From 0be4cc0e592d62af0d8a1157d6c3e1e1860e818f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Silvio Rhatto <>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2017 17:23:55 -0300
Subject: Move some stuff to xsession module

---                                |  26 --                |   7 -
 .../       | 124 --------
 .../    | 128 ---------
 .../   | 127 --------
 .../       | 126 --------            |  40 ---                     |  15 -                   |   1 -
 dependencies/debian                                |  32 +--    |   6 -                  | Bin 2278 -> 0 bytes                     |   1 -                              | 320 ---------------------                                | 121 --------
 15 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1071 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 120000
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100755

diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index fb88c6c..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-! To apply this config without restarting your X session, run
-! xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
-! Misc Terminal configuration
-XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true
-URxvt*searchable-scrollback: M-S
-! The string will be interpreted as if typed into the shell as-is.
-! In this example, printing will be disabled altogether.
-! See
-URxvt.print-pipe: "cat > /dev/null"
-! See
-!URxvt*termName: rxvt
-URxvt*termName: rxvt-256color
-! Simple terminal configuration
-!st-256color*font: xft:Terminus:pixelsize=14,xft:Inconsolata\ for\ Powerline:pixelsize=14
-!stterm-256color*font: xft:Terminus:pixelsize=14,xft:Inconsolata\ for\ Powerline:pixelsize=14
-!stterm*font: xft:Terminus:pixelsize=14,xft:Inconsolata\ for\ Powerline:pixelsize=14
-! Terminal font with powerline support
-URxvt*font: xft:Terminus:pixelsize=14,xft:Inconsolata\ for\ Powerline:pixelsize=14
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9affbf4..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Disabling Gnome Keyring
-* [GnomeKeyring - GnuPG wiki](
-* [OpenPGP Smartcards and GNOME | Simon Josefsson's blog](
-* [GnuPG settings for GNOME 3](
-* [How to disable GNOME keyring? - Ask Ubuntu](
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index f30445f..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=GPG Password Agent
-Name[ar]=عميل كلمة السر GPG
-Name[as]=GPG পাছৱাৰ্ড সহায়ক
-Name[ast]=Axente de contraseñes GPG
-Name[be]=GPG-агент пароляў
-Name[bg]=Агент за пароли на GPG
-Name[bn]=GPG পাসওয়ার্ড এজেন্ট
-Name[ca]=Agent de contrasenyes GPG
-Name[ca@valencia]=Agent de contrasenyes GPG
-Name[cs]=Agent hesel GPG
-Name[el]=Πρόγραμμα κωδικού GPG
-Name[en_GB]=GPG Password Agent
-Name[es]=Agente de contraseñas GPG
-Name[et]=GPG-võtmete agent
-Name[eu]=GPG pasahitzaren agentea
-Name[fa]=مامور گذرواژه GPG
-Name[fi]=GPG-salasanojen agentti
-Name[fr]=Agent de mot de passe GPG
-Name[gl]=Axente de contrasinais GPG
-Name[gu]=GPG પાસવર્જ ઍજન્ટ
-Name[he]=סוכן ססמאות ה־PGP
-Name[hu]=GPG jelszóügynök
-Name[id]=Agen Sandi GPG
-Name[it]=Agente password GPG
-Name[ja]=GPG パスワードエージェント
-Name[km]=ភ្នាក់ងារ​ពាក្យសម្ងាត់​របស់ GPG
-Name[ko]=GPG 암호 에이전트
-Name[lt]=GPG slaptažodžių agentas
-Name[lv]=GPG paroles aģents
-Name[mk]=Агент за лозинки за GPG
-Name[nb]=GPG passordagent
-Name[nn]=Passordagent for GPG
-Name[pa]=GPG ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਏਜੰਟ
-Name[pl]=Agent hasła GPG
-Name[pt]=Agente de Senha GPG
-Name[pt_BR]=Agente de senha GPG
-Name[ro]=Agent parole GPG
-Name[ru]=Агент пароля GPG
-Name[sl]=GPG agent gesel
-Name[sr]=Агент за ГПГ лозинке
-Name[sr@latin]=Agent za GPG lozinke
-Name[ta]=ஜிபிஜி கடவுச்சொல்லின் பலம்
-Name[te]=GPG సంకేతపదం వాహకం
-Name[th]=เอเจนต์รหัสผ่าน GPG
-Name[tr]=GPG Parola Aracı
-Name[ug]=GPG ئىم ياردەمچىسى
-Name[uk]=Агента паролів GPG
-Name[vi]=Agent cho mật khẩu GPG
-Name[zh_CN]=GPG 密码代理
-Name[zh_HK]=GPG 密碼代理程式
-Name[zh_TW]=GPG 密碼代理程式
-Comment=GNOME Keyring: GPG Agent
-Comment[af]=GNOME-sleutelring: GPG-agent
-Comment[ar]=حلقة مفاتيح جنوم: عميل GPG
-Comment[as]=GNOME Keyring: GPG সহায়ক
-Comment[ast]=Aniellu de claves de GNOME: Axente GPG
-Comment[be]=Вязкі ключоў GNOME: GPG-агент
-Comment[bg]=Ключодържател на GNOME: агент на GPG
-Comment[bn]=GNOME কীরিং: GPG এজেন্ট
-Comment[ca]=Anell de claus del GNOME: agent GPG
-Comment[ca@valencia]=Anell de claus del GNOME: agent GPG
-Comment[cs]=Klíčenka GNOME: Agent GPG
-Comment[da]=GNOME-nøglering: GPG-agent
-Comment[de]=GNOME-Schlüsselbunddienst: GPG-Agent
-Comment[el]=Κλειδοθήκη GNOME: Πράκτορας (agent) GPG
-Comment[en_GB]=GNOME Keyring: GPG Agent
-Comment[es]=Depósito de claves de GNOME: agente GPG
