path: root/includes/js/dijit/_editor/RichText.js
diff options
authormensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
committermensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
commite44a7e37b6c7b5961adaffc62b9042b8d442938e (patch)
tree95b67c356e93163467db2451f2b8cce84ed5d582 /includes/js/dijit/_editor/RichText.js
parenta62b9742ee5e28bcec6872d88f50f25b820914f6 (diff)
New feature: basic Ajax suggestion for tags and implementation of Dojo toolkit
git-svn-id: https://semanticscuttle.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/semanticscuttle/trunk@151 b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dijit/_editor/RichText.js')
1 files changed, 1449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/_editor/RichText.js b/includes/js/dijit/_editor/RichText.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ece365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/_editor/RichText.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1449 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._editor.RichText"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit._editor.RichText"] = true;
+dojo.requireLocalization("dijit.form", "Textarea", null, "zh,pt,da,tr,ru,de,ROOT,sv,ja,he,fi,nb,el,ar,pt-pt,cs,fr,es,ko,nl,zh-tw,pl,it,hu");
+// used to restore content when user leaves this page then comes back
+// but do not try doing dojo.doc.write if we are using xd loading.
+// dojo.doc.write will only work if RichText.js is included in the dojo.js
+// file. If it is included in dojo.js and you want to allow rich text saving
+// for back/forward actions, then set dojo.config.allowXdRichTextSave = true.
+if(!dojo.config["useXDomain"] || dojo.config["allowXdRichTextSave"]){
+ if(dojo._postLoad){
+ (function(){
+ var savetextarea = dojo.doc.createElement('textarea');
+ savetextarea.id = dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText.savedContent";
+ var s = savetextarea.style;
+ s.display='none';
+ s.position='absolute';
+ s.top="-100px";
+ s.left="-100px";
+ s.height="3px";
+ s.width="3px";
+ dojo.body().appendChild(savetextarea);
+ })();
+ }else{
+ //dojo.body() is not available before onLoad is fired
+ try{
+ dojo.doc.write('<textarea id="' + dijit._scopeName + '._editor.RichText.savedContent" ' +
+ 'style="display:none;position:absolute;top:-100px;left:-100px;height:3px;width:3px;overflow:hidden;"></textarea>');
+ }catch(e){ }
+ }
+dojo.declare("dijit._editor.RichText", dijit._Widget, {
+ constructor: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // dijit._editor.RichText is the core of the WYSIWYG editor in dojo, which
+ // provides the basic editing features. It also encapsulates the differences
+ // of different js engines for various browsers
+ //
+ // contentPreFilters: Array
+ // pre content filter function register array.
+ // these filters will be executed before the actual
+ // editing area get the html content
+ this.contentPreFilters = [];
+ // contentPostFilters: Array
+ // post content filter function register array.
+ // these will be used on the resulting html
+ // from contentDomPostFilters. The resuling
+ // content is the final html (returned by getValue())
+ this.contentPostFilters = [];
+ // contentDomPreFilters: Array
+ // pre content dom filter function register array.
+ // these filters are applied after the result from
+ // contentPreFilters are set to the editing area
+ this.contentDomPreFilters = [];
+ // contentDomPostFilters: Array
+ // post content dom filter function register array.
+ // these filters are executed on the editing area dom
+ // the result from these will be passed to contentPostFilters
+ this.contentDomPostFilters = [];
+ // editingAreaStyleSheets: Array
+ // array to store all the stylesheets applied to the editing area
+ this.editingAreaStyleSheets=[];
+ this._keyHandlers = {};
+ this.contentPreFilters.push(dojo.hitch(this, "_preFixUrlAttributes"));
+ if(dojo.isMoz){
+ this.contentPreFilters.push(this._fixContentForMoz);
+ this.contentPostFilters.push(this._removeMozBogus);
+ }else if(dojo.isSafari){
+ this.contentPostFilters.push(this._removeSafariBogus);
+ }
+ //this.contentDomPostFilters.push(this._postDomFixUrlAttributes);
+ this.onLoadDeferred = new dojo.Deferred();
+ },
+ // inheritWidth: Boolean
+ // whether to inherit the parent's width or simply use 100%
+ inheritWidth: false,
+ // focusOnLoad: Boolean
+ // whether focusing into this instance of richtext when page onload
+ focusOnLoad: false,
+ // name: String
+ // If a save name is specified the content is saved and restored when the user
+ // leave this page can come back, or if the editor is not properly closed after
+ // editing has started.
+ name: "",
+ // styleSheets: String
+ // semicolon (";") separated list of css files for the editing area
+ styleSheets: "",
+ // _content: String
+ // temporary content storage
+ _content: "",
+ // height: String
+ // set height to fix the editor at a specific height, with scrolling.
+ // By default, this is 300px. If you want to have the editor always
+ // resizes to accommodate the content, use AlwaysShowToolbar plugin
+ // and set height=""
+ height: "300px",
+ // minHeight: String
+ // The minimum height that the editor should have
+ minHeight: "1em",
+ // isClosed: Boolean
+ isClosed: true,
+ // isLoaded: Boolean
+ isLoaded: false,
+ // _SEPARATOR: String
+ // used to concat contents from multiple textareas into a single string
+ _SEPARATOR: "@@**%%__RICHTEXTBOUNDRY__%%**@@",
+ // onLoadDeferred: dojo.Deferred
+ // deferred which is fired when the editor finishes loading
+ onLoadDeferred: null,
+ postCreate: function(){
+ // summary: init
+ dojo.publish(dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText::init", [this]);
+ this.open();
+ this.setupDefaultShortcuts();
+ },
+ setupDefaultShortcuts: function(){
+ // summary: add some default key handlers
+ // description:
+ // Overwrite this to setup your own handlers. The default
+ // implementation does not use Editor commands, but directly
+ // executes the builtin commands within the underlying browser
+ // support.
+ var exec = function(cmd, arg){
+ return arguments.length == 1 ? function(){ this.execCommand(cmd); } :
+ function(){ this.execCommand(cmd, arg); };
+ };
+ var ctrlKeyHandlers = { b: exec("bold"),
+ i: exec("italic"),
+ u: exec("underline"),
+ a: exec("selectall"),
+ s: function(){ this.save(true); },
+ "1": exec("formatblock", "h1"),
+ "2": exec("formatblock", "h2"),
+ "3": exec("formatblock", "h3"),
+ "4": exec("formatblock", "h4"),
+ "\\": exec("insertunorderedlist") };
+ if(!dojo.isIE){
+ ctrlKeyHandlers.Z = exec("redo"); //FIXME: undo?
