path: root/includes/js/dijit/_base
diff options
authormensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
committermensonge <mensonge@b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f>2008-11-13 09:49:11 +0000
commite44a7e37b6c7b5961adaffc62b9042b8d442938e (patch)
tree95b67c356e93163467db2451f2b8cce84ed5d582 /includes/js/dijit/_base
parenta62b9742ee5e28bcec6872d88f50f25b820914f6 (diff)
New feature: basic Ajax suggestion for tags and implementation of Dojo toolkit
git-svn-id: b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dijit/_base')
10 files changed, 1434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/_base/bidi.js b/includes/js/dijit/_base/bidi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cd3f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/_base/bidi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.bidi"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.bidi"] = true;
+// summary: applies a class to the top of the document for right-to-left stylesheet rules
+ if(!dojo._isBodyLtr()){
+ dojo.addClass(dojo.body(), "dijitRtl");
+ }
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/_base/focus.js b/includes/js/dijit/_base/focus.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46230b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/_base/focus.js
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.focus"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.focus"] = true;
+// summary:
+// These functions are used to query or set the focus and selection.
+// Also, they trace when widgets become actived/deactivated,
+// so that the widget can fire _onFocus/_onBlur events.
+// "Active" here means something similar to "focused", but
+// "focus" isn't quite the right word because we keep track of
+// a whole stack of "active" widgets. Example: Combobutton --> Menu -->
+// MenuItem. The onBlur event for Combobutton doesn't fire due to focusing
+// on the Menu or a MenuItem, since they are considered part of the
+// Combobutton widget. It only happens when focus is shifted
+// somewhere completely different.
+ // _curFocus: DomNode
+ // Currently focused item on screen
+ _curFocus: null,
+ // _prevFocus: DomNode
+ // Previously focused item on screen
+ _prevFocus: null,
+ isCollapsed: function(){
+ // summary: tests whether the current selection is empty
+ var _window =;
+ var _document = dojo.doc;
+ if(_document.selection){ // IE
+ return !_document.selection.createRange().text; // Boolean
+ }else{
+ var selection = _window.getSelection();
+ if(dojo.isString(selection)){ // Safari
+ return !selection; // Boolean
+ }else{ // Mozilla/W3
+ return selection.isCollapsed || !selection.toString(); // Boolean
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getBookmark: function(){
+ // summary: Retrieves a bookmark that can be used with moveToBookmark to return to the same range
+ var bookmark, selection = dojo.doc.selection;
+ if(selection){ // IE
+ var range = selection.createRange();
+ if(selection.type.toUpperCase()=='CONTROL'){
+ if(range.length){
+ bookmark=[];
+ var i=0,len=range.length;
+ while(i<len){
+ bookmark.push(range.item(i++));
+ }
+ }else{
+ bookmark=null;
+ }
+ }else{
+ bookmark = range.getBookmark();
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(window.getSelection){
+ selection =;
+ if(selection){
+ range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
+ bookmark = range.cloneRange();
+ }
+ }else{
+ console.warn("No idea how to store the current selection for this browser!");
+ }
+ }
+ return bookmark; // Array
+ },
+ moveToBookmark: function(/*Object*/bookmark){
+ // summary: Moves current selection to a bookmark
+ // bookmark: This should be a returned object from dojo.html.selection.getBookmark()
+ var _document = dojo.doc;
+ if(_document.selection){ // IE
+ var range;
+ if(dojo.isArray(bookmark)){
+ range = _document.body.createControlRange();
+ dojo.forEach(bookmark, "range.addElement(item)"); //range.addElement does not have call/apply method, so can not call it directly
+ }else{
+ range = _document.selection.createRange();
+ range.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+ }
+ }else{ //Moz/W3C
+ var selection = &&;
+ if(selection && selection.removeAllRanges){
+ selection.removeAllRanges();
+ selection.addRange(bookmark);
+ }else{
+ console.warn("No idea how to restore selection for this browser!");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getFocus: function(/*Widget?*/menu, /*Window?*/openedForWindow){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns the current focus and selection.
+ // Called when a popup appears (either a top level menu or a dialog),
+ // or when a toolbar/menubar receives focus
+ //
+ // menu:
+ // The menu that's being opened
+ //
+ // openedForWindow:
+ // iframe in which menu was opened
+ //
+ // returns:
+ // A handle to restore focus/selection
+ return {
+ // Node to return focus to
+ node: menu && dojo.isDescendant(dijit._curFocus, menu.domNode) ? dijit._prevFocus : dijit._curFocus,
+ // Previously selected text
+ bookmark:
+ !dojo.withGlobal(openedForWindow||, dijit.isCollapsed) ?
+ dojo.withGlobal(openedForWindow||, dijit.getBookmark) :
+ null,
+ openedForWindow: openedForWindow
+ }; // Object
+ },
+ focus: function(/*Object || DomNode */ handle){
+ // summary:
+ // Sets the focused node and the selection according to argument.
+ // To set focus to an iframe's content, pass in the iframe itself.
+ // handle:
+ // object returned by get(), or a DomNode
+ if(!handle){ return; }
+ var node = "node" in handle ? handle.node : handle, // because handle is either DomNode or a composite object
+ bookmark = handle.bookmark,
+ openedForWindow = handle.openedForWindow;
+ // Set the focus
+ // Note that for iframe's we need to use the <iframe> to follow the parentNode chain,
+ // but we need to set focus to iframe.contentWindow
+ if(node){
+ var focusNode = (node.tagName.toLowerCase()=="iframe") ? node.contentWindow : node;
+ if(focusNode && focusNode.focus){
+ try{
+ // Gecko throws sometimes if setting focus is impossible,
+ // node not displayed or something like that
+ focusNode.focus();
+ }catch(e){/*quiet*/}
+ }
+ dijit._onFocusNode(node);
+ }
+ // set the selection
+ // do not need to restore if current selection is not empty
+ // (use keyboard to select a menu item)
+ if(bookmark && dojo.withGlobal(openedForWindow||, dijit.isCollapsed)){
+ if(openedForWindow){
+ openedForWindow.focus();
+ }
+ try{
+ dojo.withGlobal(openedForWindow||, dijit.moveToBookmark, null, [bookmark]);
+ }catch(e){
+ /*squelch IE internal error, see */
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // _activeStack: Array
+ // List of currently active widgets (focused widget and it's ancestors)
+ _activeStack: [],
+ registerWin: function(/*Window?*/targetWindow){
+ // summary:
+ // Registers listeners on the specified window (either the main
+ // window or an iframe) to detect when the user has clicked somewhere.