-Comment[et]=GNOME võtmerõngas: GPG-agent
-Comment[eu]=GNOMEren gako-sorta: GPG agentea
-Comment[fa]=دسته‌کلید گنوم: مامور GPG
-Comment[fi]=Gnomen avainnippu: GPG-agentti
-Comment[fr]=Trousseau de clés GNOME : agent GPG
-Comment[gl]=Anel de chaves de GNOME: axente GPG
-Comment[gu]=GNOME કીરીંગ: GPG ઍજન્ટ
-Comment[he]=קבוצת מפתחות GNOME: סוכן GPG
-Comment[hu]=GNOME kulcstartó: GPG-ügynök
-Comment[id]=Ring Kunci GNOME: Agen GPG
-Comment[it]=Portachiavi di GNOME: agente GPG
-Comment[ja]=GNOME キーリング: GPG エージェント
-Comment[km]=GNOME Keyring ៖ ភ្នាក់ងារ GPG
-Comment[ko]=그놈 키 모음: GPG 에이전트
-Comment[lt]=GNOME raktinė: GPG agentas
-Comment[lv]=GNOME Keyring: GPG aģents
-Comment[mk]=Приврзок за GNOME: GPG агент
-Comment[nb]=GNOME nøkkelring: GPG-agent
-Comment[nl]=Gnome-sleutelbos: GPG-agent
-Comment[nn]=GNOME Nøkkelring: GPG-agent
-Comment[pa]=ਗਨੋਮ ਕੀਰਿੰਗ: GPG ਏਜੰਟ
-Comment[pl]=Baza kluczy dla środowiska GNOME: agent GPG
-Comment[pt]=GNOME Keyring: Agente GPG
-Comment[pt_BR]=Chaveiro do GNOME: Agente GPG
-Comment[ro]=Inelul de chei GNOME: Agent GPG
-Comment[ru]=Связка ключей GNOME: GPG-агент
-Comment[sl]=GNOME zbirka ključev: GPG agent
-Comment[sr]=Гномови привесци: ГПГ агент
-Comment[sr@latin]=Gnomovi privesci: GPG agent
-Comment[sv]=GNOME-nyckelring: GPG-agent
-Comment[ta]=GNOME கீரிங்: ஜிபிஜி முகவர்
-Comment[te]=GNOME కీరింగ్: GPG వాహకం
-Comment[th]=พวงกุญแจของ GNOME: เอเจนต์ GPG
-Comment[tr]=GNOME Anahtarlığı: GPG Aracı
-Comment[ug]=NOME ئاچقۇچ ھالقىسى:GPG ياردەمچىسى
-Comment[uk]=Служба в'язки ключів GNOME: агент GPG
-Comment[vi]=Vòng Khoá GNOME: GPG Agent
-Comment[zh_CN]=GNOME 密钥环:GPG 代理
-Comment[zh_HK]=GNOME 密碼匙圈:GPG 代理程式
-Comment[zh_TW]=GNOME 鑰匙圈:GPG 代理程式
-Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=gpg
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 90814c7..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=Certificate and Key Storage
-Name[af]=Sertifikaat- en sleutelberging
-Name[ar]=مخزن الشهادات والمفاتيح
-Name[as]=প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ আৰু চাবি সংৰক্ষণ
-Name[ast]=Certificaos y almacenamientu de claves
-Name[be]=Сховішча сертыфікатаў і ключоў
-Name[bg]=Съхранение на сертификати и ключове
-Name[bn]=সার্টিফিকেট এবং কী স্টোরেজ
-Name[ca]=Magatzem de certificats i de claus
-Name[ca@valencia]=Magatzem de certificats i de claus
-Name[cs]=Odemknout certifikáty a umístění klíčů
-Name[da]=Certifikat- og nøglelager
-Name[el]=Αποθήκη πιστοποιητικών και κλειδιών
-Name[en_GB]=Certificate and Key Storage
-Name[eo]=Memorejo de atestiloj kaj ŝlosiloj
-Name[es]=Certificados y almacenamiento de claves
-Name[et]=Sertifikaadi- ja võtmehoidla
-Name[eu]=Ziurtagirien/gakoen biltegia
-Name[fa]=مخزن گواهی‌نامه و کلید
-Name[fi]=Varmenne- ja avainsäilö
-Name[fr]=Stockage de certificats et de clés
-Name[gl]=Almacenamento de chave ou certificado
-Name[gu]=પ્રમાણપત્ર અને કી સંગ્રહ
-Name[he]=אחסון תעודה ומפתח
-Name[hu]=Tanúsítvány- és kulcstároló
-Name[id]=Penyimpanan Kunci dan Sertifikat
-Name[it]=Archivio certificati e chiavi
-Name[km]=វិញ្ញាបនបត្រ និងការ​ផ្ទុកសោ
-Name[ko]=인증서 및 키 저장소
-Name[lt]=Liudijimų ir raktų saugykla
-Name[lv]=Sertifikātu un atslēgu glabātava
-Name[mk]=Склад на клучеви и сертификати
-Name[ms]=Sijil dan Penyimpanan Kekunci
-Name[nb]=Lager for sertifikat/nøkkel
-Name[nl]=Certificaat- en sleutelopslag
-Name[nn]=Serifikat- og nøkkellager
-Name[pa]=ਸਰਟੀਫਿਕੇਟ ਅਤੇ ਕੁੰਜੀ ਸਟੋਰੇਜ਼
-Name[pl]=Przechowalnia certyfikatów i kluczy
-Name[pt]=Armazenamento de Chaves e Certificados
-Name[pt_BR]=Certificados e armazenamento de chaves
-Name[ro]=Mediu de stocare pentru certificate și chei
-Name[ru]=Хранилище сертификатов и ключей
-Name[sk]=Úložisko certifikátov a kľúčov
-Name[sl]=Hranjenje potrdil in ključev
-Name[sr]=Складиште сертификата и кључева
-Name[sr@latin]=Skladište sertifikata i ključeva
-Name[sv]=Certifikat och nyckellagring
-Name[ta]=சான்றிதழ்/விசை சேமிப்பகம்
-Name[te]=ధృవీకరణపత్రం మరియు కీ నిల్వ
-Name[tr]=Sertifika ve Anahtar Deposu
-Name[ug]=گۇۋاھنامە ۋە شىفىرلىق ئاچقۇچ ئامبىرى
-Name[uk]=Сертифікат та сховище ключів
-Name[vi]=Lưu trữ Chứng nhận và Khoá
-Comment=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11 Component
-Comment[af]=GNOME-sleutelring: PKCS#11-komponent
-Comment[ar]=حلقة مفاتيح جنوم: مكون PKCS#11
-Comment[as]=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11 উপাদান
-Comment[ast]=Depósitu de claves de GNOME: Componente PKCS#11
-Comment[be]=Вязкі ключоў GNOME: кампанент PKCS#11
-Comment[bg]=Ключодържател на GNOME: компонент за PKCS#11
-Comment[bn]=GNOME কী রিং: PKCS#11 কম্পোনেন্ট
-Comment[ca]=Anell de claus del GNOME: component PKCS#11
-Comment[ca@valencia]=Anell de claus del GNOME: component PKCS#11
-Comment[cs]=Klíčenka GNOME: komponenta PKCS#11
