path: root/data/templates/default/bookmarklet.inc.php
diff options
authorChristian Weiske <cweiske@cweiske.de>2011-05-25 19:43:36 +0200
committerChristian Weiske <cweiske@cweiske.de>2011-05-25 19:43:36 +0200
commit5ba53394fcda4ae9cfa9af52b37fb67517deeb5a (patch)
tree4416be7903a2b339382e9f933284f50797edc239 /data/templates/default/bookmarklet.inc.php
parent63b0a4b8cb38a8a7c41410900b9dfcc84e6a33a9 (diff)
implement request #1989987: theme support. merge themes branch with --squash
Diffstat (limited to 'data/templates/default/bookmarklet.inc.php')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/templates/default/bookmarklet.inc.php b/data/templates/default/bookmarklet.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9867745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/templates/default/bookmarklet.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+<h3><?php echo T_('Bookmarklet'); ?></h3>
+<p id="bookmarklet"></p>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+var browser = navigator.appName;
+jQuery(function($) {
+if (browser == "Opera") {
+ $('#bookmarklet').append(
+ <?php echo json_encode(
+ sprintf(
+ T_("Click one of the following bookmarklets to add a button you can click whenever you want to add the page you are on to %s") . ':',
+ $GLOBALS['sitename']
+ )
+ ); ?>
+ );
+} else {
+ $('#bookmarklet').append(
+ <?php echo json_encode(
+ sprintf(
+ T_("Drag one of the following bookmarklets to your browser's bookmarks and click it whenever you want to add the page you are on to %s") . ':',
+ $GLOBALS['sitename']
+ )
+ );
+ ?>
+ );
+<script type="text/javascript">
+var selection = '';
+if (window.getSelection) {
+ selection = 'window.getSelection()';
+} else if (document.getSelection) {
+ selection = 'document.getSelection()';
+} else if (document.selection) {
+ selection = 'document.selection.createRange().text';
+if (browser == "Opera") {
+ $('#bookmarklet').append(
+ '<ul>'
+ + '<li>'
+ + '<a class="bookmarklet" href="'
+ + '<?php
+$popupLink = 'javascript:'
+ . "location.href='"
+ . createURL('bookmarks', $GLOBALS['user'])
+ . '?action=add'
+ . "&address='+encodeURIComponent(document.location.href)+'"
+ . "&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'"
+ . "&description='+encodeURIComponent(SELECTION)"
+ . ";";
+$link = 'opera:/button/'
+ //Opera command
+ . 'Go to page'
+ //command parameter 1
+ . ',"' . rawurlencode($popupLink) . '"'
+ //command parameter 2
+ . ','
+ //button title
+ . ',"Post to ' . fixOperaButtonName($GLOBALS['sitename']) . '"'
+ //button icon name
+ . ',"Scuttle"';
+echo jsEscTitle(htmlspecialchars($link));
+?>'.replace('SELECTION', selection)
+ + '"><?php echo jsEscTitle(sprintf(T_('Post to %s'), $GLOBALS['sitename'])); ?></a>'
+ + '</li>'
+ + '<li>'
+ + '<a class="bookmarklet" href="'
+ + '<?php
+$popupLink = 'javascript:'
+ . 'open('
+ . "'" . createURL('bookmarks', $GLOBALS['user'])
+ . '?action=add'
+ . '&popup=1'
+ . "&address='+encodeURIComponent(document.location.href)+'"
+ . "&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'"
+ . "&description='+encodeURIComponent(SELECTION)"
+ . ","
+ . "'" . htmlspecialchars(jsEscTitle($GLOBALS['sitename'])) . "',"
+ . "'modal=1,status=0,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,resizable=1,width=790,height=465"
+ . ",left='+(screen.width-790)/2+',top='+(screen.height-425)/2"
+ . ");void 0";
+$link = 'opera:/button/'
+ . 'Go to page'
+ . ',"' . rawurlencode($popupLink) . '"'
+ . ','
+ . ',"Post to ' . fixOperaButtonName($GLOBALS['sitename']) . ' (Pop-up)"'
+ . ',"Scuttle"';
+echo jsEscTitle(htmlspecialchars($link));
+?>'.replace('SELECTION', selection)
+ + '"><?php echo jsEscTitle(sprintf(T_('Post to %s (Pop-up)'), $GLOBALS['sitename'])); ?></a>'
+ + '</li>'
+ + '</ul>'
+ );
+} else {
+ $('#bookmarklet').append(
+ '<ul>'
+ + '<li><a class="bookmarklet" href="javascript:x=document;a=encodeURIComponent(x.location.href);t=encodeURIComponent(x.title);d=encodeURIComponent('+selection+');location.href=\'<?php echo createURL('bookmarks', $GLOBALS['user']); ?>?action=add&amp;address=\'+a+\'&amp;title=\'+t+\'&amp;description=\'+d;void 0;"><?php echo jsEscTitle(sprintf(T_('Post to %s'), $GLOBALS['sitename'])); ?><\/a><\/li>'
+ + '<li>'
+ + '<a class="bookmarklet" href="'
+ + 'javascript:x=document;'
+ + 'a=encodeURIComponent(x.location.href);'
+ + 't=encodeURIComponent(x.title);'
+ + 'd=encodeURIComponent('+selection+');'
+ + 'open('
+ + '\'<?php echo createURL('bookmarks', $GLOBALS['user']); ?>?action=add&amp;popup=1&amp;address=\'+a+\'&amp;title=\'+t+\'&amp;description=\'+d,\'<?php echo htmlspecialchars(jsEscTitleDouble($GLOBALS['sitename'])); ?>\',\'modal=1,status=0,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,resizable=1,width=790,height=465,left=\'+(screen.width-790)/2+\',top=\'+(screen.height-425)/2'
+ + ');void 0;">'
+ + '<?php echo jsEscTitle(sprintf(T_('Post to %s (Pop-up)'), $GLOBALS['sitename'])); ?>'
+ + '</a>'
+ + '</li>'
+ + '</ul>'
+ );