ /* attribute || attribute-name-string */ attribute){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ // The hasAttribute test is true if attribute has an index number within the item's array length
+ // AND if the item has a value for that attribute. Note that for the CsvStore, an
+ // empty string value is the same as no value.
+ this._assertIsItem(item);
+ this._assertIsAttribute(attribute);
+ var attributeIndex = this._attributeIndexes[attribute];
+ var itemData = this._dataArray[this.getIdentity(item)];
+ return (typeof attributeIndex != "undefined" && attributeIndex < itemData.length && itemData[attributeIndex] != ""); //Boolean
+ },
+ containsValue: function(/* item */ item,
+ /* attribute || attribute-name-string */ attribute,
+ /* anything */ value){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ var regexp = undefined;
+ if(typeof value === "string"){
+ regexp =, false);
+ }
+ return this._containsValue(item, attribute, value, regexp); //boolean.
+ },
+ _containsValue: function( /* item */ item,
+ /* attribute || attribute-name-string */ attribute,
+ /* anything */ value,
+ /* RegExp?*/ regexp){
+ // summary:
+ // Internal function for looking at the values contained by the item.
+ // description:
+ // Internal function for looking at the values contained by the item. This
+ // function allows for denoting if the comparison should be case sensitive for
+ // strings or not (for handling filtering cases where string case should not matter)
+ //
+ // item:
+ // The data item to examine for attribute values.
+ // attribute:
+ // The attribute to inspect.
+ // value:
+ // The value to match.
+ // regexp:
+ // Optional regular expression generated off value if value was of string type to handle wildcarding.
+ // If present and attribute values are string, then it can be used for comparison instead of 'value'
+ var values = this.getValues(item, attribute);
+ for(var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i){
+ var possibleValue = values[i];
+ if(typeof possibleValue === "string" && regexp){
+ return (possibleValue.match(regexp) !== null);
+ }else{
+ //Non-string matching.
+ if(value === possibleValue){
+ return true; // Boolean
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false; // Boolean
+ },
+ isItem: function(/* anything */ something){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ if(something && something[this._storeProp] === this){
+ var identity = something[this._idProp];
+ if(identity >= 0 && identity < this._dataArray.length){
+ return true; //Boolean
+ }
+ }
+ return false; //Boolean
+ },
+ isItemLoaded: function(/* anything */ something){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ // The CsvStore always loads all items, so if it's an item, then it's loaded.
+ return this.isItem(something); //Boolean
+ },
+ loadItem: function(/* item */ item){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ // description:
+ // The CsvStore always loads all items, so if it's an item, then it's loaded.
+ // From the docs:
+ // If a call to isItemLoaded() returns true before loadItem() is even called,
+ // then loadItem() need not do any work at all and will not even invoke
+ // the callback handlers.
+ },
+ getFeatures: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ return this._features; //Object
+ },
+ getLabel: function(/* item */ item){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ if(this.label && this.isItem(item)){
+ return this.getValue(item,this.label); //String
+ }
+ return undefined; //undefined
+ },
+ getLabelAttributes: function(/* item */ item){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ if(this.label){
+ return [this.label]; //array
+ }
+ return null; //null
+ },
+ // The function is implemented as
+ // a mixin from
+ // That mixin requires us to define _fetchItems().
+ _fetchItems: function( /* Object */ keywordArgs,
+ /* Function */ findCallback,
+ /* Function */ errorCallback){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ var self = this;
+ var filter = function(requestArgs, arrayOfAllItems){
+ var items = null;
+ if(requestArgs.query){
+ items = [];
+ var ignoreCase = requestArgs.queryOptions ? requestArgs.queryOptions.ignoreCase : false;
+ //See if there are any string values that can be regexp parsed first to avoid multiple regexp gens on the
+ //same value for each item examined. Much more efficient.
+ var regexpList = {};
+ for(var key in requestArgs.query){
+ var value = requestArgs.query[key];
+ if(typeof value === "string"){
+ regexpList[key] =, ignoreCase);
+ }
+ }
+ for(var i = 0; i < arrayOfAllItems.length; ++i){
+ var match = true;
+ var candidateItem = arrayOfAllItems[i];
+ for(var key in requestArgs.query){
+ var value = requestArgs.query[key];
+ if(!self._containsValue(candidateItem, key, value, regexpList[key])){
+ match = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(match){
+ items.push(candidateItem);
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ // We want a copy to pass back in case the parent wishes to sort the array. We shouldn't allow resort
+ // of the internal list so that multiple callers can get lists and sort without affecting each other.