-Comment[da]=GNOME-nøgleringsdæmon: PKCS#11-komponent
-Comment[de]=GNOME-Schlüsselbunddienst: PKCS#11-Komponente
-Comment[el]=Κλειδοθήκη GNOME: Συνιστώσα PKCS#11
-Comment[en_GB]=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11 Component
-Comment[es]=Depósito de claves de GNOME: Componente PKCS#11
-Comment[et]=GNOME võtmerõngas: PKCS#11 komponent
-Comment[eu]=GNOMEren gako-sorta: PKCS#11 osagaia
-Comment[fa]=دسته‌کلید گنوم: عناصر PKCS#11
-Comment[fi]=Gnomen avainnippu: PKCS#11-komponentti
-Comment[fr]=Trousseau de clés GNOME : composant PKCS#11
-Comment[gl]=GNOME Keyring: compoñente PKCS#11
-Comment[gu]=GNOME કીરીંગ: PKCS#11 ઘટક
-Comment[he]=קבוצת מפתחות של GNOME:רכיב PKCS#11
-Comment[hu]=GNOME kulcstartó – PKCS#11 összetevő
-Comment[id]=GNOME Keyring: Komponen PKCS#11
-Comment[it]=Portachiavi di GNOME: componente PKCS#11
-Comment[ja]=GNOME キーリング: PKCS#11 コンポーネント
-Comment[km]=GNOME Keyring ៖ សមាសភាគ PKCS#11
-Comment[ko]=그놈 키 모음: PKCS#11 컴포넌트
-Comment[lt]=GNOME raktinė: PKCS#11 komponentas
-Comment[lv]=GNOME Keyring: PKCS#11 komponente
-Comment[mk]=Приврзок на GNOME: PKCS#11 компонента
-Comment[ms]=GNOME Keyring: Komponen PKCS#11
-Comment[nb]=GNOME nøkkelring: PKCS#11-komponent
-Comment[nl]=Sleutelbos-service: PKCS#11-component
-Comment[nn]=GNOME Nøkkelring: PKCS#11-komponent
-Comment[pa]=ਗਨੋਮ ਕੀਰਿੰਗ: PKCS#11 ਭਾਗ
-Comment[pl]=Baza kluczy dla środowiska GNOME: składnik PKCS#11
-Comment[pt]=GNOME Keyring: Componente PKCS#11
-Comment[pt_BR]=Chaveiro do GNOME: Componente PKCS#11
-Comment[ro]=Inelul de chei GNOME: Componenta PKCS#11
-Comment[ru]=Связка ключей GNOME: компонент PKCS#11
-Comment[sl]=GNOME zbirka ključev: PKCS#11 enota
-Comment[sr]=Гномови привесци: ПКЦС#11 компонента
-Comment[sr@latin]=Gnomovi privesci: PKCS#11 komponenta
-Comment[sv]=GNOME-nyckelring: PKCS#11-komponent
-Comment[ta]=GNOME கீரிங்:  PKCS#11 கூறு
-Comment[te]=GNOME కీరింగ్: PKCS#11 అంశం
-Comment[th]=พวงกุญแจของ GNOME: องค์ประกอบ PKCS#11
-Comment[tr]=GNOME Anahtarlığı: PKCS#11 Bileşeni
-Comment[ug]=GNOME ئاچقۇچ ھالقىسى:PKCS#11 دېتالى
-Comment[uk]=Служба в'язки ключів GNOME: компонент PKCS#11
-Comment[vi]=Vòng Khoá GNOME: thành phần PKCS#11
-Comment[zh_CN]=GNOME 密钥环:PKCS#11 组件
-Comment[zh_HK]=GNOME 密碼匙圈:PKCS#11 元件
-Comment[zh_TW]=GNOME 鑰匙圈:PKCS#11 元件
-Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=pkcs11
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index f798b3b..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=Secret Storage Service
-Name[ar]=خدمة حفظ سرية
-Name[as]=গুপ্ত সংৰক্ষণ সেৱা
-Name[ast]=Serviciu d'almacenamientu de secretos
-Name[be]=Служба сховішча для сакрэтаў
-Name[bg]=Услуга за шифриран носител
-Name[bn]=গোপন সংরক্ষণ সম্পর্কিত সার্ভিস
-Name[ca]=Servei d'emmagatzematge de secrets
-Name[ca@valencia]=Servei d'emmagatzematge de secrets
-Name[cs]=Služba utajení dat
-Name[da]=Secret Storage Service
-Name[el]=Υπηρεσία κρυφής αποθήκευσης
-Name[en_GB]=Secret Storage Service
-Name[eo]=Servo pri sekreta memorejo
-Name[es]=Servicio de almacenamiento de secretos
-Name[et]=Saladuste hoidmise teenus
-Name[eu]=Ezkutuko biltegiaren zerbitzua
-Name[fa]=سرویس مخزن محرمانه
-Name[fi]=Salaisuuksien säilöntäpalvelu
-Name[fr]=Service de stockage secret
-Name[gl]=Servizo de almacenamento segredo
-Name[gu]=ખાનગી સંગ્રહ સેવા
-Name[he]=שרות אחסון חשאי
-Name[hu]=Titoktároló szolgáltatás
-Name[id]=Layanan Penyimpanan Rahasia
-Name[it]=Servizio archivio segreto
-Name[ko]=비밀 저장고 서비스
-Name[lt]=Slaptoji saugojimo tarnyba
-Name[lv]=Slepenās glabātavas serviss
-Name[mk]=Сервис за склад на тајни
-Name[ms]=Servis Rahsia Penyimpanan
-Name[nb]=Lagringstjeneste for hemmeligheter
-Name[nl]=Secret Storage Service
-Name[nn]=Hemmeleg lagerteneste
-Name[pa]=ਗੁਪਤ ਸਟੋਰੇਜ਼ ਸਰਵਿਸ
-Name[pl]=Usługa przechowywania haseł
-Name[pt]=Serviço de Armazenamento Secreto
-Name[pt_BR]=Serviço de armazenamento secreto
-Name[ro]=Serviciul secret de stocare
-Name[ru]=Служба безопасного хранения
-Name[sl]=Shranjevanje skritih storitev
-Name[sr]=Сервис са тајно складиштење
-Name[sr@latin]=Servis sa tajno skladištenje
-Name[sv]=Lagringstjänst för hemligheter
-Name[ta]= ரகசிய சேமிப்பு சேவை
-Name[te]=రహస్య నిల్వ సేవ
-Name[tr]=Gizli Depolama Hizmeti
-Name[ug]=مەخپىيەتلىكنى ساقلاش مۇلازىمېتى
-Name[uk]=Служба шифрування дисків
-Name[vi]=Dịch vụ lưu trữ mật
-Comment=GNOME Keyring: Secret Service
-Comment[af]=GNOME-sleutelring: geheimdiens
-Comment[ar]=حلقة مفاتيح جنوم: خدمة سرية
-Comment[as]=GNOME Keyring: গুপ্ত সেৱা
-Comment[ast]=Depósitu de claves de GNOME: Serviciu de secretos
-Comment[be]=Вязкі ключоў GNOME: служба сакрэтаў
-Comment[bg]=Ключодържател на GNOME: услуга за тайни
-Comment[bn]=GNOME কী রিং: গোপন সার্ভিস