+ // Anyone that creates an iframe should call this function.
+ if(!targetWindow){
+ targetWindow = window;
+ }
+ dojo.connect(targetWindow.document, "onmousedown", function(evt){
+ dijit._justMouseDowned = true;
+ setTimeout(function(){ dijit._justMouseDowned = false; }, 0);
+ dijit._onTouchNode(||evt.srcElement);
+ });
+ //dojo.connect(targetWindow, "onscroll", ???);
+ // Listen for blur and focus events on targetWindow's body
+ var body = targetWindow.document.body || targetWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+ if(body){
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ body.attachEvent('onactivate', function(evt){
+ if(evt.srcElement.tagName.toLowerCase() != "body"){
+ dijit._onFocusNode(evt.srcElement);
+ }
+ });
+ body.attachEvent('ondeactivate', function(evt){ dijit._onBlurNode(evt.srcElement); });
+ }else{
+ body.addEventListener('focus', function(evt){ dijit._onFocusNode(; }, true);
+ body.addEventListener('blur', function(evt){ dijit._onBlurNode(; }, true);
+ }
+ }
+ body = null; // prevent memory leak (apparent circular reference via closure)
+ },
+ _onBlurNode: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
+ // summary:
+ // Called when focus leaves a node.
+ // Usually ignored, _unless_ it *isn't* follwed by touching another node,
+ // which indicates that we tabbed off the last field on the page,
+ // in which case every widget is marked inactive
+ dijit._prevFocus = dijit._curFocus;
+ dijit._curFocus = null;
+ if(dijit._justMouseDowned){
+ // the mouse down caused a new widget to be marked as active; this blur event
+ // is coming late, so ignore it.
+ return;
+ }
+ // if the blur event isn't followed by a focus event then mark all widgets as inactive.
+ if(dijit._clearActiveWidgetsTimer){
+ clearTimeout(dijit._clearActiveWidgetsTimer);
+ }
+ dijit._clearActiveWidgetsTimer = setTimeout(function(){
+ delete dijit._clearActiveWidgetsTimer;
+ dijit._setStack([]);
+ dijit._prevFocus = null;
+ }, 100);
+ },
+ _onTouchNode: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
+ // summary:
+ // Callback when node is focused or mouse-downed
+ // ignore the recent blurNode event
+ if(dijit._clearActiveWidgetsTimer){
+ clearTimeout(dijit._clearActiveWidgetsTimer);
+ delete dijit._clearActiveWidgetsTimer;
+ }
+ // compute stack of active widgets (ex: ComboButton --> Menu --> MenuItem)
+ var newStack=[];
+ try{
+ while(node){
+ if(node.dijitPopupParent){
+ node=dijit.byId(node.dijitPopupParent).domNode;
+ }else if(node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase()=="body"){
+ // is this the root of the document or just the root of an iframe?
+ if(node===dojo.body()){
+ // node is the root of the main document
+ break;
+ }
+ // otherwise, find the iframe this node refers to (can't access it via parentNode,
+ // need to do this trick instead). window.frameElement is supported in IE/FF/Webkit
+ node=dijit.getDocumentWindow(node.ownerDocument).frameElement;
+ }else{
+ var id = node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute("widgetId");
+ if(id){
+ newStack.unshift(id);
+ }
+ node=node.parentNode;
+ }
+ }
+ }catch(e){ /* squelch */ }
+ dijit._setStack(newStack);
+ },
+ _onFocusNode: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
+ // summary
+ // Callback when node is focused
+ if(node && node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "body"){
+ return;
+ }
+ dijit._onTouchNode(node);
+ if(node==dijit._curFocus){ return; }
+ if(dijit._curFocus){
+ dijit._prevFocus = dijit._curFocus;
+ }
+ dijit._curFocus = node;
+ dojo.publish("focusNode", [node]);
+ },
+ _setStack: function(newStack){
+ // summary
+ // The stack of active widgets has changed. Send out appropriate events and record new stack
+ var oldStack = dijit._activeStack;
+ dijit._activeStack = newStack;
+ // compare old stack to new stack to see how many elements they have in common
+ for(var nCommon=0; nCommon<Math.min(oldStack.length, newStack.length); nCommon++){
+ if(oldStack[nCommon] != newStack[nCommon]){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // for all elements that have gone out of focus, send blur event
+ for(var i=oldStack.length-1; i>=nCommon; i--){
+ var widget = dijit.byId(oldStack[i]);
+ if(widget){
+ widget._focused = false;
+ widget._hasBeenBlurred = true;
+ if(widget._onBlur){
+ widget._onBlur();
+ }
+ if (widget._setStateClass){
+ widget._setStateClass();
+ }
+ dojo.publish("widgetBlur", [widget]);
+ }
+ }
+ // for all element that have come into focus, send focus event
+ for(i=nCommon; i<newStack.length; i++){
+ widget = dijit.byId(newStack[i]);
+ if(widget){
+ widget._focused = true;
+ if(widget._onFocus){
+ widget._onFocus();
+ }
+ if (widget._setStateClass){
+ widget._setStateClass();
+ }
+ dojo.publish("widgetFocus", [widget]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// register top window and all the iframes it contains
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/_base/manager.js b/includes/js/dijit/_base/manager.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfb5337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/_base/manager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.manager"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.manager"] = true;
+dojo.declare("dijit.WidgetSet", null, {
+ // summary:
+ // A set of widgets indexed by id
+ constructor: function(){
+ this._hash={};
+ },
+ add: function(/*Widget*/ widget){
+ if(this._hash[]){
+ throw new Error("Tried to register widget with id==" + + " but that id is already registered");
+ }
+ this._hash[]=widget;
+ },
+ remove: function(/*String*/ id){
+ delete this._hash[id];
+ },
+ forEach: function(/*Function*/ func){
+ for(var id in this._hash){
+ func(this._hash[id]);
+ }
+ },
+ filter: function(/*Function*/ filter){
+ var res = new dijit.WidgetSet();
+ this.forEach(function(widget){
+ if(filter(widget)){ res.add(widget); }
+ });
+ return res; // dijit.WidgetSet
+ },
+ byId: function(/*String*/ id){
+ return this._hash[id];
+ },
+ byClass: function(/*String*/ cls){
+ return this.filter(function(widget){ return widget.declaredClass==cls; }); // dijit.WidgetSet
+ }
+ });
+dijit.registry = {
+ // summary: A list of widgets on a page.