+ }
+ for(var key in ctrlKeyHandlers){
+ this.addKeyHandler(key, this.KEY_CTRL, ctrlKeyHandlers[key]);
+ }
+ },
+ // events: Array
+ // events which should be connected to the underlying editing area
+ events: ["onKeyPress", "onKeyDown", "onKeyUp", "onClick"],
+ // events: Array
+ // events which should be connected to the underlying editing
+ // area, events in this array will be addListener with
+ // capture=true
+ captureEvents: [],
+ _editorCommandsLocalized: false,
+ _localizeEditorCommands: function(){
+ if(this._editorCommandsLocalized){
+ return;
+ }
+ this._editorCommandsLocalized = true;
+ //in IE, names for blockformat is locale dependent, so we cache the values here
+ //if the normal way fails, we try the hard way to get the list
+ //do not use _cacheLocalBlockFormatNames here, as it will
+ //trigger security warning in IE7
+ //in the array below, ul can not come directly after ol,
+ //otherwise the queryCommandValue returns Normal for it
+ var formats = ['p', 'pre', 'address', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'ol', 'div', 'ul'];
+ var localhtml = "", format, i=0;
+ while((format=formats[i++])){
+ if(format.charAt(1) != 'l'){
+ localhtml += "<"+format+"><span>content</span></"+format+">";
+ }else{
+ localhtml += "<"+format+"><li>content</li></"+format+">";
+ }
+ }
+ //queryCommandValue returns empty if we hide editNode, so move it out of screen temporary
+ var div=dojo.doc.createElement('div');
+ div.style.position = "absolute";
+ div.style.left = "-2000px";
+ div.style.top = "-2000px";
+ dojo.doc.body.appendChild(div);
+ div.innerHTML = localhtml;
+ var node = div.firstChild;
+ while(node){
+ dijit._editor.selection.selectElement(node.firstChild);
+ dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "selectElement", dijit._editor.selection, [node.firstChild]);
+ var nativename = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
+ this._local2NativeFormatNames[nativename] = dojo.doc.queryCommandValue("formatblock");//this.queryCommandValue("formatblock");
+ this._native2LocalFormatNames[this._local2NativeFormatNames[nativename]] = nativename;
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ }
+ dojo.doc.body.removeChild(div);
+ },
+ open: function(/*DomNode?*/element){
+ // summary:
+ // Transforms the node referenced in this.domNode into a rich text editing
+ // node. This will result in the creation and replacement with an <iframe>
+ // if designMode(FF)/contentEditable(IE) is used.
+ if((!this.onLoadDeferred)||(this.onLoadDeferred.fired >= 0)){
+ this.onLoadDeferred = new dojo.Deferred();
+ }
+ if(!this.isClosed){ this.close(); }
+ dojo.publish(dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText::open", [ this ]);
+ this._content = "";
+ if((arguments.length == 1)&&(element["nodeName"])){ this.domNode = element; } // else unchanged
+ var html;
+ if( (this.domNode["nodeName"])&&
+ (this.domNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "textarea")){
+ // if we were created from a textarea, then we need to create a
+ // new editing harness node.
+ this.textarea = this.domNode;
+ this.name=this.textarea.name;
+ html = this._preFilterContent(this.textarea.value);
+ this.domNode = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
+ this.domNode.setAttribute('widgetId',this.id);
+ this.textarea.removeAttribute('widgetId');
+ this.domNode.cssText = this.textarea.cssText;
+ this.domNode.className += " "+this.textarea.className;
+ dojo.place(this.domNode, this.textarea, "before");
+ var tmpFunc = dojo.hitch(this, function(){
+ //some browsers refuse to submit display=none textarea, so
+ //move the textarea out of screen instead
+ dojo.attr(this.textarea, 'tabIndex', '-1');
+ with(this.textarea.style){
+ display = "block";
+ position = "absolute";
+ left = top = "-1000px";
+ if(dojo.isIE){ //nasty IE bug: abnormal formatting if overflow is not hidden
+ this.__overflow = overflow;
+ overflow = "hidden";
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ setTimeout(tmpFunc, 10);
+ }else{
+ tmpFunc();
+ }
+ // this.domNode.innerHTML = html;
+// if(this.textarea.form){
+// // FIXME: port: this used to be before advice!!!
+// dojo.connect(this.textarea.form, "onsubmit", this, function(){
+// // FIXME: should we be calling close() here instead?
+// this.textarea.value = this.getValue();
+// });
+// }
+ }else{
+ html = this._preFilterContent(dijit._editor.getChildrenHtml(this.domNode));
+ this.domNode.innerHTML = '';
+ }
+ if(html == ""){ html = "&nbsp;"; }
+ var content = dojo.contentBox(this.domNode);
+ // var content = dojo.contentBox(this.srcNodeRef);
+ this._oldHeight = content.h;
+ this._oldWidth = content.w;
+ // If we're a list item we have to put in a blank line to force the
+ // bullet to nicely align at the top of text
+ if( (this.domNode["nodeName"]) &&
+ (this.domNode.nodeName == "LI") ){
+ this.domNode.innerHTML = " <br>";
+ }
+ this.editingArea = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
+ this.domNode.appendChild(this.editingArea);
+ if(this.name != "" && (!dojo.config["useXDomain"] || dojo.config["allowXdRichTextSave"])){
+ var saveTextarea = dojo.byId(dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText.savedContent");
+ if(saveTextarea.value != ""){
+ var datas = saveTextarea.value.split(this._SEPARATOR), i=0, dat;
+ while((dat=datas[i++])){
+ var data = dat.split(":");
+ if(data[0] == this.name){
+ html = data[1];
+ datas.splice(i, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME: need to do something different for Opera/Safari
+ this.connect(window, "onbeforeunload", "_saveContent");
+ // dojo.connect(window, "onunload", this, "_saveContent");
+ }
+ this.isClosed = false;
+ // Safari's selections go all out of whack if we do it inline,
+ // so for now IE is our only hero
+ //if(typeof dojo.doc.body.contentEditable != "undefined"){
+ if(dojo.isIE || dojo.isSafari || dojo.isOpera){ // contentEditable, easy
+ if(dojo.config["useXDomain"] && !dojo.config["dojoBlankHtmlUrl"]){
+ console.debug("dijit._editor.RichText: When using cross-domain Dojo builds,"
+ + " please save dojo/resources/blank.html to your domain and set djConfig.dojoBlankHtmlUrl"
+ + " to the path on your domain to blank.html");
+ }
+ var burl = dojo.config["dojoBlankHtmlUrl"] || (dojo.moduleUrl("dojo", "resources/blank.html")+"");
+ var ifr = this.editorObject = this.iframe = dojo.doc.createElement('iframe');
+ ifr.id = this.id+"_iframe";
+ ifr.src = burl;
+ ifr.style.border = "none";
+ ifr.style.width = "100%";
+ ifr.frameBorder = 0;
+ // ifr.style.scrolling = this.height ? "auto" : "vertical";
+ this.editingArea.appendChild(ifr);
+ var h = null; // set later in non-ie6 branch
+ var loadFunc = dojo.hitch( this, function(){
+ if(h){ dojo.disconnect(h); h = null; }
+ this.window = ifr.contentWindow;
+ var d = this.document = this.window.document;
+ d.open();
+ d.write(this._getIframeDocTxt(html));
+ d.close();
+ if(dojo.isIE >= 7){
+ if(this.height){
+ ifr.style.height = this.height;
+ }
+ if(this.minHeight){
+ ifr.style.minHeight = this.minHeight;
+ }
+ }else{
+ ifr.style.height = this.height ? this.height : this.minHeight;
+ }
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ this._localizeEditorCommands();
+ }
+ this.onLoad();
+ this.savedContent = this.getValue(true);
+ });
+ if(dojo.isIE && dojo.isIE < 7){ // IE 6 is a steaming pile...