-Comment[ca]=Anell de claus del GNOME: servei de secrets
-Comment[ca@valencia]=Anell de claus del GNOME: servei de secrets
-Comment[cs]=Klíčenka GNOME: Služba utajení dat
-Comment[da]=GNOME-nøglering: Secret Service
-Comment[de]=GNOME-Schlüsselbunddienst: Sicherheitsdienst
-Comment[el]=Κλειδοθήκη GNOME: Κρυφή υπηρεσία
-Comment[en_GB]=GNOME Keyring: Secret Service
-Comment[es]=Depósito de claves de GNOME: Servicio de secretos
-Comment[et]=GNOME võtmerõngas: saladuste teenus
-Comment[eu]=GNOMEren gako-sorta: ezkutuko zerbitzua
-Comment[fa]=دسته‌کلید گنوم: سرویس محرمانه
-Comment[fi]=Gnomen avainnippu: Salainen palvelu
-Comment[fr]=Trousseau de clés GNOME : service secret
-Comment[gl]=GNOME Keyring: servizo segredo
-Comment[gu]=GNOME કીરીંગ: ખાનગી સેવા
-Comment[he]=קבוצת מפתחות של GNOME: שירות חשאי
-Comment[hu]=GNOME kulcstartó – titokszolgáltatás
-Comment[id]=GNOME Keyring: Layanan Rahasia
-Comment[it]=Portachiavi di GNOME: servizio segreto
-Comment[ja]=GNOME キーリング: シークレットサービス
-Comment[km]=GNOME Keyring ៖ សេវា​សម្ងាត់
-Comment[ko]=그놈 키 모음: 비밀 서비스
-Comment[lt]=GNOME raktinė: slaptoji tarnyba
-Comment[lv]=GNOME Keyring: slepenais serviss
-Comment[mk]=Приврзок на GNOME: таен сервис
-Comment[ms]=GNOME Keyring: Servis Rahsia
-Comment[nb]=GNOME nøkkelring: Hemmelige tjenester
-Comment[nl]=Sleutelbos-service: Secret Service
-Comment[nn]=GNOME Nøkkelring: Hemmeleg teneste
-Comment[pa]=ਗਨੋਮ ਕੀਰਿੰਗ ਡੈਮਨ: ਗੁਪਤ ਸਰਵਿਸ
-Comment[pl]=Baza kluczy dla środowiska GNOME: usługa haseł
-Comment[pt]=GNOME Keyring: Serviço Secreto
-Comment[pt_BR]=Chaveiro do GNOME: Serviço secreto
-Comment[ro]=Inelul de chei GNOME: Serviciul secret
-Comment[ru]=Связка ключей GNOME: служба безопасности
-Comment[sl]=GNOME zbirka ključev: skrite storitve
-Comment[sr]=Гномови привесци: сервис за тајност
-Comment[sr@latin]=Gnomovi privesci: servis za tajnost
-Comment[sv]=GNOME-nyckelring: Hemlighetstjänst
-Comment[ta]=GNOME கீரிங்: ரகசிய சேவை
-Comment[te]=GNOME కీరింగ్: రహస్య సేవ
-Comment[th]=พวงกุญแจของ GNOME: บริการเก็บข้อมูลลับ
-Comment[tr]=GNOME Anahtarlığı: Gizli Hizmet
-Comment[ug]=GNOME ئاچقۇچ ھالقىسى:مەخپىيەت مۇلازىمېتى
-Comment[uk]=Служба в'язки ключів GNOME: служба шифрування
-Comment[vi]=Vòng Khoá GNOME: dịch vụ mật
-Comment[zh_CN]=GNOME 密钥环:保密服务
-Comment[zh_HK]=GNOME 密碼匙圈:保密服務
-Comment[zh_TW]=GNOME 鑰匙圈:保密服務
-Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=secrets
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index ad2e088..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=SSH Key Agent
-Name[ar]=عميل مفاتيح SSH
-Name[as]=SSH চাবি সহায়ক
-Name[ast]=Axente de claves SSH
-Name[be]=SSH-агент ключоў
-Name[bg]=Агентът на SSH за ключове
-Name[bn]=SSH কী এজেন্ট
-Name[ca]=Agent de claus SSH
-Name[ca@valencia]=Agent de claus SSH
-Name[cs]=Agent klíčů SSH
-Name[el]=Πράκτορας (agent) κλειδιού SSH
-Name[en_GB]=SSH Key Agent
-Name[es]=Agente de claves SSH
-Name[et]=SSH-võtmete agent
-Name[eu]=SSH gako-agentea
-Name[fa]=مامور کلید SSH
-Name[fi]=SSH-avainten agentti
-Name[fr]=Agent de clés SSH
-Name[gl]=Axente de chave SSH
-Name[gu]=SSH કી ઍજન્ટ
-Name[he]=סוכן מפתחות SSH
-Name[hu]=SSH-kulcs ügynök
-Name[id]=Agen Kunci SSH
-Name[it]=Agente chiavi SSH
-Name[ja]=SSH 鍵エージェント
-Name[km]=ភ្នាក់ងារ​សោ SSH
-Name[ko]=SSH 키 에이전트
-Name[lt]=SSH raktų tarnyba
-Name[lv]=SSH atslēgu aģents
-Name[mk]=Агент за SSH клучеви
-Name[ms]=Agen Kekunci SSH
-Name[nn]=Nøkkelagent for SSH
-Name[pa]=SSH ਕੁੰਜੀ ਏਜੰਟ
-Name[pl]=Agent kluczy SSH
-Name[pt]=Agente de Chaves SSH
-Name[pt_BR]=Agente de chaves SSH
-Name[ro]=Agent pentru chei SSH
-Name[ru]=Агент ключей SSH
-Name[sl]=SSH Agent ključev
-Name[sr]=Агент за ССХ кључеве
-Name[sr@latin]=Agent za SSH ključeve
-Name[ta]=SSH முகவர்
-Name[te]=SSH కీ వాహకము
-Name[th]=เอเจนต์กุญแจ SSH
-Name[tr]=SSH Anahtar Aracı
-Name[ug]=SSH  ئاچقۇچ ياردەمچىسى
-Name[uk]=Агент ключів SSH
-Name[vi]=Tác nhân khoá SSH
-Name[zh_CN]=SSH 密钥代理
-Name[zh_HK]=SSH 密碼匙代理程式
-Name[zh_TW]=SSH 金鑰代理程式
-Comment=GNOME Keyring: SSH Agent
-Comment[af]=GNOME-sleutelring: SSH-agent
-Comment[ar]=حلقة مفاتيح جنوم: عميل SSH
-Comment[as]=GNOME Keyring: SSH সহায়ক
-Comment[ast]=Depósitu de claves de GNOME: axente SSH
-Comment[be]=Вязкі ключоў GNOME: SSH-агент
-Comment[bg]=Ключодържател на GNOME: агент на SSH
-Comment[bn]=GNOME কী রিং: SSH এজেন্ট
-Comment[ca]=Anell de claus del GNOME: agent SSH
-Comment[ca@valencia]=Anell de claus del GNOME: agent SSH
-Comment[cs]=Klíčenka GNOME: Agent SSH
-Comment[da]=GNOME-nøgleringsdæmon: SSH-agent
-Comment[de]=GNOME-Schlüsselbunddienst: SSH-Agent
-Comment[el]=Κλειδοθήκη GNOME: Πράκτορας (agent) SSH
-Comment[en_GB]=GNOME Keyring: SSH Agent
-Comment[es]=Depósito de claves de GNOME: agente SSH
-Comment[et]=GNOME võtmerõngas: SSH-agent