+ // description: Is an instance of dijit.WidgetSet
+dijit.registry = new dijit.WidgetSet();
+dijit._widgetTypeCtr = {};
+dijit.getUniqueId = function(/*String*/widgetType){
+ // summary
+ // Generates a unique id for a given widgetType
+ var id;
+ do{
+ id = widgetType + "_" +
+ (widgetType in dijit._widgetTypeCtr ?
+ ++dijit._widgetTypeCtr[widgetType] : dijit._widgetTypeCtr[widgetType] = 0);
+ }while(dijit.byId(id));
+ return id; // String
+ // Only run this for IE because we think it's only necessary in that case,
+ // and because it causes problems on FF. See bug #3531 for details.
+ dojo.addOnUnload(function(){
+ dijit.registry.forEach(function(widget){ widget.destroy(); });
+ });
+dijit.byId = function(/*String|Widget*/id){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns a widget by its id, or if passed a widget, no-op (like dojo.byId())
+ return (dojo.isString(id)) ? dijit.registry.byId(id) : id; // Widget
+dijit.byNode = function(/* DOMNode */ node){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns the widget as referenced by node
+ return dijit.registry.byId(node.getAttribute("widgetId")); // Widget
+dijit.getEnclosingWidget = function(/* DOMNode */ node){
+ // summary:
+ // Returns the widget whose dom tree contains node or null if
+ // the node is not contained within the dom tree of any widget
+ while(node){
+ if(node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute("widgetId")){
+ return dijit.registry.byId(node.getAttribute("widgetId"));
+ }
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ }
+ return null;
+// elements that are tab-navigable if they have no tabindex value set
+// (except for "a", which must have an href attribute)
+dijit._tabElements = {
+ area: true,
+ button: true,
+ input: true,
+ object: true,
+ select: true,
+ textarea: true
+dijit._isElementShown = function(/*Element*/elem){
+ var style =;
+ return (style.visibility != "hidden")
+ && (style.visibility != "collapsed")
+ && (style.display != "none");
+dijit.isTabNavigable = function(/*Element*/elem){
+ // summary:
+ // Tests if an element is tab-navigable
+ if(dojo.hasAttr(elem, "disabled")){ return false; }
+ var hasTabindex = dojo.hasAttr(elem, "tabindex");
+ var tabindex = dojo.attr(elem, "tabindex");
+ if(hasTabindex && tabindex >= 0) {
+ return true; // boolean
+ }
+ var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ if(((name == "a" && dojo.hasAttr(elem, "href"))
+ || dijit._tabElements[name])
+ && (!hasTabindex || tabindex >= 0)){
+ return true; // boolean
+ }
+ return false; // boolean
+dijit._getTabNavigable = function(/*DOMNode*/root){
+ // summary:
+ // Finds the following descendants of the specified root node:
+ // * the first tab-navigable element in document order
+ // without a tabindex or with tabindex="0"
+ // * the last tab-navigable element in document order
+ // without a tabindex or with tabindex="0"
+ // * the first element in document order with the lowest
+ // positive tabindex value
+ // * the last element in document order with the highest
+ // positive tabindex value
+ var first, last, lowest, lowestTabindex, highest, highestTabindex;
+ var walkTree = function(/*DOMNode*/parent){
+ dojo.query("> *", parent).forEach(function(child){
+ var isShown = dijit._isElementShown(child);
+ if(isShown && dijit.isTabNavigable(child)){
+ var tabindex = dojo.attr(child, "tabindex");
+ if(!dojo.hasAttr(child, "tabindex") || tabindex == 0){
+ if(!first){ first = child; }
+ last = child;
+ }else if(tabindex > 0){
+ if(!lowest || tabindex < lowestTabindex){
+ lowestTabindex = tabindex;
+ lowest = child;
+ }
+ if(!highest || tabindex >= highestTabindex){
+ highestTabindex = tabindex;
+ highest = child;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(isShown){ walkTree(child) }
+ });
+ };
+ if(dijit._isElementShown(root)){ walkTree(root) }
+ return { first: first, last: last, lowest: lowest, highest: highest };
+dijit.getFirstInTabbingOrder = function(/*String|DOMNode*/root){
+ // summary:
+ // Finds the descendant of the specified root node
+ // that is first in the tabbing order
+ var elems = dijit._getTabNavigable(dojo.byId(root));
+ return elems.lowest ? elems.lowest : elems.first; // Element
+dijit.getLastInTabbingOrder = function(/*String|DOMNode*/root){
+ // summary:
+ // Finds the descendant of the specified root node
+ // that is last in the tabbing order
+ var elems = dijit._getTabNavigable(dojo.byId(root));
+ return elems.last ? elems.last : elems.highest; // Element
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/_base/place.js b/includes/js/dijit/_base/place.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3165c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/_base/place.js
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource[""] = true;
+// ported from dojo.html.util
+dijit.getViewport = function(){
+ // summary
+ // Returns the dimensions and scroll position of the viewable area of a browser window
+ var _window =;
+ var _document = dojo.doc;
+ // get viewport size
+ var w = 0, h = 0;
+ var de = _document.documentElement;
+ var dew = de.clientWidth, deh = de.clientHeight;
+ if(dojo.isMozilla){
+ // mozilla
+ // _window.innerHeight includes the height taken by the scroll bar
+ // clientHeight is ideal but has DTD issues:
+ // #4539: FF reverses the roles of body.clientHeight/Width and documentElement.clientHeight/Width based on the DTD!