+ var t = setInterval(function(){
+ if(ifr.contentWindow.isLoaded){
+ clearInterval(t);
+ loadFunc();
+ }
+ }, 100);
+ }else{ // blissful sanity!
+ h = dojo.connect(
+ ((dojo.isIE) ? ifr.contentWindow : ifr), "onload", loadFunc
+ );
+ }
+ }else{ // designMode in iframe
+ this._drawIframe(html);
+ this.savedContent = this.getValue(true);
+ }
+ // TODO: this is a guess at the default line-height, kinda works
+ if(this.domNode.nodeName == "LI"){ this.domNode.lastChild.style.marginTop = "-1.2em"; }
+ this.domNode.className += " RichTextEditable";
+ },
+ //static cache variables shared among all instance of this class
+ _local2NativeFormatNames: {},
+ _native2LocalFormatNames: {},
+ _localizedIframeTitles: null,
+ _getIframeDocTxt: function(/* String */ html){
+ var _cs = dojo.getComputedStyle(this.domNode);
+ if(dojo.isIE || (!this.height && !dojo.isMoz)){
+ html="<div>"+html+"</div>";
+ }
+ var font = [ _cs.fontWeight, _cs.fontSize, _cs.fontFamily ].join(" ");
+ // line height is tricky - applying a units value will mess things up.
+ // if we can't get a non-units value, bail out.
+ var lineHeight = _cs.lineHeight;
+ if(lineHeight.indexOf("px") >= 0){
+ lineHeight = parseFloat(lineHeight)/parseFloat(_cs.fontSize);
+ // console.debug(lineHeight);
+ }else if(lineHeight.indexOf("em")>=0){
+ lineHeight = parseFloat(lineHeight);
+ }else{
+ lineHeight = "1.0";
+ }
+ return [
+ this.isLeftToRight() ? "<html><head>" : "<html dir='rtl'><head>",
+ (dojo.isMoz ? "<title>" + this._localizedIframeTitles.iframeEditTitle + "</title>" : ""),
+ "<style>",
+ "body,html {",
+ " background:transparent;",
+ " font:", font, ";",
+ " padding: 1em 0 0 0;",
+ " margin: -1em 0 0 0;", // remove extraneous vertical scrollbar on safari and firefox
+ " height: 100%;",
+ "}",
+ // TODO: left positioning will cause contents to disappear out of view
+ // if it gets too wide for the visible area
+ "body{",
+ " top:0px; left:0px; right:0px;",
+ ((this.height||dojo.isOpera) ? "" : "position: fixed;"),
+ // FIXME: IE 6 won't understand min-height?
+ " min-height:", this.minHeight, ";",
+ " line-height:", lineHeight,
+ "}",
+ "p{ margin: 1em 0 !important; }",
+ (this.height ? // height:auto undoes the height:100%
+ "" : "body,html{height:auto;overflow-y:hidden;/*for IE*/} body > div {overflow-x:auto;/*for FF to show vertical scrollbar*/}"
+ ),
+ "li > ul:-moz-first-node, li > ol:-moz-first-node{ padding-top: 1.2em; } ",
+ "li{ min-height:1.2em; }",
+ "</style>",
+ this._applyEditingAreaStyleSheets(),
+ "</head><body>"+html+"</body></html>"
+ ].join(""); // String
+ },
+ _drawIframe: function(/*String*/html){
+ // summary:
+ // Draws an iFrame using the existing one if one exists.
+ // Used by Mozilla, Safari, and Opera
+ if(!this.iframe){
+ var ifr = this.iframe = dojo.doc.createElement("iframe");
+ ifr.id=this.id;
+ // this.iframe.src = "about:blank";
+ // dojo.doc.body.appendChild(this.iframe);
+ // console.debug(this.iframe.contentDocument.open());
+ // dojo.body().appendChild(this.iframe);
+ var ifrs = ifr.style;
+ // ifrs.border = "1px solid black";
+ ifrs.border = "none";
+ ifrs.lineHeight = "0"; // squash line height
+ ifrs.verticalAlign = "bottom";
+// ifrs.scrolling = this.height ? "auto" : "vertical";
+ this.editorObject = this.iframe;
+ // get screen reader text for mozilla here, too
+ this._localizedIframeTitles = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dijit.form", "Textarea");
+ // need to find any associated label element and update iframe document title
+ var label=dojo.query('label[for="'+this.id+'"]');
+ if(label.length){
+ this._localizedIframeTitles.iframeEditTitle = label[0].innerHTML + " " + this._localizedIframeTitles.iframeEditTitle;
+ }
+ }
+ // opera likes this to be outside the with block
+ // this.iframe.src = "javascript:void(0)";//dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/richtextframe.html") + ((dojo.doc.domain != currentDomain) ? ("#"+dojo.doc.domain) : "");
+ this.iframe.style.width = this.inheritWidth ? this._oldWidth : "100%";
+ if(this.height){
+ this.iframe.style.height = this.height;
+ }else{
+ this.iframe.height = this._oldHeight;
+ }
+ var tmpContent;
+ if(this.textarea){
+ tmpContent = this.srcNodeRef;
+ }else{
+ tmpContent = dojo.doc.createElement('div');
+ tmpContent.style.display="none";
+ tmpContent.innerHTML = html;
+ //append tmpContent to under the current domNode so that the margin
+ //calculation below is correct
+ this.editingArea.appendChild(tmpContent);
+ }
+ this.editingArea.appendChild(this.iframe);
+ //do we want to show the content before the editing area finish loading here?