-Comment[eu]=GNOMEren gako-sorta: SSH agentea
-Comment[fa]=دسته‌کلید گنوم: مامور SSH
-Comment[fi]=Gnomen avainnippu: SSH-agentti
-Comment[fr]=Trousseau de clés GNOME : agent SSH
-Comment[gl]=GNOME Keyring: Axente SSH
-Comment[gu]=GNOME કીરીંગ: SSH ઍજન્ટ
-Comment[he]=קבוצת מפתחות של GNOME: סוכן SSH
-Comment[hu]=GNOME kulcstartó – SSH-ügynök
-Comment[id]=Ring Kunci GNOME: Agen SSH
-Comment[it]=Portachiavi di GNOME: agente SSH
-Comment[ja]=GNOME キーリング: SSH エージェント
-Comment[km]=GNOME Keyring ៖ ភ្នាក់ងារ SSH
-Comment[ko]=그놈 키 모음: SSH 에이전트
-Comment[lt]=GNOME raktinė: SSH tarnyba
-Comment[lv]=GNOME Keyring: SSH aģents
-Comment[mk]=Приврзок на GNOME: SSH агент
-Comment[ms]=GNOME Keyring: Agen SSH
-Comment[nb]=GNOME nøkkelring: SSH-agent
-Comment[nl]=Sleutelbos-service: SSH-agent
-Comment[nn]=GNOME Nøkkelring: SSH-agent
-Comment[pa]=ਗਨੋਮ ਕੀਰਿੰਗ: SSH ਏਜੰਟ
-Comment[pl]=Baza kluczy dla środowiska GNOME: agent SSH
-Comment[pt]=GNOME Keyring: Agente SSH
-Comment[pt_BR]=Chaveiro do GNOME: Agente SSH
-Comment[ro]=Inelul de chei GNOME: Agent SSH
-Comment[ru]=Связка ключей GNOME: SSH-агент
-Comment[sl]=GNOME zbirka ključev: SSH agent
-Comment[sr]=Гномови привесци: ССХ агент
-Comment[sr@latin]=Gnomovi privesci: SSH agent
-Comment[sv]=GNOME-nyckelring: SSH-agent
-Comment[ta]=GNOME கீரிங்: SSH முகவர்
-Comment[te]=GNOME కీరింగ్: SSH వాహకం
-Comment[th]=พวงกุญแจของ GNOME: เอเจนต์ SSH
-Comment[tr]=GNOME Anahtarlığı: SSH Aracı
-Comment[ug]=GNOME ئاچقۇچ ھالقىسى:SSH  ياردەمچىسى
-Comment[uk]=Служба в'язки ключів GNOME: агент SSH
-Comment[vi]=Vòng Khoá GNOME: SSH Agent
-Comment[zh_CN]=GNOME 密钥环:SSH 代理
-Comment[zh_HK]=GNOME 密碼匙圈:SSH 代理程式
-Comment[zh_TW]=GNOME 鑰匙圈:SSH 代理程式
-Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=ssh
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index d524c6f..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index b257385..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# This file is written by xdg-user-dirs-update
-# If you want to change or add directories, just edit the line you're
-# interested in. All local changes will be retained on the next run
-# Format is XDG_xxx_DIR="$HOME/yyy", where yyy is a shell-escaped
-# homedir-relative path, or XDG_xxx_DIR="/yyy", where /yyy is an
-# absolute path. No other format is supported.
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index da462d3..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dependencies/debian b/dependencies/debian
index 153fafa..a5688fc 100644
--- a/dependencies/debian
+++ b/dependencies/debian
@@ -1,33 +1,7 @@
-# Basic, such as inside a virtual machine or remote console
+# Basic dependencies
-# Full desktop experience
-# Optional or older dependencies:
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d22a7f..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-[Default Applications]
-[Added Associations]
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index c50b2f8..0000000
Binary files a/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 120000
index cff266a..0000000
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index c9ff466..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-# XScreenSaver Preferences File
-# Written by xscreensaver-demo 5.05 for rhatto on Sat Jun 12 18:30:38 2010.
-# See also
-timeout:	0:10:00
-cycle:		0:10:00
-lock:		False
-lockTimeout:	0:00:00
-passwdTimeout:	0:00:30
-visualID:	default
-installColormap:    True
-verbose:	False
-timestamp:	True
-splash:		True
-splashDuration:	0:00:05
-demoCommand:	xscreensaver-demo
-prefsCommand:	xscreensaver-demo -prefs
-nice:		10
-memoryLimit:	0
-fade:		True
-unfade:		False
-fadeSeconds:	0:00:00
-fadeTicks:	20
-captureStderr:	True
-font:		*-medium-r-*-140-*-m-*
-dpmsEnabled:	True
-dpmsStandby:	2:00:00
-dpmsSuspend:	2:00:00
-dpmsOff:	4:00:00
-grabDesktopImages:  True
-grabVideoFrames:    False
-chooseRandomImages: False
-mode:		blank
-selected:	-1
-textMode:	file
-textLiteral:	XScreenSaver
-textFile:	/usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg-core/copyright
-textProgram:	fortune
-programs:								      \
-		 "Qix (solid)" 	qix -root -solid -segments 100		    \n\
-	   "Qix (transparent)" 	qix -root -count 4 -solid -transparent	    \n\
-		"Qix (linear)" 	qix -root -count 5 -solid -transparent	      \
-				  -linear -segments 250 -size 100	    \n\
-	  "Attraction (balls)" 	attraction -root -mode balls		    \n\
-	  "Attraction (lines)" 	attraction -root -mode lines -points 3	      \
-				  -segments 200				    \n\
--	"Attraction (splines)" 	attraction -root -mode splines -segments      \
-				  300					    \n\
--	"Attraction (orbital)" 	attraction -root -mode lines -radius 300      \
-				  -orbit -vmult 0.5			    \n\
-				pyro -root				    \n\
