Rhatto's dotfiles bundle

This is the bundle repository for rhatto's dotfiles.
More information at https://git.fluxo.info/metadot


Minimum requirements:

- git
- vim
- x11-xserver-utils
- screen
- xtitle
- xfonts-terminus
- rxvt-unicode-256color
- parcellite
- fonts-powerline
- ttf-bitstream-vera
- fonts-inconsolata
- fonts-freefont-ttf
- https://git.fluxo.info/rhatto/apps.git

You might need the following software installed for the full experience:

- xscreensaver
- conky
- conky-all
- laptop-detect
- autossh
- ripit
- awesome
- awesome-extra
- weather-util

Optional or older dependencies:

- vim-gui-common
- powerline