+ //if external style sheets are used for the editing area, the appearance now
+ //and after loading of the editing area won't be the same (and padding/margin
+ //calculation above may not be accurate)
+ // tmpContent.style.display = "none";
+ // this.editingArea.appendChild(this.iframe);
+ var _iframeInitialized = false;
+ // console.debug(this.iframe);
+ // var contentDoc = this.iframe.contentWindow.document;
+ // note that on Safari lower than 420+, we have to get the iframe
+ // by ID in order to get something w/ a contentDocument property
+ var contentDoc = this.iframe.contentDocument;
+ contentDoc.open();
+ if(dojo.isAIR){
+ contentDoc.body.innerHTML = html;
+ }else{
+ contentDoc.write(this._getIframeDocTxt(html));
+ }
+ contentDoc.close();
+ // now we wait for onload. Janky hack!
+ var ifrFunc = dojo.hitch(this, function(){
+ if(!_iframeInitialized){
+ _iframeInitialized = true;
+ }else{ return; }
+ if(!this.editNode){
+ try{
+ if(this.iframe.contentWindow){
+ this.window = this.iframe.contentWindow;
+ this.document = this.iframe.contentWindow.document
+ }else if(this.iframe.contentDocument){
+ // for opera
+ this.window = this.iframe.contentDocument.window;
+ this.document = this.iframe.contentDocument;
+ }
+ if(!this.document.body){
+ throw 'Error';
+ }
+ }catch(e){
+ setTimeout(ifrFunc,500);
+ _iframeInitialized = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ dojo._destroyElement(tmpContent);
+ this.onLoad();
+ }else{
+ dojo._destroyElement(tmpContent);
+ this.editNode.innerHTML = html;
+ this.onDisplayChanged();
+ }
+ this._preDomFilterContent(this.editNode);
+ });
+ ifrFunc();
+ },
+ _applyEditingAreaStyleSheets: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // apply the specified css files in styleSheets
+ var files = [];
+ if(this.styleSheets){
+ files = this.styleSheets.split(';');
+ this.styleSheets = '';
+ }
+ //empty this.editingAreaStyleSheets here, as it will be filled in addStyleSheet
+ files = files.concat(this.editingAreaStyleSheets);
+ this.editingAreaStyleSheets = [];
+ var text='', i=0, url;
+ while((url=files[i++])){
+ var abstring = (new dojo._Url(dojo.global.location, url)).toString();
+ this.editingAreaStyleSheets.push(abstring);
+ text += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+abstring+'"/>'
+ }
+ return text;
+ },
+ addStyleSheet: function(/*dojo._Url*/uri){
+ // summary:
+ // add an external stylesheet for the editing area
+ // uri: a dojo.uri.Uri pointing to the url of the external css file
+ var url=uri.toString();
+ //if uri is relative, then convert it to absolute so that it can be resolved correctly in iframe
+ if(url.charAt(0) == '.' || (url.charAt(0) != '/' && !uri.host)){
+ url = (new dojo._Url(dojo.global.location, url)).toString();
+ }
+ if(dojo.indexOf(this.editingAreaStyleSheets, url) > -1){
+// console.debug("dijit._editor.RichText.addStyleSheet: Style sheet "+url+" is already applied");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.editingAreaStyleSheets.push(url);
+ if(this.document.createStyleSheet){ //IE
+ this.document.createStyleSheet(url);
+ }else{ //other browser
+ var head = this.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
+ var stylesheet = this.document.createElement("link");
+ with(stylesheet){
+ rel="stylesheet";
+ type="text/css";
+ href=url;
+ }
+ head.appendChild(stylesheet);
+ }
+ },
+ removeStyleSheet: function(/*dojo._Url*/uri){
+ // summary:
+ // remove an external stylesheet for the editing area
+ var url=uri.toString();
+ //if uri is relative, then convert it to absolute so that it can be resolved correctly in iframe
+ if(url.charAt(0) == '.' || (url.charAt(0) != '/' && !uri.host)){
+ url = (new dojo._Url(dojo.global.location, url)).toString();
+ }
+ var index = dojo.indexOf(this.editingAreaStyleSheets, url);
+ if(index == -1){
+// console.debug("dijit._editor.RichText.removeStyleSheet: Style sheet "+url+" has not been applied");
+ return;
+ }
+ delete this.editingAreaStyleSheets[index];
+ dojo.withGlobal(this.window,'query', dojo, ['link:[href="'+url+'"]']).orphan()
+ },
+ disabled: true,
+ _mozSettingProps: ['styleWithCSS','insertBrOnReturn'],
+ setDisabled: function(/*Boolean*/ disabled){
+ if(dojo.isIE || dojo.isSafari || dojo.isOpera){
+ if(dojo.isIE){ this.editNode.unselectable = "on"; } // prevent IE from setting focus
+ this.editNode.contentEditable = !disabled;
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ var _this = this;
+ setTimeout(function(){ _this.editNode.unselectable = "off"; }, 0);
+ }
+ }else{ //moz
+ if(disabled){
+ //AP: why isn't this set in the constructor, or put in mozSettingProps as a hash?
+ this._mozSettings=[false,this.blockNodeForEnter==='BR'];
+ }
+ this.document.designMode=(disabled?'off':'on');
+ if(!disabled && this._mozSettings){
+ dojo.forEach(this._mozSettingProps, function(s,i){
+ this.document.execCommand(s,false,this._mozSettings[i]);
+ },this);
+ }
+// this.document.execCommand('contentReadOnly', false, disabled);
+// if(disabled){
+// this.blur(); //to remove the blinking caret
+// }
+ }
+ this.disabled = disabled;
+ },
+/* Event handlers
+ *****************/
+ _isResized: function(){ return false; },
+ onLoad: function(/* Event */ e){
+ // summary: handler after the content of the document finishes loading
+ this.isLoaded = true;
+ if(!this.window.__registeredWindow){
+ this.window.__registeredWindow=true;
+ dijit.registerWin(this.window);
+ }
+ if(!dojo.isIE && (this.height || dojo.isMoz)){
+ this.editNode=this.document.body;
+ }else{
+ this.editNode=this.document.body.firstChild;
+ var _this = this;
+ if(dojo.isIE){ // #4996 IE wants to focus the BODY tag
+ var tabStop = this.tabStop = dojo.doc.createElement('<div tabIndex=-1>');
+ this.editingArea.appendChild(tabStop);
+ this.iframe.onfocus = function(){ _this.editNode.setActive(); }
+ }
+ }
+ try{
+ this.setDisabled(false);
+ }catch(e){
+ // Firefox throws an exception if the editor is initially hidden
+ // so, if this fails, try again onClick by adding "once" advice
+ var handle = dojo.connect(this, "onClick", this, function(){
+ this.setDisabled(false);
+ dojo.disconnect(handle);
+ });
+ }
+ this._preDomFilterContent(this.editNode);
+ var events=this.events.concat(this.captureEvents),i=0,et;
+ while((et=events[i++])){
+ this.connect(this.document, et.toLowerCase(), et);
+ }
+ if(!dojo.isIE){
+ try{ // sanity check for Mozilla
+ //AP: what's the point of this?