-				rocks -root				    \n\
-				helix -root				    \n\
-				pedal -root				    \n\
-				rorschach -root				    \n\
-				hopalong -root				    \n\
-				greynetic -root				    \n\
-				imsmap -root				    \n\
-				slidescreen -root			    \n\
-				decayscreen -root			    \n\
-				jigsaw -root				    \n\
-				blitspin -root				    \n\
-				slip -root				    \n\
-				distort -root				    \n\
-				spotlight -root				    \n\
-	      "Ripples (stir)" 	ripples -root -oily -light 2 -stir	    \n\
-	   "Ripples (desktop)" 	ripples -root -water -light 6		    \n\
-				hypercube -root				    \n\
--				hyperball -root				    \n\
-				halo -root				    \n\
-				maze -root				    \n\
-				noseguy -root				    \n\
-				flame -root				    \n\
--				lmorph -root				    \n\
-				deco -root				    \n\
-				moire -root				    \n\
-				moire2 -root				    \n\
-				lightning -root				    \n\
-				strange -root				    \n\
--				spiral -root				    \n\
-				laser -root				    \n\
-				grav -root				    \n\
-				drift -root				    \n\
-				ifs -root				    \n\
-				julia -root				    \n\
-				penrose -root				    \n\
--				sierpinski -root			    \n\
-				braid -root				    \n\
-				galaxy -root				    \n\
-				bouboule -root				    \n\
-				swirl -root				    \n\
-				flag -root				    \n\
-				sphere -root				    \n\
-				forest -root				    \n\
--				lisa -root				    \n\
--				lissie -root				    \n\
-				goop -root				    \n\
-				starfish -root				    \n\
-				munch -root				    \n\
-				mismunch -root				    \n\
-				fadeplot -root				    \n\
-				coral -root				    \n\
-				mountain -root				    \n\
-				triangle -root				    \n\
--				worm -root				    \n\
--				rotor -root				    \n\
--				demon -root				    \n\
--				loop -root				    \n\
--				vines -root				    \n\
-				kaleidescope -root			    \n\
-				xjack -root				    \n\
-				xlyap -root				    \n\
-				cynosure -root				    \n\
-				flow -root				    \n\
-				epicycle -root				    \n\
-				interference -root			    \n\
-				truchet -root				    \n\
-				bsod -root				    \n\
-				crystal -root				    \n\
-				discrete -root				    \n\
-				kumppa -root				    \n\
-				rd-bomb -root				    \n\
-	    "RD-Bomb (mobile)" 	rd-bomb -root -speed 1 -size 0.1	    \n\
-				sonar -root				    \n\
-				t3d -root				    \n\
-				penetrate -root				    \n\
-				deluxe -root				    \n\
-				compass -root				    \n\
-				squiral -root				    \n\
-				xflame -root				    \n\
-				wander -root				    \n\
-	      "Wander (spots)" 	wander -root -advance 0 -size 10 -circles     \
-				  -length 10000 -reset 100000		    \n\
--				critical -root				    \n\
-				phosphor -root				    \n\
-				xmatrix -root				    \n\
-				petri -root				    \n\
-		     "Petri 2" 	petri -root -minlifespeed 0.02		      \
-				  -maxlifespeed 0.03 -minlifespan 1	      \
-				  -maxlifespan 1 -instantdeathchan 0	      \
-				  -minorchan 0 -anychan 0.3		    \n\
-				shadebobs -root				    \n\
-				ccurve -root				    \n\
-				blaster -root				    \n\
-				bumps -root				    \n\
-				xanalogtv -root				    \n\
-				xspirograph -root			    \n\
-				nerverot -root				    \n\
-				xrayswarm -root				    \n\
--	      "Zoom (Fatbits)" 	zoom -root				    \n\
-	       "Zoom (Lenses)" 	zoom -root -lenses			    \n\
-				rotzoomer -root				    \n\
-				whirlwindwarp -root			    \n\
-				whirlygig -root				    \n\
-				speedmine -root				    \n\
-		   "SpeedWorm" 	speedmine -root -worm			    \n\
-				vermiculate -root			    \n\
-				twang -root				    \n\
-				apollonian -root			    \n\
-				euler2d -root				    \n\
-	     "Euler2d (dense)" 	euler2d -root -count 4000 -eulertail 400      \
-				  -ncolors 230				    \n\
--				juggle -root				    \n\
-				polyominoes -root			    \n\
--				thornbird -root				    \n\
-				fluidballs -root			    \n\
-				anemone -root				    \n\
-				halftone -root				    \n\
-				metaballs -root				    \n\
-				eruption -root				    \n\
-				popsquares -root			    \n\
-				barcode -root				    \n\
-				piecewise -root				    \n\
-				cloudlife -root				    \n\
-				fontglide -root				    \n\
-				apple2 -root				    \n\
-				bubbles -root				    \n\
-				pong -root				    \n\
-				wormhole -root				    \n\
-				pacman -root				    \n\
-				fuzzyflakes -root			    \n\
-				anemotaxis -root			    \n\
-				memscroller -root			    \n\
-				substrate -root				    \n\
-				intermomentary -root			    \n\
-				interaggregate -root			    \n\
-				fireworkx -root				    \n\
-				fiberlamp -root				    \n\
-				boxfit -root				    \n\
-				celtic -root				    \n\
-				cwaves -root				    \n\
-				m6502 -root				    \n\
-				abstractile -root			    \n\
--				lcdscrub -root				    \n\
