# .terminal: sets default behaviour for a X11 console

# Load ANSI Art
#cat $HOME/themes/ans/slack.ans

# Load the default bash initialization
source $HOME/.bashrc

# Default window title

# Set terminal title
function terminal_title {
  # Set window title
  xtitle $*

  # Set window title inside screen
  # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/899609/gnu-screen-run-script-that-sends-commands-to-the-screen-session-it-is-being-run
  if [ -n "$STY" ]; then
    screen -X title $*

# Set window title, standard version
#trap 'echo -ne "\e]0;terminal: ${TITLE:-$BASH_COMMAND}\007"' DEBUG
#trap 'xtitle ${TITLE:-$BASH_COMMAND}' DEBUG

# Set window title, special version
# In the standard version, $_ stops to keep the parameter of the last command.
# The sollution is to save the value of $_ and issue a pointless command with
# it after changing the title so $_ retain it's intended value.
#trap 'last="$_" ; echo -ne "\e]0;terminal: ${TITLE:-$BASH_COMMAND}\007"; true $last' DEBUG
#trap 'last="$_" ; xtitle ${TITLE:-$BASH_COMMAND}; true $last' DEBUG
#trap '_last="$_" ; _command=${BASH_COMMAND#command_prompt} ; xtitle ${_command:-$TITLE}; true $_last' DEBUG
trap '_last="$_" ; _command=${BASH_COMMAND#command_prompt} ; terminal_title ${_command:-$TITLE}; true $_last' DEBUG

# Fortune :)