+// this.document.execCommand("useCSS", false, true); // old moz call
+ this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, false); // new moz call
+ //this.document.execCommand("insertBrOnReturn", false, false); // new moz call
+ }catch(e2){ }
+ // FIXME: when scrollbars appear/disappear this needs to be fired
+ }else{ // IE contentEditable
+ // give the node Layout on IE
+ this.connect(this.document, "onmousedown", "_onMouseDown"); // #4996 fix focus
+ this.editNode.style.zoom = 1.0;
+ }
+ if(this.focusOnLoad){
+ setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "focus"), 0); // have to wait for IE to set unselectable=off
+ }
+ this.onDisplayChanged(e);
+ if(this.onLoadDeferred){
+ this.onLoadDeferred.callback(true);
+ }
+ },
+ onKeyDown: function(/* Event */ e){
+ // summary: Fired on keydown
+ // we need this event at the moment to get the events from control keys
+ // such as the backspace. It might be possible to add this to Dojo, so that
+ // keyPress events can be emulated by the keyDown and keyUp detection.
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ if(e.keyCode == dojo.keys.TAB && e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey){
+ // focus the BODY so the browser will tab away from it instead
+ this.iframe.focus();
+ }else if(e.keyCode == dojo.keys.TAB && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey){
+ // focus the BODY so the browser will tab away from it instead
+ this.tabStop.focus();
+ }else if(e.keyCode === dojo.keys.BACKSPACE && this.document.selection.type === "Control"){
+ // IE has a bug where if a non-text object is selected in the editor,
+ // hitting backspace would act as if the browser's back button was
+ // clicked instead of deleting the object. see #1069
+ dojo.stopEvent(e);
+ this.execCommand("delete");
+ }else if((65 <= e.keyCode&&e.keyCode <= 90) ||
+ (e.keyCode>=37&&e.keyCode<=40) // FIXME: get this from connect() instead!
+ ){ //arrow keys
+ e.charCode = e.keyCode;
+ this.onKeyPress(e);
+ }
+ }else if(dojo.isMoz){
+ if(e.keyCode == dojo.keys.TAB && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && this.iframe){
+ // update iframe document title for screen reader
+ this.iframe.contentDocument.title = this._localizedIframeTitles.iframeFocusTitle;
+ // Place focus on the iframe. A subsequent tab or shift tab will put focus
+ // on the correct control.
+ this.iframe.focus(); // this.focus(); won't work
+ dojo.stopEvent(e);
+ }else if(e.keyCode == dojo.keys.TAB && e.shiftKey){
+ // if there is a toolbar, set focus to it, otherwise ignore
+ if(this.toolbar){
+ this.toolbar.focus();
+ }
+ dojo.stopEvent(e);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ onKeyUp: function(e){
+ // summary: Fired on keyup
+ return;
+ },
+ KEY_CTRL: 1,
+ onKeyPress: function(e){
+ // summary: Fired on keypress
+ // handle the various key events
+ var modifiers = (e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) ? this.KEY_CTRL : 0 | e.shiftKey ? this.KEY_SHIFT : 0;
+ var key = e.keyChar || e.keyCode;
+ if(this._keyHandlers[key]){
+ // console.debug("char:", e.key);
+ var handlers = this._keyHandlers[key], i = 0, h;
+ while((h = handlers[i++])){
+ if(modifiers == h.modifiers){
+ if(!h.handler.apply(this,arguments)){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // function call after the character has been inserted
+ setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){
+ this.onKeyPressed(e);
+ }), 1);
+ },
+ addKeyHandler: function(/*String*/key, /*Int*/modifiers, /*Function*/handler){
+ // summary: add a handler for a keyboard shortcut
+ if(!dojo.isArray(this._keyHandlers[key])){ this._keyHandlers[key] = []; }
+ this._keyHandlers[key].push({
+ modifiers: modifiers || 0,
+ handler: handler
+ });
+ },
+ onKeyPressed: function(/*Event*/e){
+ this.onDisplayChanged(/*e*/); // can't pass in e
+ },
+ onClick: function(/*Event*/e){
+// console.info('onClick',this._tryDesignModeOn);
+ this.onDisplayChanged(e);
+ },
+ _onMouseDown: function(/*Event*/e){ // IE only to prevent 2 clicks to focus
+ if(!this._focused && !this.disabled){
+ this.focus();
+ }
+ },
+ _onBlur: function(e){
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ var _c=this.getValue(true);
+ if(_c!=this.savedContent){
+ this.onChange(_c);
+ this.savedContent=_c;
+ }
+ if(dojo.isMoz && this.iframe){
+ this.iframe.contentDocument.title = this._localizedIframeTitles.iframeEditTitle;
+ }
+ },
+ _initialFocus: true,
+ _onFocus: function(/*Event*/e){
+ // summary: Fired on focus
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ if(dojo.isMoz && this._initialFocus){
+ this._initialFocus = false;
+ if(this.editNode.innerHTML.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") == "&nbsp;"){
+ this.placeCursorAtStart();
+// this.execCommand("selectall");
+// this.window.getSelection().collapseToStart();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // TODO: why is this needed - should we deprecate this ?
+ blur: function(){
+ // summary: remove focus from this instance
+ if(!dojo.isIE && this.window.document.documentElement && this.window.document.documentElement.focus){
+ this.window.document.documentElement.focus();
+ }else if(dojo.doc.body.focus){
+ dojo.doc.body.focus();
+ }
+ },
+ focus: function(){
+ // summary: move focus to this instance
+ if(!dojo.isIE){
+ dijit.focus(this.iframe);
+ }else if(this.editNode && this.editNode.focus){
+ // editNode may be hidden in display:none div, lets just punt in this case
+ //this.editNode.focus(); -> causes IE to scroll always (strict and quirks mode) to the top the Iframe
+ // if we fire the event manually and let the browser handle the focusing, the latest
+ // cursor position is focused like in FF
+ this.iframe.fireEvent('onfocus', document.createEventObject()); // createEventObject only in IE
+// }else{
+// TODO: should we throw here?