-- default-n: 			webcollage -root			    \n\
-- default-n:  "WebCollage (whacked)"					      \
-				  webcollage -root -filter 'vidwhacker	      \
-				  -stdin -stdout'			    \n\
-- default-n: 			vidwhacker -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				gears -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				superquadrics -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				morph3d -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				cage -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				moebius -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				stairs -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				pipes -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				sproingies -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				rubik -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				atlantis -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				lament -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				bubble3d -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				glplanet -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				flurry -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				pulsar -root				    \n\
-- GL: 	   "Pulsar (textures)" 	pulsar -root -texture -mipmap		      \
-				  -texture_quality -light -fog		    \n\
-- GL: 				extrusion -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				sierpinski3d -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				menger -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				gflux -root				    \n\
-- GL: 		"GFlux (grab)" 	gflux -root -mode grab			    \n\
-- GL: 				stonerview -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				starwars -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				gltext -root				    \n\
-- GL: 	      "GLText (clock)" 	gltext -text "%A%n%d %b %Y%n%r" -root	    \n\
-- GL: 				molecule -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				dangerball -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				circuit -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				engine -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				flipscreen3d -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				glsnake -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				boxed -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				glforestfire -root			    \n\
-- GL: 	 "GLForestFire (rain)" 	glforestfire -root -count 0		    \n\
-- GL: 				sballs -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				cubenetic -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				spheremonics -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				lavalite -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				queens -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				endgame -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				glblur -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				atunnel -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				flyingtoasters -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				bouncingcow -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				jigglypuff -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				klein -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				hypertorus -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				glmatrix -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				cubestorm -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				glknots -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				blocktube -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				flipflop -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				antspotlight -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				glslideshow -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				polytopes -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				gleidescope -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				mirrorblob -root			    \n\
-- GL: "MirrorBlob (color only)" mirrorblob -root -colour -no-texture	    \n\
-- GL: 				blinkbox -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				noof -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				polyhedra -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				antinspect -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				providence -root			    \n\
-- GL: 	"Pinion (large gears)" 	pinion -root				    \n\
-- GL: 	"Pinion (small gears)" 	pinion -root -size 0.2 -scroll 0.3	    \n\
-- GL: 				boing -root -lighting -smooth		    \n\