+ if(arrayOfAllItems.length> 0){
+ items = arrayOfAllItems.slice(0,arrayOfAllItems.length);
+ }
+ }
+ findCallback(items, requestArgs);
+ };
+ if(this._loadFinished){
+ filter(keywordArgs, this._arrayOfAllItems);
+ }else{
+ if(this.url !== ""){
+ //If fetches come in before the loading has finished, but while
+ //a load is in progress, we have to defer the fetching to be
+ //invoked in the callback.
+ if(this._loadInProgress){
+ this._queuedFetches.push({args: keywordArgs, filter: filter});
+ }else{
+ this._loadInProgress = true;
+ var getArgs = {
+ url: self.url,
+ handleAs: "text"
+ };
+ var getHandler = dojo.xhrGet(getArgs);
+ getHandler.addCallback(function(data){
+ self._processData(data);
+ filter(keywordArgs, self._arrayOfAllItems);
+ self._handleQueuedFetches();
+ });
+ getHandler.addErrback(function(error){
+ self._loadInProgress = false;
+ if(errorCallback){
+ errorCallback(error, keywordArgs);
+ }else{
+ throw error;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }else if(this._csvData){
+ this._processData(this._csvData);
+ this._csvData = null;
+ filter(keywordArgs, this._arrayOfAllItems);
+ }else{
+ var error = new Error(" No CSV source data was provided as either URL or String data input.");
+ if(errorCallback){
+ errorCallback(error, keywordArgs);
+ }else{
+ throw error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ close: function(/* || keywordArgs || null */ request){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ },
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Private methods
+ _getArrayOfArraysFromCsvFileContents: function(/* string */ csvFileContents){
+ /* summary:
+ * Parses a string of CSV records into a nested array structure.
+ * description:
+ * Given a string containing CSV records, this method parses
+ * the string and returns a data structure containing the parsed
+ * content. The data structure we return is an array of length
+ * R, where R is the number of rows (lines) in the CSV data. The
+ * return array contains one sub-array for each CSV line, and each
+ * sub-array contains C string values, where C is the number of
+ * columns in the CSV data.
+ */
+ /* example:
+ * For example, given this CSV string as input:
+ * "Title, Year, Producer \n Alien, 1979, Ridley Scott \n Blade Runner, 1982, Ridley Scott"
+ * this._dataArray will be set to:
+ * [["Alien", "1979", "Ridley Scott"],
+ * ["Blade Runner", "1982", "Ridley Scott"]]
+ * And this._attributes will be set to:
+ * ["Title", "Year", "Producer"]
+ * And this._attributeIndexes will be set to:
+ * { "Title":0, "Year":1, "Producer":2 }
+ */
+ if(dojo.isString(csvFileContents)){
+ var lineEndingCharacters = new RegExp("\r\n|\n|\r");
+ var leadingWhiteSpaceCharacters = new RegExp("^\\s+",'g');
+ var trailingWhiteSpaceCharacters = new RegExp("\\s+$",'g');
+ var doubleQuotes = new RegExp('""','g');
+ var arrayOfOutputRecords = [];
+ var arrayOfInputLines = csvFileContents.split(lineEndingCharacters);
+ for(var i = 0; i < arrayOfInputLines.length; ++i){
+ var singleLine = arrayOfInputLines[i];
+ if(singleLine.length > 0){
+ var listOfFields = singleLine.split(',');
+ var j = 0;
+ while(j < listOfFields.length){
+ var space_field_space = listOfFields[j];
+ var field_space = space_field_space.replace(leadingWhiteSpaceCharacters, ''); // trim leading whitespace
+ var field = field_space.replace(trailingWhiteSpaceCharacters, ''); // trim trailing whitespace
+ var firstChar = field.charAt(0);
+ var lastChar = field.charAt(field.length - 1);
+ var secondToLastChar = field.charAt(field.length - 2);
+ var thirdToLastChar = field.charAt(field.length - 3);
+ if(field.length === 2 && field == "\"\""){
+ listOfFields[j] = ""; //Special case empty string field.