+// console.debug("Have no idea how to focus into the editor!");
+ }
+ },
+// _lastUpdate: 0,
+ updateInterval: 200,
+ _updateTimer: null,
+ onDisplayChanged: function(/*Event*/e){
+ // summary:
+ // This event will be fired everytime the display context
+ // changes and the result needs to be reflected in the UI.
+ // description:
+ // If you don't want to have update too often,
+ // onNormalizedDisplayChanged should be used instead
+// var _t=new Date();
+ if(!this._updateTimer){
+// this._lastUpdate=_t;
+ if(this._updateTimer){
+ clearTimeout(this._updateTimer);
+ }
+ this._updateTimer=setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this,this.onNormalizedDisplayChanged),this.updateInterval);
+ }
+ },
+ onNormalizedDisplayChanged: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // This event is fired every updateInterval ms or more
+ // description:
+ // If something needs to happen immidiately after a
+ // user change, please use onDisplayChanged instead
+ this._updateTimer=null;
+ },
+ onChange: function(newContent){
+ // summary:
+ // this is fired if and only if the editor loses focus and
+ // the content is changed
+// console.log('onChange',newContent);
+ },
+ _normalizeCommand: function(/*String*/cmd){
+ // summary:
+ // Used as the advice function by dojo.connect to map our
+ // normalized set of commands to those supported by the target
+ // browser
+ var command = cmd.toLowerCase();
+ if(command == "hilitecolor" && !dojo.isMoz){
+ command = "backcolor";
+ }
+ return command;
+ },
+ queryCommandAvailable: function(/*String*/command){
+ // summary:
+ // Tests whether a command is supported by the host. Clients SHOULD check
+ // whether a command is supported before attempting to use it, behaviour
+ // for unsupported commands is undefined.
+ // command: The command to test for
+ var ie = 1;
+ var mozilla = 1 << 1;
+ var safari = 1 << 2;
+ var opera = 1 << 3;
+ var safari420 = 1 << 4;
+ var gt420 = dojo.isSafari;
+ function isSupportedBy(browsers){
+ return {
+ ie: Boolean(browsers & ie),
+ mozilla: Boolean(browsers & mozilla),
+ safari: Boolean(browsers & safari),
+ safari420: Boolean(browsers & safari420),
+ opera: Boolean(browsers & opera)
+ }
+ }
+ var supportedBy = null;
+ switch(command.toLowerCase()){
+ case "bold": case "italic": case "underline":
+ case "subscript": case "superscript":
+ case "fontname": case "fontsize":
+ case "forecolor": case "hilitecolor":
+ case "justifycenter": case "justifyfull": case "justifyleft":
+ case "justifyright": case "delete": case "selectall": case "toggledir":
+ supportedBy = isSupportedBy(mozilla | ie | safari | opera);
+ break;
+ case "createlink": case "unlink": case "removeformat":
+ case "inserthorizontalrule": case "insertimage":
+ case "insertorderedlist": case "insertunorderedlist":
+ case "indent": case "outdent": case "formatblock":
+ case "inserthtml": case "undo": case "redo": case "strikethrough":
+ supportedBy = isSupportedBy(mozilla | ie | opera | safari420);
+ break;
+ case "blockdirltr": case "blockdirrtl":
+ case "dirltr": case "dirrtl":
+ case "inlinedirltr": case "inlinedirrtl":
+ supportedBy = isSupportedBy(ie);
+ break;
+ case "cut": case "copy": case "paste":
+ supportedBy = isSupportedBy( ie | mozilla | safari420);
+ break;
+ case "inserttable":
+ supportedBy = isSupportedBy(mozilla | ie);
+ break;
+ case "insertcell": case "insertcol": case "insertrow":
+ case "deletecells": case "deletecols": case "deleterows":
+ case "mergecells": case "splitcell":
+ supportedBy = isSupportedBy(ie | mozilla);
+ break;
+ default: return false;
+ }
+ return (dojo.isIE && supportedBy.ie) ||
+ (dojo.isMoz && supportedBy.mozilla) ||
+ (dojo.isSafari && supportedBy.safari) ||
+ (gt420 && supportedBy.safari420) ||
+ (dojo.isOpera && supportedBy.opera); // Boolean return true if the command is supported, false otherwise
+ },
+ execCommand: function(/*String*/command, argument){
+ // summary: Executes a command in the Rich Text area
+ // command: The command to execute
+ // argument: An optional argument to the command
+ var returnValue;
+ //focus() is required for IE to work
+ //In addition, focus() makes sure after the execution of
+ //the command, the editor receives the focus as expected
+ this.focus();
+ command = this._normalizeCommand(command);
+ if(argument != undefined){
+ if(command == "heading"){
+ throw new Error("unimplemented");
+ }else if((command == "formatblock") && dojo.isIE){
+ argument = '<'+argument+'>';
+ }
+ }
+ if(command == "inserthtml"){
+ argument=this._preFilterContent(argument);
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ var insertRange = this.document.selection.createRange();
+ if(this.document.selection.type.toUpperCase()=='CONTROL'){
+ var n=insertRange.item(0);
+ while(insertRange.length){
+ insertRange.remove(insertRange.item(0));
+ }
+ n.outerHTML=argument;
+ }else{
+ insertRange.pasteHTML(argument);
+ }
+ insertRange.select();
+ //insertRange.collapse(true);
+ returnValue=true;
+ }else if(dojo.isMoz && !argument.length){
+ //mozilla can not inserthtml an empty html to delete current selection
+ //so we delete the selection instead in this case
+ dojo.withGlobal(this.window,'remove',dijit._editor.selection);
+ returnValue=true;
+ }else{
+ returnValue=this.document.execCommand(command, false, argument);
+ }
+ }else if(
+ (command == "unlink")&&
+ (this.queryCommandEnabled("unlink"))&&
+ (dojo.isMoz || dojo.isSafari)
+ ){
+ // fix up unlink in Mozilla to unlink the link and not just the selection
+ // grab selection
+ // Mozilla gets upset if we just store the range so we have to
+ // get the basic properties and recreate to save the selection
+ var selection = this.window.getSelection();
+ // var selectionRange = selection.getRangeAt(0);
+ // var selectionStartContainer = selectionRange.startContainer;
+ // var selectionStartOffset = selectionRange.startOffset;
+ // var selectionEndContainer = selectionRange.endContainer;
+ // var selectionEndOffset = selectionRange.endOffset;
+ // select our link and unlink
+ var a = dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "getAncestorElement",dijit._editor.selection, ['a']);
+ dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "selectElement", dijit._editor.selection, [a]);
+ returnValue=this.document.execCommand("unlink", false, null);
+ }else if((command == "hilitecolor")&&(dojo.isMoz)){
+// // mozilla doesn't support hilitecolor properly when useCSS is