+ // check DTD to see whether body or documentElement returns the viewport dimensions using this algorithm:
+ var minw, minh, maxw, maxh;
+ var dbw = _document.body.clientWidth;
+ if(dbw > dew){
+ minw = dew;
+ maxw = dbw;
+ }else{
+ maxw = dew;
+ minw = dbw;
+ }
+ var dbh = _document.body.clientHeight;
+ if(dbh > deh){
+ minh = deh;
+ maxh = dbh;
+ }else{
+ maxh = deh;
+ minh = dbh;
+ }
+ w = (maxw > _window.innerWidth) ? minw : maxw;
+ h = (maxh > _window.innerHeight) ? minh : maxh;
+ }else if(!dojo.isOpera && _window.innerWidth){
+ //in opera9, dojo.body().clientWidth should be used, instead
+ //of window.innerWidth/document.documentElement.clientWidth
+ //so we have to check whether it is opera
+ w = _window.innerWidth;
+ h = _window.innerHeight;
+ }else if(dojo.isIE && de && deh){
+ w = dew;
+ h = deh;
+ }else if(dojo.body().clientWidth){
+ // IE5, Opera
+ w = dojo.body().clientWidth;
+ h = dojo.body().clientHeight;
+ }
+ // get scroll position
+ var scroll = dojo._docScroll();
+ return { w: w, h: h, l: scroll.x, t: scroll.y }; // object
+dijit.placeOnScreen = function(
+ /* DomNode */ node,
+ /* Object */ pos,
+ /* Object */ corners,
+ /* boolean? */ tryOnly){
+ // summary:
+ // Keeps 'node' in the visible area of the screen while trying to
+ // place closest to pos.x, pos.y. The input coordinates are
+ // expected to be the desired document position.
+ //
+ // Set which corner(s) you want to bind to, such as
+ //
+ // placeOnScreen(node, {x: 10, y: 20}, ["TR", "BL"])
+ //
+ // The desired x/y will be treated as the topleft(TL)/topright(TR) or
+ // BottomLeft(BL)/BottomRight(BR) corner of the node. Each corner is tested
+ // and if a perfect match is found, it will be used. Otherwise, it goes through
+ // all of the specified corners, and choose the most appropriate one.
+ //
+ // NOTE: node is assumed to be absolutely or relatively positioned.
+ var choices =, function(corner){ return { corner: corner, pos: pos }; });
+ return dijit._place(node, choices);
+dijit._place = function(/*DomNode*/ node, /* Array */ choices, /* Function */ layoutNode){
+ // summary:
+ // Given a list of spots to put node, put it at the first spot where it fits,
+ // of if it doesn't fit anywhere then the place with the least overflow
+ // choices: Array
+ // Array of elements like: {corner: 'TL', pos: {x: 10, y: 20} }
+ // Above example says to put the top-left corner of the node at (10,20)
+ // layoutNode: Function(node, aroundNodeCorner, nodeCorner)
+ // for things like tooltip, they are displayed differently (and have different dimensions)
+ // based on their orientation relative to the parent. This adjusts the popup based on orientation.
+ // get {x: 10, y: 10, w: 100, h:100} type obj representing position of
+ // viewport over document
+ var view = dijit.getViewport();
+ // This won't work if the node is inside a <div style="position: relative">,
+ // so reattach it to dojo.doc.body. (Otherwise, the positioning will be wrong
+ // and also it might get cutoff)
+ if(!node.parentNode || String(node.parentNode.tagName).toLowerCase() != "body"){
+ dojo.body().appendChild(node);
+ }
+ var best = null;
+ dojo.some(choices, function(choice){
+ var corner = choice.corner;
+ var pos = choice.pos;
+ // configure node to be displayed in given position relative to button
+ // (need to do this in order to get an accurate size for the node, because
+ // a tooltips size changes based on position, due to triangle)
+ if(layoutNode){
+ layoutNode(node, choice.aroundCorner, corner);
+ }
+ // get node's size
+ var style =;
+ var oldDisplay = style.display;
+ var oldVis = style.visibility;
+ style.visibility = "hidden";
+ style.display = "";
+ var mb = dojo.marginBox(node);
+ style.display = oldDisplay;
+ style.visibility = oldVis;
+ // coordinates and size of node with specified corner placed at pos,
+ // and clipped by viewport
+ var startX = (corner.charAt(1) == 'L' ? pos.x : Math.max(view.l, pos.x - mb.w)),
+ startY = (corner.charAt(0) == 'T' ? pos.y : Math.max(view.t, pos.y - mb.h)),
+ endX = (corner.charAt(1) == 'L' ? Math.min(view.l + view.w, startX + mb.w) : pos.x),
+ endY = (corner.charAt(0) == 'T' ? Math.min(view.t + view.h, startY + mb.h) : pos.y),
+ width = endX - startX,
+ height = endY - startY,
+ overflow = (mb.w - width) + (mb.h - height);
+ if(best == null || overflow < best.overflow){
+ best = {
+ corner: corner,
+ aroundCorner: choice.aroundCorner,
+ x: startX,
+ y: startY,
+ w: width,
+ h: height,
+ overflow: overflow
+ };
+ }
+ return !overflow;
+ });
+ = best.x + "px";
+ = best.y + "px";
+ if(best.overflow && layoutNode){
+ layoutNode(node, best.aroundCorner, best.corner);
+ }
+ return best;
+dijit.placeOnScreenAroundElement = function(
+ /* DomNode */ node,
+ /* DomNode */ aroundNode,
+ /* Object */ aroundCorners,
+ /* Function */ layoutNode){
+ // summary
+ // Like placeOnScreen, except it accepts aroundNode instead of x,y
+ // and attempts to place node around it. Uses margin box dimensions.
+ //
+ // aroundCorners
+ // specify Which corner of aroundNode should be
+ // used to place the node => which corner(s) of node to use (see the
+ // corners parameter in dijit.placeOnScreen)
+ // e.g. {'TL': 'BL', 'BL': 'TL'}
+ //
+ // layoutNode: Function(node, aroundNodeCorner, nodeCorner)
+ // for things like tooltip, they are displayed differently (and have different dimensions)
+ // based on their orientation relative to the parent. This adjusts the popup based on orientation.
