" vim600: set foldmethod=marker: " " SVK extension for VCSCommand. " " Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand@gmail.com> " License: " Copyright (c) Bob Hiestand " " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy " of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to " deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the " rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or " sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is " furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in " all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR " IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, " FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE " AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER " LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING " FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS " IN THE SOFTWARE. " " Section: Documentation {{{1 " " Options documentation: {{{2 " " VCSCommandSVKExec " This variable specifies the SVK executable. If not set, it defaults to " 'svk' executed from the user's executable path. " Section: Plugin header {{{1 if exists('VCSCommandDisableAll') finish endif if v:version < 700 echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'VCSCommand requires at least VIM 7.0'|echohl None finish endif runtime plugin/vcscommand.vim if !executable(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSVKExec', 'svk')) " SVK is not installed finish endif let s:save_cpo=&cpo set cpo&vim " Section: Variable initialization {{{1 let s:svkFunctions = {} " Section: Utility functions {{{1 " Function: s:Executable() {{{2 " Returns the executable used to invoke SVK suitable for use in a shell " command. function! s:Executable() return shellescape(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSVKExec', 'svk')) endfunction " Function: s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options) {{{2 " Wrapper to VCSCommandDoCommand to add the name of the SVK executable to the " command argument. function! s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText, options) if VCSCommandGetVCSType(expand('%')) == 'SVK' let fullCmd = s:Executable() . ' ' . a:cmd return VCSCommandDoCommand(fullCmd, a:cmdName, a:statusText, a:options) else throw 'SVK VCSCommand plugin called on non-SVK item.' endif endfunction " Section: VCS function implementations {{{1 " Function: s:svkFunctions.Identify(buffer) {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Identify(buffer) let fileName = resolve(bufname(a:buffer)) if isdirectory(fileName) let directoryName = fileName else let directoryName = fnamemodify(fileName, ':p:h') endif let statusText = s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' info -- "' . directoryName . '"', "no") if(v:shell_error) return 0 else return 1 endif endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.Add() {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Add(argList) return s:DoCommand(join(['add'] + a:argList, ' '), 'add', join(a:argList, ' '), {}) endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.Annotate(argList) {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Annotate(argList) if len(a:argList) == 0 if &filetype == 'SVKannotate' " Perform annotation of the version indicated by the current line. let caption = matchstr(getline('.'),'\v^\s+\zs\d+') let options = ' -r' . caption else let caption = '' let options = '' endif elseif len(a:argList) == 1 && a:argList[0] !~ '^-' let caption = a:argList[0] let options = ' -r' . caption else let caption = join(a:argList, ' ') let options = ' ' . caption endif let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('blame' . options, 'annotate', caption, {}) if resultBuffer > 0 normal 1G2dd endif return resultBuffer endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.Commit(argList) {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Commit(argList) let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('commit -F "' . a:argList[0] . '"', 'commit', '', {}) if resultBuffer == 0 echomsg 'No commit needed.' endif endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.Delete() {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Delete(argList) return s:DoCommand(join(['delete'] + a:argList, ' '), 'delete', join(a:argList, ' '), {}) endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.Diff(argList) {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Diff(argList) if len(a:argList) == 0 let revOptions = [] let caption = '' elseif len(a:argList) <= 2 && match(a:argList, '^-') == -1 let revOptions = ['-r' . join(a:argList, ':')] let caption = '(' . a:argList[0] . ' : ' . get(a:argList, 1, 'current') . ')' else " Pass-through let caption = join(a:argList, ' ') let revOptions = a:argList endif return s:DoCommand(join(['diff'] + revOptions), 'diff', caption, {}) endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.GetBufferInfo() {{{2 " Provides version control details for the current file. Current version " number and current repository version number are required to be returned by " the vcscommand plugin. " Returns: List of results: [revision, repository] function! s:svkFunctions.GetBufferInfo() let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%')) let fileName = resolve(bufname(originalBuffer)) let statusText = s:VCSCommandUtility.system(s:Executable() . ' status -v -- "' . fileName . '"') if(v:shell_error) return [] endif " File not under SVK control. if statusText =~ '^?' return ['Unknown'] endif let [flags, revision, repository] = matchlist(statusText, '^\(.\{3}\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s')[1:3] if revision == '' " Error return ['Unknown'] elseif flags =~ '^A' return ['New', 'New'] else return [revision, repository] endif endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.Info(argList) {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Info(argList) return s:DoCommand(join(['info'] + a:argList, ' '), 'info', join(a:argList, ' '), {}) endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.Lock(argList) {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Lock(argList) return s:DoCommand(join(['lock'] + a:argList, ' '), 'lock', join(a:argList, ' '), {}) endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.Log() {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Log(argList) if len(a:argList) == 0 let options = [] let caption = '' elseif len(a:argList) <= 2 && match(a:argList, '^-') == -1 let options = ['-r' . join(a:argList, ':')] let caption = options[0] else " Pass-through let options = a:argList let caption = join(a:argList, ' ') endif let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand(join(['log', '-v'] + options), 'log', caption, {}) return resultBuffer endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.Revert(argList) {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Revert(argList) return s:DoCommand('revert', 'revert', '', {}) endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.Review(argList) {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Review(argList) if len(a:argList) == 0 let versiontag = '(current)' let versionOption = '' else let versiontag = a:argList[0] let versionOption = ' -r ' . versiontag . ' ' endif return s:DoCommand('cat' . versionOption, 'review', versiontag, {}) endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.Status(argList) {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Status(argList) let options = ['-v'] if len(a:argList) != 0 let options = a:argList endif return s:DoCommand(join(['status'] + options, ' '), 'status', join(options, ' '), {}) endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.Unlock(argList) {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Unlock(argList) return s:DoCommand(join(['unlock'] + a:argList, ' '), 'unlock', join(a:argList, ' '), {}) endfunction " Function: s:svkFunctions.Update(argList) {{{2 function! s:svkFunctions.Update(argList) return s:DoCommand('update', 'update', '', {}) endfunction " Section: Plugin Registration {{{1 let s:VCSCommandUtility = VCSCommandRegisterModule('SVK', expand('<sfile>'), s:svkFunctions, []) let &cpo = s:save_cpo