+// // set to false (bugzilla #279330)
+ this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, true);
+ returnValue = this.document.execCommand(command, false, argument);
+ this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, false);
+ }else if((dojo.isIE)&&( (command == "backcolor")||(command == "forecolor") )){
+ // Tested under IE 6 XP2, no problem here, comment out
+ // IE weirdly collapses ranges when we exec these commands, so prevent it
+// var tr = this.document.selection.createRange();
+ argument = arguments.length > 1 ? argument : null;
+ returnValue = this.document.execCommand(command, false, argument);
+ // timeout is workaround for weird IE behavior were the text
+ // selection gets correctly re-created, but subsequent input
+ // apparently isn't bound to it
+// setTimeout(function(){tr.select();}, 1);
+ }else{
+ argument = arguments.length > 1 ? argument : null;
+// if(dojo.isMoz){
+// this.document = this.iframe.contentWindow.document
+// }
+ if(argument || command!="createlink"){
+ returnValue = this.document.execCommand(command, false, argument);
+ }
+ }
+ this.onDisplayChanged();
+ return returnValue;
+ },
+ queryCommandEnabled: function(/*String*/command){
+ // summary: check whether a command is enabled or not
+ if(this.disabled){ return false; }
+ command = this._normalizeCommand(command);
+ if(dojo.isMoz || dojo.isSafari){
+ if(command == "unlink"){ // mozilla returns true always
+ // console.debug(dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "hasAncestorElement",dijit._editor.selection, ['a']));
+ return dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "hasAncestorElement",dijit._editor.selection, ['a']);
+ }else if(command == "inserttable"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ //see #4109
+ if(dojo.isSafari){
+ if(command == "copy"){
+ command = "cut";
+ }else if(command == "paste"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // return this.document.queryCommandEnabled(command);
+ var elem = dojo.isIE ? this.document.selection.createRange() : this.document;
+ return elem.queryCommandEnabled(command);
+ },
+ queryCommandState: function(command){
+ // summary: check the state of a given command
+ if(this.disabled){ return false; }
+ command = this._normalizeCommand(command);
+ return this.document.queryCommandState(command);
+ },
+ queryCommandValue: function(command){
+ // summary: check the value of a given command
+ if(this.disabled){ return false; }
+ command = this._normalizeCommand(command);
+ if(dojo.isIE && command == "formatblock"){
+ return this._local2NativeFormatNames[this.document.queryCommandValue(command)];
+ }
+ return this.document.queryCommandValue(command);
+ },
+ // Misc.
+ placeCursorAtStart: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // place the cursor at the start of the editing area
+ this.focus();
+ //see comments in placeCursorAtEnd
+ var isvalid=false;
+ if(dojo.isMoz){
+ var first=this.editNode.firstChild;
+ while(first){
+ if(first.nodeType == 3){
+ if(first.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").length>0){
+ isvalid=true;
+ dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "selectElement", dijit._editor.selection, [first]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }else if(first.nodeType == 1){
+ isvalid=true;
+ dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "selectElementChildren",dijit._editor.selection, [first]);
+ break;
+ }
+ first = first.nextSibling;
+ }
+ }else{
+ isvalid=true;
+ dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "selectElementChildren",dijit._editor.selection, [this.editNode]);
+ }
+ if(isvalid){
+ dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "collapse", dijit._editor.selection, [true]);
+ }
+ },
+ placeCursorAtEnd: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // place the cursor at the end of the editing area
+ this.focus();
+ //In mozilla, if last child is not a text node, we have to use selectElementChildren on this.editNode.lastChild
+ //otherwise the cursor would be placed at the end of the closing tag of this.editNode.lastChild
+ var isvalid=false;
+ if(dojo.isMoz){
+ var last=this.editNode.lastChild;
+ while(last){
+ if(last.nodeType == 3){
+ if(last.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").length>0){
+ isvalid=true;
+ dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "selectElement",dijit._editor.selection, [last]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }else if(last.nodeType == 1){
+ isvalid=true;
+ if(last.lastChild){
+ dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "selectElement",dijit._editor.selection, [last.lastChild]);
+ }else{
+ dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "selectElement",dijit._editor.selection, [last]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ last = last.previousSibling;
+ }
+ }else{
+ isvalid=true;
+ dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "selectElementChildren",dijit._editor.selection, [this.editNode]);
+ }
+ if(isvalid){
+ dojo.withGlobal(this.window, "collapse", dijit._editor.selection, [false]);
+ }
+ },
+ getValue: function(/*Boolean?*/nonDestructive){
+ // summary:
+ // return the current content of the editing area (post filters are applied)
+ if(this.textarea){
+ if(this.isClosed || !this.isLoaded){
+ return this.textarea.value;
+ }
+ }
+ return this._postFilterContent(null, nonDestructive);
+ },
+ setValue: function(/*String*/html){
+ // summary:
+ // this function set the content. No undo history is preserved
+ if(!this.isLoaded){
+ // try again after the editor is finished loading
+ this.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(dojo.hitch(this, function(){
+ this.setValue(html);
+ }));
+ return;
+ }
+ if(this.textarea && (this.isClosed || !this.isLoaded)){
+ this.textarea.value=html;
+ }else{
+ html = this._preFilterContent(html);
+ var node = this.isClosed ? this.domNode : this.editNode;
+ node.innerHTML = html;
+ this._preDomFilterContent(node);
+ }
+ this.onDisplayChanged();
+ },
+ replaceValue: function(/*String*/html){
+ // summary:
+ // this function set the content while trying to maintain the undo stack
+ // (now only works fine with Moz, this is identical to setValue in all
+ // other browsers)
+ if(this.isClosed){
+ this.setValue(html);
+ }else if(this.window && this.window.getSelection && !dojo.isMoz){ // Safari
+ // look ma! it's a totally f'd browser!