+ // get coordinates of aroundNode
+ aroundNode = dojo.byId(aroundNode);
+ var oldDisplay =;
+ // #3172: use the slightly tighter border box instead of marginBox
+ var aroundNodeW = aroundNode.offsetWidth; //mb.w;
+ var aroundNodeH = aroundNode.offsetHeight; //mb.h;
+ var aroundNodePos = dojo.coords(aroundNode, true);
+ // Generate list of possible positions for node
+ var choices = [];
+ for(var nodeCorner in aroundCorners){
+ choices.push( {
+ aroundCorner: nodeCorner,
+ corner: aroundCorners[nodeCorner],
+ pos: {
+ x: aroundNodePos.x + (nodeCorner.charAt(1) == 'L' ? 0 : aroundNodeW),
+ y: aroundNodePos.y + (nodeCorner.charAt(0) == 'T' ? 0 : aroundNodeH)
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return dijit._place(node, choices, layoutNode);
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/_base/popup.js b/includes/js/dijit/_base/popup.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cb4dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/_base/popup.js
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.popup"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.popup"] = true;
+dijit.popup = new function(){
+ // summary:
+ // This class is used to show/hide widgets as popups.
+ //
+ var stack = [],
+ beginZIndex=1000,
+ idGen = 1;
+ this.prepare = function(/*DomNode*/ node){
+ // summary:
+ // Prepares a node to be used as a popup
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Attaches node to dojo.doc.body, and
+ // positions it off screen, but not display:none, so that
+ // the widget doesn't appear in the page flow and/or cause a blank
+ // area at the bottom of the viewport (making scrollbar longer), but
+ // initialization of contained widgets works correctly
+ dojo.body().appendChild(node);
+ var s =;
+ if(s.display == "none"){
+ s.display="";
+ }
+ s.visibility = "hidden"; // not needed for hiding, but used as flag that node is off-screen
+ s.position = "absolute";
+ = "-9999px";
+ };
+ = function(/*Object*/ args){
+ // summary:
+ // Popup the widget at the specified position
+ //
+ // args: Object
+ // popup: Widget
+ // widget to display,
+ // parent: Widget
+ // the button etc. that is displaying this popup
+ // around: DomNode
+ // DOM node (typically a button); place popup relative to this node
+ // orient: Object
+ // structure specifying possible positions of popup relative to "around" node
+ // onCancel: Function
+ // callback when user has canceled the popup by
+ // 1. hitting ESC or
+ // 2. by using the popup widget's proprietary cancel mechanism (like a cancel button in a dialog);
+ // ie: whenever popupWidget.onCancel() is called, args.onCancel is called
+ // onClose: Function
+ // callback whenever this popup is closed
+ // onExecute: Function
+ // callback when user "executed" on the popup/sub-popup by selecting a menu choice, etc. (top menu only)
+ //
+ // examples:
+ // 1. opening at the mouse position
+ //{popup: menuWidget, x: evt.pageX, y: evt.pageY});
+ // 2. opening the widget as a dropdown
+ //{parent: this, popup: menuWidget, around: this.domNode, onClose: function(){...} });
+ //
+ // Note that whatever widget called should also listen to it's own _onBlur callback
+ // (fired from _base/focus.js) to know that focus has moved somewhere else and thus the popup should be closed.
+ var widget = args.popup,
+ orient = args.orient || {'BL':'TL', 'TL':'BL'},
+ around = args.around,
+ id = (args.around && ? ("_dropdown") : ("popup_"+idGen++);
+ // make wrapper div to hold widget and possibly hold iframe behind it.
+ // we can't attach the iframe as a child of the widget.domNode because
+ // widget.domNode might be a <table>, <ul>, etc.
+ var wrapper = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
+ dijit.setWaiRole(wrapper, "presentation");
+ = id;
+ wrapper.className="dijitPopup";
+ = beginZIndex + stack.length;
+ = "hidden";
+ if(args.parent){
+ }
+ dojo.body().appendChild(wrapper);
+ var s =;
+ s.display = "";
+ s.visibility = "";
+ s.position = "";
+ wrapper.appendChild(widget.domNode);
+ var iframe = new dijit.BackgroundIframe(wrapper);
+ // position the wrapper node
+ var best = around ?
+ dijit.placeOnScreenAroundElement(wrapper, around, orient, widget.orient ? dojo.hitch(widget, "orient") : null) :
+ dijit.placeOnScreen(wrapper, args, orient == 'R' ? ['TR','BR','TL','BL'] : ['TL','BL','TR','BR']);
+ = "visible";
+ // TODO: use effects to fade in wrapper
+ var handlers = [];
+ // Compute the closest ancestor popup that's *not* a child of another popup.
+ // Ex: For a TooltipDialog with a button that spawns a tree of menus, find the popup of the button.