+ }else if((firstChar == '"') &&
+ ((lastChar != '"') ||
+ ((lastChar == '"') && (secondToLastChar == '"') && (thirdToLastChar != '"')))){
+ if(j+1 === listOfFields.length){
+ // alert("The last field in record " + i + " is corrupted:\n" + field);
+ return null; //null
+ }
+ var nextField = listOfFields[j+1];
+ listOfFields[j] = field_space + ',' + nextField;
+ listOfFields.splice(j+1, 1); // delete element [j+1] from the list
+ }else{
+ if((firstChar == '"') && (lastChar == '"')){
+ field = field.slice(1, (field.length - 1)); // trim the " characters off the ends
+ field = field.replace(doubleQuotes, '"'); // replace "" with "
+ }
+ listOfFields[j] = field;
+ j += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ arrayOfOutputRecords.push(listOfFields);
+ }
+ }
+ // The first item of the array must be the header row with attribute names.
+ this._attributes = arrayOfOutputRecords.shift();
+ for(var i=0; i<this._attributes.length; i++){
+ // Store the index of each attribute
+ this._attributeIndexes[this._attributes[i]] = i;
+ }
+ this._dataArray = arrayOfOutputRecords; //Array
+ }
+ },
+ _processData: function(/* String */ data){
+ this._getArrayOfArraysFromCsvFileContents(data);
+ this._arrayOfAllItems = [];
+ for(var i=0; i<this._dataArray.length; i++){
+ this._arrayOfAllItems.push(this._createItemFromIdentity(i));
+ }
+ this._loadFinished = true;
+ this._loadInProgress = false;
+ },
+ _createItemFromIdentity: function(/* String */ identity){
+ var item = {};
+ item[this._storeProp] = this;
+ item[this._idProp] = identity;
+ return item; //Object
+ },
+ getIdentity: function(/* item */ item){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ if(this.isItem(item)){
+ return item[this._idProp]; //String
+ }
+ return null; //null
+ },
+ fetchItemByIdentity: function(/* Object */ keywordArgs){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ //Hasn't loaded yet, we have to trigger the load.
+ if(!this._loadFinished){
+ var self = this;
+ if(this.url !== ""){
+ //If fetches come in before the loading has finished, but while
+ //a load is in progress, we have to defer the fetching to be
+ //invoked in the callback.
+ if(this._loadInProgress){
+ this._queuedFetches.push({args: keywordArgs});
+ }else{
+ this._loadInProgress = true;
+ var getArgs = {
+ url: self.url,
+ handleAs: "text"
+ };
+ var getHandler = dojo.xhrGet(getArgs);
+ getHandler.addCallback(function(data){
+ var scope = keywordArgs.scope?;
+ try{
+ self._processData(data);
+ var item = self._createItemFromIdentity(keywordArgs.identity);
+ if(!self.isItem(item)){
+ item = null;
+ }
+ if(keywordArgs.onItem){
+, item);
+ }
+ self._handleQueuedFetches();
+ }catch(error){
+ if(keywordArgs.onError){
+, error);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ getHandler.addErrback(function(error){
+ this._loadInProgress = false;
+ if(keywordArgs.onError){
+ var scope = keywordArgs.scope?;
+, error);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }else if(this._csvData){
+ self._processData(self._csvData);
+ self._csvData = null;
+ var item = self._createItemFromIdentity(keywordArgs.identity);
+ if(!self.isItem(item)){
+ item = null;
+ }
+ if(keywordArgs.onItem){
+ var scope = keywordArgs.scope?;
+, item);
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ //Already loaded. We can just look it up and call back.
+ var item = this._createItemFromIdentity(keywordArgs.identity);
+ if(!this.isItem(item)){
+ item = null;
+ }
+ if(keywordArgs.onItem){
+ var scope = keywordArgs.scope?;
+, item);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getIdentityAttributes: function(/* item */ item){
+ // summary:
+ // See
+ //Identity isn't a public attribute in the item, it's the row position index.
+ //So, return null.
+ return null;
+ },
+ _handleQueuedFetches: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Internal function to execute delayed request in the store.
+ //Execute any deferred fetches now.
+ if (this._queuedFetches.length > 0) {
+ for(var i = 0; i < this._queuedFetches.length; i++){
+ var fData = this._queuedFetches[i];
+ var delayedFilter = fData.filter;
+ var delayedQuery = fData.args;
+ if(delayedFilter){
+ delayedFilter(delayedQuery, this._arrayOfAllItems);
+ }else{
+ this.fetchItemByIdentity(fData.args);
+ }
+ }
+ this._queuedFetches = [];
+ }
+ }
+//Mix in the simple fetch implementation to this class.