path: root/includes/js/dijit/form/ValidationTextBox.js
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authormensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
committermensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
commite44a7e37b6c7b5961adaffc62b9042b8d442938e (patch)
tree95b67c356e93163467db2451f2b8cce84ed5d582 /includes/js/dijit/form/ValidationTextBox.js
parenta62b9742ee5e28bcec6872d88f50f25b820914f6 (diff)
New feature: basic Ajax suggestion for tags and implementation of Dojo toolkit
git-svn-id: https://semanticscuttle.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/semanticscuttle/trunk@151 b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dijit/form/ValidationTextBox.js')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/form/ValidationTextBox.js b/includes/js/dijit/form/ValidationTextBox.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f354d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/form/ValidationTextBox.js
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"] = true;
+dojo.requireLocalization("dijit.form", "validate", null, "zh,pt,da,tr,ru,de,sv,ja,he,fi,nb,el,ar,pt-pt,ROOT,cs,fr,es,ko,nl,zh-tw,pl,it,hu");
+ dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.__Constraints = function(){
+ // locale: String
+ // locale used for validation, picks up value from this widget's lang attribute
+ // _flags_: anything
+ // various flags passed to regExpGen function
+ this.locale = "";
+ this._flags_ = "";
+ }
+ "dijit.form.ValidationTextBox",
+ dijit.form.TextBox,
+ {
+ // summary:
+ // A TextBox subclass with the ability to validate content of various types and provide user feedback.
+ templateString:"<div class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitInlineTable dijitLeft\"\n\tid=\"widget_${id}\"\n\tdojoAttachEvent=\"onmouseenter:_onMouse,onmouseleave:_onMouse,onmousedown:_onMouse\" waiRole=\"presentation\"\n\t><div style=\"overflow:hidden;\"\n\t\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitValidationIcon\"><br></div\n\t\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitValidationIconText\">&Chi;</div\n\t\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField\"\n\t\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset\" dojoAttachPoint='textbox,focusNode' dojoAttachEvent='onfocus:_update,onkeyup:_onkeyup,onblur:_onMouse,onkeypress:_onKeyPress' autocomplete=\"off\"\n\t\t\ttype='${type}' name='${name}'\n\t\t/></div\n\t></div\n></div>\n",
+ baseClass: "dijitTextBox",
+ // default values for new subclass properties
+ // required: Boolean
+ // Can be true or false, default is false.
+ required: false,
+ // promptMessage: String
+ // Hint string
+ promptMessage: "",
+ // invalidMessage: String
+ // The message to display if value is invalid.
+ invalidMessage: "$_unset_$", // read from the message file if not overridden
+ // constraints: dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.__Constraints
+ // user-defined object needed to pass parameters to the validator functions
+ constraints: {},
+ // regExp: String
+ // regular expression string used to validate the input
+ // Do not specify both regExp and regExpGen
+ regExp: ".*",
+ // regExpGen: Function
+ // user replaceable function used to generate regExp when dependent on constraints
+ // Do not specify both regExp and regExpGen
+ regExpGen: function(/*dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.__Constraints*/constraints){ return this.regExp; },
+ // state: String
+ // Shows current state (ie, validation result) of input (Normal, Warning, or Error)
+ state: "",
+ // tooltipPosition: String[]
+ // See description of dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition for details on this parameter.
+ tooltipPosition: [],
+ setValue: function(){
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ this.validate(this._focused);
+ },
+ validator: function(/*anything*/value, /*dijit.form.ValidationTextBox.__Constraints*/constraints){
+ // summary: user replaceable function used to validate the text input against the regular expression.
+ return (new RegExp("^(" + this.regExpGen(constraints) + ")"+(this.required?"":"?")+"$")).test(value) &&
+ (!this.required || !this._isEmpty(value)) &&
+ (this._isEmpty(value) || this.parse(value, constraints) !== undefined); // Boolean
+ },
+ isValid: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
+ // summary: Need to over-ride with your own validation code in subclasses
+ return this.validator(this.textbox.value, this.constraints);
+ },
+ _isEmpty: function(value){
+ // summary: Checks for whitespace
+ return /^\s*$/.test(value); // Boolean
+ },
+ getErrorMessage: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
+ // summary: return an error message to show if appropriate
+ return this.invalidMessage; // String
+ },
+ getPromptMessage: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
+ // summary: return a hint to show if appropriate
+ return this.promptMessage; // String
+ },
+ validate: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
+ // summary:
+ // Called by oninit, onblur, and onkeypress.
+ // description:
+ // Show missing or invalid messages if appropriate, and highlight textbox field.
+ var message = "";
+ var isValid = this.isValid(isFocused);
+ var isEmpty = this._isEmpty(this.textbox.value);
+ this.state = (isValid || (!this._hasBeenBlurred && isEmpty)) ? "" : "Error";
+ this._setStateClass();
+ dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode, "invalid", isValid ? "false" : "true");
+ if(isFocused){
+ if(isEmpty){
+ message = this.getPromptMessage(true);
+ }
+ if(!message && this.state == "Error"){
+ message = this.getErrorMessage(true);
+ }
+ }
+ this.displayMessage(message);
+ return isValid;
+ },
+ // currently displayed message
+ _message: "",
+ displayMessage: function(/*String*/ message){
+ // summary:
+ // User overridable method to display validation errors/hints.
+ // By default uses a tooltip.