-- GL: 				carousel -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				fliptext -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				antmaze -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				tangram -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				crackberg -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				glhanoi -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				cube21 -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				timetunnel -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				juggler3d -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				topblock -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				glschool -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				glcells -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				voronoi -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				moebiusgears -root			    \n\
-- GL: 				lockward -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				cubicgrid -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				hypnowheel -root			    \n\
-- GL: 	  "Hypnowheel (dense)" 	hypnowheel -root -count 3 -layers 50	    \n\
-- GL: 	"Hypnowheel (trifoil)" 	hypnowheel -root -count 3 -layers 2	      \
-				  -speed 9 -twist 9 -wander		    \n\
--				xdaliclock -root -font BUILTIN3		    \n\
--				xplanet -vroot -wait 1 -timewarp 90000	      \
-				  -label -origin moon			    \n\
--				xmountains -b -M -Z 0 -r 1		    \n\
--	    "XMountains (top)" 	xmountains -b -M -Z 0 -r 1 -m		    \n\
--				xaos -root -autopilot -nogui -delay 10000     \
-				  -maxframerate 30 -incoloring -1	      \
-				  -outcoloring -1			    \n\
--				xsnow -root				    \n\
--				goban -root				    \n\
--				electricsheep				    \n\
--				cosmos -root				    \n\
-- GL: 				sphereEversion --root			    \n\
-- GL: 				fireflies -root				    \n\
-pointerPollTime:    0:00:05
-pointerHysteresis:  10
-initialDelay:	0:00:00
-sgiSaverExtension:  True
-xidleExtension:	True
-procInterrupts:	True
-overlayStderr:	True
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4808896..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# .xsession: set basic X11 environment
-# Background image
-# Session applications
-# OS Version
-OSVERSION="`cut -d . -f 1 /etc/debian_version`"
-# Hostname
-HOSTNAME="`cat /etc/hostname`"
-# Make sure to load the profile
-. $HOME/.profile
-# Start xscreensaver
-if [ -e "/usr/bin/xscreensaver" ]; then
-  xscreensaver -no-splash &
-# Custom
-if [ -e "$HOME/.custom/xsession" ]; then
-  . $HOME/.custom/xsession
-# Set background
-if [ "$BACKGROUND" = "all" ]; then
-  feh --bg-scale --randomize $HOME/.config/themes/backgrounds/*
-elif [ ! -z "$BACKGROUND" ] && [ "$BACKGROUND" != "unset" ]; then
-  #Esetroot -scale $HOME/.config/themes/backgrounds/$BACKGROUND
-  feh --bg-scale $HOME/.config/themes/backgrounds/$BACKGROUND
-elif [ "$BACKGROUND" != "unset" ]; then
-  xsetroot -solid black
-# Set window manager
-if [ -z "$WINDOW_MANAGER" ]; then
-  WINDOW_MANAGER='awesome'
-# Additional applications depending on the machine type
-#if laptop-detect; then
-# Start session applications
-for program in $PROGRAMS; do
-  $program &
-# Apply custom keyboard configuration
-if [ -f "$HOME/.Xmodmaps/$HOSTNAME" ]; then
-  xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmaps/$HOSTNAME
-  # Why xmodmap has to run twice to some changes take place?
-  #
-  #
-  xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmaps/$HOSTNAME
-# Fix mumble configuration, which varies depending on machine audio
-if [ -f "$HOME/.config/Mumble/Mumble-$HOSTNAME.conf" ]; then
-  (
-    cd $HOME/.config/Mumble
-    mv Mumble.conf Mumble-$HOSTNAME.conf.backup
-    ln -s Mumble-$HOSTNAME.conf Mumble.conf
-  )
-# Clipboard management
-# See
-#if which autocutsel > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-#  autocutsel -fork &
-#  autocutsel -selection PRIMARY -fork &
-if which parcellite > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-  parcellite -n &
-# Keyring
-if [ "$OSVERSION" != "6" ] && which gnome-keyring-daemon > /dev/null; then
-  # See
-  #
-  #
-  #
-  #eval $(gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=pkcs11,gpg,secrets)
-  #eval $(gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=pkcs11,secrets)
-  true
-# Make sure to finish all background processes
-#trap 'kill $(jobs -p)' EXIT
-# Pulse audio
-if which pulseaudio > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-  pulseaudio --start
-# Start spice-vdagent if needed
-if [ -e "/dev/virtio-ports/com.redhat.spice.0" ] && [ -x "/usr/bin/spice-vdagent" ]; then
-  spice-vdagent
-# Check for unclutter
-if [ -x "/usr/bin/unclutter" ]; then
-  /usr/bin/unclutter &
-# Start window manager
-if [ "$OSVERSION" = "7" ] || [ "$START_WINDOW_MANAGER" = "true" ]; then
cgit v1.2.3