+ this.setValue(html);
+ }else if(this.window && this.window.getSelection){ // Moz
+ html = this._preFilterContent(html);
+ this.execCommand("selectall");
+ if(dojo.isMoz && !html){ html = "&nbsp;" }
+ this.execCommand("inserthtml", html);
+ this._preDomFilterContent(this.editNode);
+ }else if(this.document && this.document.selection){//IE
+ //In IE, when the first element is not a text node, say
+ //an <a> tag, when replacing the content of the editing
+ //area, the <a> tag will be around all the content
+ //so for now, use setValue for IE too
+ this.setValue(html);
+ }
+ },
+ _preFilterContent: function(/*String*/html){
+ // summary:
+ // filter the input before setting the content of the editing area
+ var ec = html;
+ dojo.forEach(this.contentPreFilters, function(ef){ if(ef){ ec = ef(ec); } });
+ return ec;
+ },
+ _preDomFilterContent: function(/*DomNode*/dom){
+ // summary:
+ // filter the input
+ dom = dom || this.editNode;
+ dojo.forEach(this.contentDomPreFilters, function(ef){
+ if(ef && dojo.isFunction(ef)){
+ ef(dom);
+ }
+ }, this);
+ },
+ _postFilterContent: function(/*DomNode|DomNode[]|String?*/dom,/*Boolean?*/nonDestructive){
+ // summary:
+ // filter the output after getting the content of the editing area
+ var ec;
+ if(!dojo.isString(dom)){
+ dom = dom || this.editNode;
+ if(this.contentDomPostFilters.length){
+ if(nonDestructive && dom['cloneNode']){
+ dom = dom.cloneNode(true);
+ }
+ dojo.forEach(this.contentDomPostFilters, function(ef){
+ dom = ef(dom);
+ });
+ }
+ ec = dijit._editor.getChildrenHtml(dom);
+ }else{
+ ec = dom;
+ }
+ if(!ec.replace(/^(?:\s|\xA0)+/g, "").replace(/(?:\s|\xA0)+$/g,"").length){ ec = ""; }
+ // if(dojo.isIE){
+ // //removing appended <P>&nbsp;</P> for IE
+ // ec = ec.replace(/(?:<p>&nbsp;</p>[\n\r]*)+$/i,"");
+ // }
+ dojo.forEach(this.contentPostFilters, function(ef){
+ ec = ef(ec);
+ });
+ return ec;
+ },
+ _saveContent: function(/*Event*/e){
+ // summary:
+ // Saves the content in an onunload event if the editor has not been closed
+ var saveTextarea = dojo.byId(dijit._scopeName + "._editor.RichText.savedContent");
+ saveTextarea.value += this._SEPARATOR + this.name + ":" + this.getValue();
+ },
+ escapeXml: function(/*String*/str, /*Boolean*/noSingleQuotes){
+ dojo.deprecated('dijit.Editor::escapeXml is deprecated','use dijit._editor.escapeXml instead', 2);
+ return dijit._editor.escapeXml(str,noSingleQuotes);
+ },
+ getNodeHtml: function(/* DomNode */node){
+ dojo.deprecated('dijit.Editor::getNodeHtml is deprecated','use dijit._editor.getNodeHtml instead', 2);
+ return dijit._editor.getNodeHtml(node);
+ },
+ getNodeChildrenHtml: function(/* DomNode */dom){
+ dojo.deprecated('dijit.Editor::getNodeChildrenHtml is deprecated','use dijit._editor.getChildrenHtml instead', 2);
+ return dijit._editor.getChildrenHtml(dom);
+ },
+ close: function(/*Boolean*/save, /*Boolean*/force){
+ // summary:
+ // Kills the editor and optionally writes back the modified contents to the
+ // element from which it originated.
+ // save:
+ // Whether or not to save the changes. If false, the changes are discarded.
+ // force:
+ if(this.isClosed){return false; }
+ if(!arguments.length){ save = true; }
+ this._content = this.getValue();
+ var changed = (this.savedContent != this._content);
+ // line height is squashed for iframes
+ // FIXME: why was this here? if(this.iframe){ this.domNode.style.lineHeight = null; }
+ if(this.interval){ clearInterval(this.interval); }
+ if(this.textarea){
+ with(this.textarea.style){
+ position = "";
+ left = top = "";
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ overflow = this.__overflow;
+ this.__overflow = null;
+ }
+ }
+ this.textarea.value = save ? this._content : this.savedContent;
+ dojo._destroyElement(this.domNode);
+ this.domNode = this.textarea;
+ }else{
+// if(save){
+ //why we treat moz differently? comment out to fix #1061
+// if(dojo.isMoz){
+// var nc = dojo.doc.createElement("span");
+// this.domNode.appendChild(nc);
+// nc.innerHTML = this.editNode.innerHTML;
+// }else{
+// this.domNode.innerHTML = this._content;
+// }
+// }
+ this.domNode.innerHTML = save ? this._content : this.savedContent;
+ }
+ dojo.removeClass(this.domNode, "RichTextEditable");
+ this.isClosed = true;
+ this.isLoaded = false;
+ // FIXME: is this always the right thing to do?
+ delete this.editNode;
+ if(this.window && this.window._frameElement){
+ this.window._frameElement = null;
+ }
+ this.window = null;
+ this.document = null;
+ this.editingArea = null;
+ this.editorObject = null;
+ return changed; // Boolean: whether the content has been modified
+ },
+ destroyRendering: function(){
+ // summary: stub
+ },
+ destroy: function(){
+ this.destroyRendering();
+ if(!this.isClosed){ this.close(false); }
+ this.inherited("destroy",arguments);
+ //dijit._editor.RichText.superclass.destroy.call(this);
+ },
+ _removeMozBogus: function(/* String */ html){
+ return html.replace(/\stype="_moz"/gi, '').replace(/\s_moz_dirty=""/gi, ''); // String
+ },
+ _removeSafariBogus: function(/* String */ html){
+ return html.replace(/\sclass="webkit-block-placeholder"/gi, ''); // String
+ },
+ _fixContentForMoz: function(/* String */ html){
+ // summary:
+ // Moz can not handle strong/em tags correctly, convert them to b/i
+ return html.replace(/<(\/)?strong([ \>])/gi, '<$1b$2')
+ .replace(/<(\/)?em([ \>])/gi, '<$1i$2' ); // String
+ },
+ _srcInImgRegex : /(?:(<img(?=\s).*?\ssrc=)("|')(.*?)\2)|(?:(<img\s.*?src=)([^"'][^ >]+))/gi ,
+ _hrefInARegex : /(?:(<a(?=\s).*?\shref=)("|')(.*?)\2)|(?:(<a\s.*?href=)([^"'][^ >]+))/gi ,
+ _preFixUrlAttributes: function(/* String */ html){
+ return html.replace(this._hrefInARegex, '$1$4$2$3$5$2 _djrealurl=$2$3$5$2')
+ .replace(this._srcInImgRegex, '$1$4$2$3$5$2 _djrealurl=$2$3$5$2'); // String
+ }