+ var getTopPopup = function(){
+ for(var pi=stack.length-1; pi > 0 && stack[pi].parent === stack[pi-1].widget; pi--){
+ /* do nothing, just trying to get right value for pi */
+ }
+ return stack[pi];
+ }
+ // provide default escape and tab key handling
+ // (this will work for any widget, not just menu)
+ handlers.push(dojo.connect(wrapper, "onkeypress", this, function(evt){
+ if(evt.keyCode == dojo.keys.ESCAPE && args.onCancel){
+ dojo.stopEvent(evt);
+ args.onCancel();
+ }else if(evt.keyCode == dojo.keys.TAB){
+ dojo.stopEvent(evt);
+ var topPopup = getTopPopup();
+ if(topPopup && topPopup.onCancel){
+ topPopup.onCancel();
+ }
+ }
+ }));
+ // watch for cancel/execute events on the popup and notify the caller
+ // (for a menu, "execute" means clicking an item)
+ if(widget.onCancel){
+ handlers.push(dojo.connect(widget, "onCancel", null, args.onCancel));
+ }
+ handlers.push(dojo.connect(widget, widget.onExecute ? "onExecute" : "onChange", null, function(){
+ var topPopup = getTopPopup();
+ if(topPopup && topPopup.onExecute){
+ topPopup.onExecute();
+ }
+ }));
+ stack.push({
+ wrapper: wrapper,
+ iframe: iframe,
+ widget: widget,
+ parent: args.parent,
+ onExecute: args.onExecute,
+ onCancel: args.onCancel,
+ onClose: args.onClose,
+ handlers: handlers
+ });
+ if(widget.onOpen){
+ widget.onOpen(best);
+ }
+ return best;
+ };
+ this.close = function(/*Widget*/ popup){
+ // summary:
+ // Close specified popup and any popups that it parented
+ while(dojo.some(stack, function(elem){return elem.widget == popup;})){
+ var top = stack.pop(),
+ wrapper = top.wrapper,
+ iframe = top.iframe,
+ widget = top.widget,
+ onClose = top.onClose;
+ if(widget.onClose){
+ widget.onClose();
+ }
+ dojo.forEach(top.handlers, dojo.disconnect);
+ // #2685: check if the widget still has a domNode so ContentPane can change its URL without getting an error
+ if(!widget||!widget.domNode){ return; }
+ this.prepare(widget.domNode);
+ iframe.destroy();
+ dojo._destroyElement(wrapper);
+ if(onClose){
+ onClose();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+dijit._frames = new function(){
+ // summary: cache of iframes
+ var queue = [];
+ this.pop = function(){
+ var iframe;
+ if(queue.length){
+ iframe = queue.pop();
+ }else{
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ var html="<iframe src='javascript:\"\"'"
+ + " style='position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;"
+ + "z-index: -1; filter:Alpha(Opacity=\"0\");'>";
+ iframe = dojo.doc.createElement(html);
+ }else{
+ iframe = dojo.doc.createElement("iframe");
+ iframe.src = 'javascript:""';
+ iframe.className = "dijitBackgroundIframe";
+ }
+ iframe.tabIndex = -1; // Magic to prevent iframe from getting focus on tab keypress - as style didnt work.
+ dojo.body().appendChild(iframe);
+ }
+ return iframe;
+ };
+ this.push = function(iframe){
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ }
+ queue.push(iframe);
+ }
+// fill the queue
+if(dojo.isIE && dojo.isIE < 7){
+ dojo.addOnLoad(function(){
+ var f = dijit._frames;
+ dojo.forEach([f.pop()], f.push);
+ });
+dijit.BackgroundIframe = function(/* DomNode */node){
+ // summary:
+ // For IE z-index schenanigans. id attribute is required.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // new dijit.BackgroundIframe(node)
+ // Makes a background iframe as a child of node, that fills
+ // area (and position) of node
+ if(!{ throw new Error("no id"); }
+ if((dojo.isIE && dojo.isIE < 7) || (dojo.isFF && dojo.isFF < 3 && dojo.hasClass(dojo.body(), "dijit_a11y"))){
+ var iframe = dijit._frames.pop();
+ node.appendChild(iframe);
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+"width", dojo._scopeName + ".doc.getElementById('" + + "').offsetWidth");
+"height", dojo._scopeName + ".doc.getElementById('" + + "').offsetHeight");
+ }
+ this.iframe = iframe;
+ }
+dojo.extend(dijit.BackgroundIframe, {
+ destroy: function(){
+ // summary: destroy the iframe
+ if(this.iframe){
+ dijit._frames.push(this.iframe);
+ delete this.iframe;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/_base/scroll.js b/includes/js/dijit/_base/scroll.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aeac5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/_base/scroll.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.scroll"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.scroll"] = true;
+dijit.scrollIntoView = function(/* DomNode */node){
+ // summary
+ // Scroll the passed node into view, if it is not.
+ // don't rely on that node.scrollIntoView works just because the function is there
+ // it doesnt work in Konqueror or Opera even though the function is there and probably
+ // not safari either
+ // native scrollIntoView() causes FF3's whole window to scroll if there is no scroll bar
+ // on the immediate parent
+ // dont like browser sniffs implementations but sometimes you have to use it
+ // #6146: IE scrollIntoView is broken
+ // It's not enough just to scroll the menu node into view if
+ // node.scrollIntoView hides part of the parent's scrollbar,
+ // so just manage the parent scrollbar ourselves
+ var parent = node.parentNode;
+ var parentBottom = parent.scrollTop + dojo.marginBox(parent).h; //PORT was getBorderBox
+ var nodeBottom = node.offsetTop + dojo.marginBox(node).h;
+ if(parentBottom < nodeBottom){
+ parent.scrollTop += (nodeBottom - parentBottom);
+ }else if(parent.scrollTop > node.offsetTop){
+ parent.scrollTop -= (parent.scrollTop - node.offsetTop);
+ }
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/_base/sniff.js b/includes/js/dijit/_base/sniff.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30835cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/_base/sniff.js
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.sniff"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.sniff"] = true;
+// ported from dojo.html.applyBrowserClass (style.js)
+// summary:
+// Applies pre-set class names based on browser & version to the
+// top-level HTML node. Simply doing a require on this module will
+// establish this CSS. Modified version of Morris' CSS hack.
+ var d = dojo;
+ var ie = d.isIE;
+ var opera = d.isOpera;
+ var maj = Math.floor;
+ var ff = d.isFF;
+ var classes = {
+ dj_ie: ie,
+// dj_ie55: ie == 5.5,
+ dj_ie6: maj(ie) == 6,
+ dj_ie7: maj(ie) == 7,
+ dj_iequirks: ie && d.isQuirks,
+// NOTE: Opera not supported by dijit
+ dj_opera: opera,
+ dj_opera8: maj(opera) == 8,
+ dj_opera9: maj(opera) == 9,
+ dj_khtml: d.isKhtml,
+ dj_safari: d.isSafari,
+ dj_gecko: d.isMozilla,
+ dj_ff2: maj(ff) == 2
+ }; // no dojo unsupported browsers
+ for(var p in classes){
+ if(classes[p]){
+ var html = dojo.doc.documentElement; //TODO browser-specific DOM magic needed?
+ if(html.className){
+ html.className += " " + p;
+ }else{
+ html.className = p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/_base/typematic.js b/includes/js/dijit/_base/typematic.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9500839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/_base/typematic.js
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.typematic"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.typematic"] = true;
+dijit.typematic = {
+ // summary:
+ // These functions are used to repetitively call a user specified callback
+ // method when a specific key or mouse click over a specific DOM node is
+ // held down for a specific amount of time.