+ if(this._message == message){ return; }
+ this._message = message;
+ dijit.hideTooltip(this.domNode);
+ if(message){
+ dijit.showTooltip(message, this.domNode, this.tooltipPosition);
+ }
+ },
+ _refreshState: function(){
+ this.validate(this._focused);
+ },
+ _update: function(/*Event*/e){
+ this._refreshState();
+ this._onMouse(e); // update CSS classes
+ },
+ _onkeyup: function(/*Event*/e){
+ this._update(e);
+ this.onkeyup(e);
+ },
+ //////////// INITIALIZATION METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////
+ constructor: function(){
+ this.constraints = {};
+ },
+ postMixInProperties: function(){
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ this.constraints.locale = this.lang;
+ this.messages = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dijit.form", "validate", this.lang);
+ if(this.invalidMessage == "$_unset_$"){ this.invalidMessage = this.messages.invalidMessage; }
+ var p = this.regExpGen(this.constraints);
+ this.regExp = p;
+ }
+ }
+ "dijit.form.MappedTextBox",
+ dijit.form.ValidationTextBox,
+ {
+ // summary:
+ // A dijit.form.ValidationTextBox subclass which provides a visible formatted display and a serializable
+ // value in a hidden input field which is actually sent to the server. The visible display may
+ // be locale-dependent and interactive. The value sent to the server is stored in a hidden
+ // input field which uses the `name` attribute declared by the original widget. That value sent
+ // to the serveris defined by the dijit.form.MappedTextBox.serialize method and is typically
+ // locale-neutral.
+ serialize: function(/*anything*/val, /*Object?*/options){
+ // summary: user replaceable function used to convert the getValue() result to a String
+ return val.toString ? val.toString() : ""; // String
+ },
+ toString: function(){
+ // summary: display the widget as a printable string using the widget's value
+ var val = this.filter(this.getValue());
+ return val != null ? (typeof val == "string" ? val : this.serialize(val, this.constraints)) : ""; // String
+ },
+ validate: function(){
+ this.valueNode.value = this.toString();
+ return this.inherited(arguments);
+ },
+ setAttribute: function(/*String*/ attr, /*anything*/ value){
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ switch(attr){
+ case "disabled":
+ if(this.valueNode){
+ this.valueNode.disabled = this.disabled;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ postCreate: function(){
+ var textbox = this.textbox;
+ var valueNode = (this.valueNode = dojo.doc.createElement("input"));
+ valueNode.setAttribute("type", textbox.type);
+ valueNode.setAttribute("value", this.toString());
+ dojo.style(valueNode, "display", "none");
+ valueNode.name = this.textbox.name;
+ valueNode.disabled = this.textbox.disabled;
+ this.textbox.name = this.textbox.name + "_displayed_";
+ this.textbox.removeAttribute("name");
+ dojo.place(valueNode, textbox, "after");
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox.__Constraints = function(){
+ // min: Number
+ // Minimum signed value. Default is -Infinity
+ // max: Number
+ // Maximum signed value. Default is +Infinity
+ this.min = min;
+ this.max = max;
+ }
+ "dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox",
+ dijit.form.MappedTextBox,
+ {
+ // summary:
+ // A dijit.form.MappedTextBox subclass which defines a range of valid values
+ //
+ // constraints: dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox.__Constraints
+ //
+ // rangeMessage: String
+ // The message to display if value is out-of-range
+ /*=====
+ constraints: {},
+ ======*/
+ rangeMessage: "",
+ compare: function(/*anything*/val1, /*anything*/val2){
+ // summary: compare 2 values
+ return val1 - val2; // anything
+ },
+ rangeCheck: function(/*Number*/ primitive, /*dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox.__Constraints*/ constraints){
+ // summary: user replaceable function used to validate the range of the numeric input value
+ var isMin = "min" in constraints;
+ var isMax = "max" in constraints;
+ if(isMin || isMax){
+ return (!isMin || this.compare(primitive,constraints.min) >= 0) &&
+ (!isMax || this.compare(primitive,constraints.max) <= 0);
+ }
+ return true; // Boolean
+ },
+ isInRange: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
+ // summary: Need to over-ride with your own validation code in subclasses
+ return this.rangeCheck(this.getValue(), this.constraints);
+ },
+ isValid: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
+ return this.inherited(arguments) &&
+ ((this._isEmpty(this.textbox.value) && !this.required) || this.isInRange(isFocused)); // Boolean
+ },
+ getErrorMessage: function(/*Boolean*/ isFocused){
+ if(dijit.form.RangeBoundTextBox.superclass.isValid.call(this, false) && !this.isInRange(isFocused)){ return this.rangeMessage; } // String
+ return this.inherited(arguments);
+ },
+ postMixInProperties: function(){
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ if(!this.rangeMessage){
+ this.messages = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dijit.form", "validate", this.lang);
+ this.rangeMessage = this.messages.rangeMessage;
+ }
+ },
+ postCreate: function(){
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ if(this.constraints.min !== undefined){
+ dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode, "valuemin", this.constraints.min);
+ }
+ if(this.constraints.max !== undefined){
+ dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode, "valuemax", this.constraints.max);
+ }
+ },
+ setValue: function(/*Number*/ value, /*Boolean?*/ priorityChange){
+ dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode, "valuenow", value);
+ this.inherited('setValue', arguments);
+ }
+ }