+ // Only 1 such event is allowed to occur on the browser page at 1 time.
+ _fireEventAndReload: function(){
+ this._timer = null;
+ this._callback(++this._count, this._node, this._evt);
+ this._currentTimeout = (this._currentTimeout < 0) ? this._initialDelay : ((this._subsequentDelay > 1) ? this._subsequentDelay : Math.round(this._currentTimeout * this._subsequentDelay));
+ this._timer = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "_fireEventAndReload"), this._currentTimeout);
+ },
+ trigger: function(/*Event*/ evt, /* Object */ _this, /*DOMNode*/ node, /* Function */ callback, /* Object */ obj, /* Number */ subsequentDelay, /* Number */ initialDelay){
+ // summary:
+ // Start a timed, repeating callback sequence.
+ // If already started, the function call is ignored.
+ // This method is not normally called by the user but can be
+ // when the normal listener code is insufficient.
+ // Parameters:
+ // evt: key or mouse event object to pass to the user callback
+ // _this: pointer to the user's widget space.
+ // node: the DOM node object to pass the the callback function
+ // callback: function to call until the sequence is stopped called with 3 parameters:
+ // count: integer representing number of repeated calls (0..n) with -1 indicating the iteration has stopped
+ // node: the DOM node object passed in
+ // evt: key or mouse event object
+ // obj: user space object used to uniquely identify each typematic sequence
+ // subsequentDelay: if > 1, the number of milliseconds until the 3->n events occur
+ // or else the fractional time multiplier for the next event's delay, default=0.9
+ // initialDelay: the number of milliseconds until the 2nd event occurs, default=500ms
+ if(obj != this._obj){
+ this.stop();
+ this._initialDelay = initialDelay || 500;
+ this._subsequentDelay = subsequentDelay || 0.90;
+ this._obj = obj;
+ this._evt = evt;
+ this._node = node;
+ this._currentTimeout = -1;
+ this._count = -1;
+ this._callback = dojo.hitch(_this, callback);
+ this._fireEventAndReload();
+ }
+ },
+ stop: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Stop an ongoing timed, repeating callback sequence.
+ if(this._timer){
+ clearTimeout(this._timer);
+ this._timer = null;
+ }
+ if(this._obj){
+ this._callback(-1, this._node, this._evt);
+ this._obj = null;
+ }
+ },
+ addKeyListener: function(/*DOMNode*/ node, /*Object*/ keyObject, /*Object*/ _this, /*Function*/ callback, /*Number*/ subsequentDelay, /*Number*/ initialDelay){
+ // summary: Start listening for a specific typematic key.
+ // keyObject: an object defining the key to listen for.
+ // key: (mandatory) the keyCode (number) or character (string) to listen for.
+ // ctrlKey: desired ctrl key state to initiate the calback sequence:
+ // pressed (true)
+ // released (false)
+ // either (unspecified)
+ // altKey: same as ctrlKey but for the alt key
+ // shiftKey: same as ctrlKey but for the shift key
+ // See the trigger method for other parameters.
+ // Returns an array of dojo.connect handles
+ return [
+ dojo.connect(node, "onkeypress", this, function(evt){
+ if(evt.keyCode == keyObject.keyCode && (!keyObject.charCode || keyObject.charCode == evt.charCode) &&
+ (keyObject.ctrlKey === undefined || keyObject.ctrlKey == evt.ctrlKey) &&
+ (keyObject.altKey === undefined || keyObject.altKey == evt.ctrlKey) &&
+ (keyObject.shiftKey === undefined || keyObject.shiftKey == evt.ctrlKey)){
+ dojo.stopEvent(evt);
+ dijit.typematic.trigger(keyObject, _this, node, callback, keyObject, subsequentDelay, initialDelay);
+ }else if(dijit.typematic._obj == keyObject){
+ dijit.typematic.stop();
+ }
+ }),
+ dojo.connect(node, "onkeyup", this, function(evt){
+ if(dijit.typematic._obj == keyObject){
+ dijit.typematic.stop();
+ }
+ })
+ ];
+ },
+ addMouseListener: function(/*DOMNode*/ node, /*Object*/ _this, /*Function*/ callback, /*Number*/ subsequentDelay, /*Number*/ initialDelay){
+ // summary: Start listening for a typematic mouse click.
+ // See the trigger method for other parameters.
+ // Returns an array of dojo.connect handles
+ var dc = dojo.connect;
+ return [
+ dc(node, "mousedown", this, function(evt){
+ dojo.stopEvent(evt);
+ dijit.typematic.trigger(evt, _this, node, callback, node, subsequentDelay, initialDelay);
+ }),
+ dc(node, "mouseup", this, function(evt){
+ dojo.stopEvent(evt);
+ dijit.typematic.stop();
+ }),
+ dc(node, "mouseout", this, function(evt){
+ dojo.stopEvent(evt);
+ dijit.typematic.stop();
+ }),
+ dc(node, "mousemove", this, function(evt){
+ dojo.stopEvent(evt);
+ }),
+ dc(node, "dblclick", this, function(evt){
+ dojo.stopEvent(evt);
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ dijit.typematic.trigger(evt, _this, node, callback, node, subsequentDelay, initialDelay);
+ setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, dijit.typematic.stop), 50);
+ }
+ })
+ ];
+ },
+ addListener: function(/*Node*/ mouseNode, /*Node*/ keyNode, /*Object*/ keyObject, /*Object*/ _this, /*Function*/ callback, /*Number*/ subsequentDelay, /*Number*/ initialDelay){
+ // summary: Start listening for a specific typematic key and mouseclick.
+ // This is a thin wrapper to addKeyListener and addMouseListener.
+ // mouseNode: the DOM node object to listen on for mouse events.
+ // keyNode: the DOM node object to listen on for key events.
+ // See the addMouseListener and addKeyListener methods for other parameters.
+ // Returns an array of dojo.connect handles
+ return this.addKeyListener(keyNode, keyObject, _this, callback, subsequentDelay, initialDelay).concat(
+ this.addMouseListener(mouseNode, _this, callback, subsequentDelay, initialDelay));
+ }
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/_base/wai.js b/includes/js/dijit/_base/wai.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9d47a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/_base/wai.js
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.wai"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.wai"] = true;
+dijit.wai = {
+ onload: function(){
+ // summary:
+ // Detects if we are in high-contrast mode or not
+ // This must be a named function and not an anonymous
+ // function, so that the widget parsing code can make sure it
+ // registers its onload function after this function.
+ // DO NOT USE "this" within this function.
+ // create div for testing if high contrast mode is on or images are turned off
+ var div = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
+ = "a11yTestNode";
+ = 'border: 1px solid;'
+ + 'border-color:red green;'
+ + 'position: absolute;'
+ + 'height: 5px;'
+ + 'top: -999px;'
+ + 'background-image: url("' + dojo.moduleUrl("dojo", "resources/blank.gif") + '");';
+ dojo.body().appendChild(div);
+ // test it
+ var cs = dojo.getComputedStyle(div);
+ if(cs){
+ var bkImg = cs.backgroundImage;
+ var needsA11y = (cs.borderTopColor==cs.borderRightColor) || (bkImg != null && (bkImg == "none" || bkImg == "url(invalid-url:)" ));
+ dojo[needsA11y ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](dojo.body(), "dijit_a11y");
+ dojo.body().removeChild(div);
+ }
+ }
+// Test if computer is in high contrast mode.
+// Make sure the a11y test runs first, before widgets are instantiated.
+if(dojo.isIE || dojo.isMoz){ // NOTE: checking in Safari messes things up
+ dojo._loaders.unshift(dijit.wai.onload);
+ hasWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem){
+ // summary: Determines if an element has a role.
+ // returns: true if elem has a role attribute and false if not.
+ return elem.hasAttribute ? elem.hasAttribute("role") : !!elem.getAttribute("role");
+ },
+ getWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem){
+ // summary: Gets the role for an element.
+ // returns:
+ // The role of elem or an empty string if elem
+ // does not have a role.
+ var value = elem.getAttribute("role");
+ if(value){
+ var prefixEnd = value.indexOf(":");
+ return prefixEnd == -1 ? value : value.substring(prefixEnd+1);
+ }else{
+ return "";
+ }
+ },
+ setWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ role){
+ // summary: Sets the role on an element.
+ // description:
+ // On Firefox 2 and below, "wairole:" is
+ // prepended to the provided role value.
+ elem.setAttribute("role", (dojo.isFF && dojo.isFF < 3) ? "wairole:" + role : role);
+ },
+ removeWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem){
+ // summary: Removes the role from an element.
+ elem.removeAttribute("role");
+ },
+ hasWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state){
+ // summary: Determines if an element has a given state.
+ // description:
+ // On Firefox 2 and below, we check for an attribute in namespace
+ // "" with a name of the given state.
+ // On all other browsers, we check for an attribute
+ // called "aria-"+state.
+ // returns:
+ // true if elem has a value for the given state and
+ // false if it does not.
+ if(dojo.isFF && dojo.isFF < 3){
+ return elem.hasAttributeNS("", state);
+ }else{
+ return elem.hasAttribute ? elem.hasAttribute("aria-"+state) : !!elem.getAttribute("aria-"+state);
+ }
+ },
+ getWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state){
+ // summary: Gets the value of a state on an element.
+ // description:
+ // On Firefox 2 and below, we check for an attribute in namespace
+ // "" with a name of the given state.
+ // On all other browsers, we check for an attribute called
+ // "aria-"+state.
+ // returns:
+ // The value of the requested state on elem
+ // or an empty string if elem has no value for state.
+ if(dojo.isFF && dojo.isFF < 3){
+ return elem.getAttributeNS("", state);
+ }else{
+ var value = elem.getAttribute("aria-"+state);
+ return value ? value : "";
+ }
+ },
+ setWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state, /*String*/ value){
+ // summary: Sets a state on an element.
+ // description:
+ // On Firefox 2 and below, we set an attribute in namespace
+ // "" with a name of the given state.
+ // On all other browsers, we set an attribute called
+ // "aria-"+state.
+ if(dojo.isFF && dojo.isFF < 3){
+ elem.setAttributeNS("",
+ "aaa:"+state, value);
+ }else{
+ elem.setAttribute("aria-"+state, value);
+ }
+ },
+ removeWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state){
+ // summary: Removes a state from an element.
+ // description:
+ // On Firefox 2 and below, we remove the attribute in namespace
+ // "" with a name of the given state.
+ // On all other browsers, we remove the attribute called
+ // "aria-"+state.
+ if(dojo.isFF && dojo.isFF < 3){
+ elem.removeAttributeNS("", state);
+ }else{
+ elem.removeAttribute("aria-"+state);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/_base/window.js b/includes/js/dijit/_base/window.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1bbb54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/_base/window.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.window"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.window"] = true;
+dijit.getDocumentWindow = function(doc){
+ // summary
+ // Get window object associated with document doc
+ // With Safari, there is not way to retrieve the window from the document, so we must fix it.
+ if(dojo.isSafari && !doc._parentWindow){
+ /*
+ This is a Safari specific function that fix the reference to the parent
+ window from the document object.
+ TODO: #5711: should the use of document below reference dojo.doc instead
+ in case they're not the same?
+ */
+ var fix=function(win){
+ win.document._parentWindow=win;
+ for(var i=0; i<win.frames.length; i++){
+ fix(win.frames[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ fix(;
+ }
+ //In some IE versions (at least 6.0), document.parentWindow does not return a
+ //reference to the real window object (maybe a copy), so we must fix it as well
+ //We use IE specific execScript to attach the real window reference to
+ //document._parentWindow for later use
+ //TODO: #5711: should the use of document below reference dojo.doc instead in case they're not the same?
+ if(dojo.isIE && window !== document.parentWindow && !doc._parentWindow){
+ /*
+ In IE 6, only the variable "window" can be used to connect events (others
+ may be only copies).
+ */
+ doc.parentWindow.execScript("document._parentWindow = window;", "Javascript");
+ //to prevent memory leak, unset it after use
+ //another possibility is to add an onUnload handler which seems overkill to me (liucougar)
+ var win = doc._parentWindow;
+ doc._parentWindow = null;
+ return win; // Window
+ }
+ return doc._parentWindow || doc.parentWindow || doc.defaultView; // Window