---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- luakit configuration file, more information at http://luakit.org/ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- require "lfs" --if unique then -- unique.new("org.luakit") -- -- Check for a running luakit instance -- if unique.is_running() then -- if uris[1] then -- for _, uri in ipairs(uris) do -- if lfs.attributes(uri) then uri = os.abspath(uri) end -- unique.send_message("tabopen " .. uri) -- end -- else -- unique.send_message("winopen") -- end -- luakit.quit() -- end --end -- Set the number of web processes to use. A value of 0 means 'no limit'. luakit.process_limit = 4 -- Load library of useful functions for luakit local lousy = require "lousy" -- Load users global config -- ("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/globals.lua" or "/etc/xdg/luakit/globals.lua") local globals = require "globals" -- Load users theme -- ("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/theme.lua" or "/etc/xdg/luakit/theme.lua") lousy.theme.init(lousy.util.find_config("theme.lua")) assert(lousy.theme.get(), "failed to load theme") -- Load users window class -- ("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/window.lua" or "/etc/xdg/luakit/window.lua") local window = require "window" -- Load users webview class -- ("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/webview.lua" or "/etc/xdg/luakit/webview.lua") local webview = require "webview" -- Add luakit;//log/ chrome page local log_chrome = require "log_chrome" window.add_signal("build", function (w) local widgets, l, r = require "lousy.widget", w.sbar.l, w.sbar.r -- Left-aligned status bar widgets l.layout:pack(widgets.uri()) l.layout:pack(widgets.hist()) l.layout:pack(widgets.progress()) -- Right-aligned status bar widgets r.layout:pack(widgets.buf()) r.layout:pack(log_chrome.widget()) r.layout:pack(widgets.ssl()) r.layout:pack(widgets.tabi()) r.layout:pack(widgets.scroll()) end) -- Load luakit binds and modes local modes = require "modes" local binds = require "binds" ---------------------------------- -- Optional user script loading -- ---------------------------------- -- Add adblock local adblock = require "adblock" local adblock_chrome = require "adblock_chrome" local webinspector = require "webinspector" -- Add uzbl-like form filling local formfiller = require "formfiller" -- Add proxy support & manager local proxy = require "proxy" -- Add quickmarks support & manager local quickmarks = require "quickmarks" -- Add session saving/loading support local session = require "session" -- Add command to list closed tabs & bind to open closed tabs local undoclose = require "undoclose" -- Add command to list tab history items local tabhistory = require "tabhistory" -- Add greasemonkey-like javascript userscript support local userscripts = require "userscripts" -- Add bookmarks support local bookmarks = require "bookmarks" local bookmarks_chrome = require "bookmarks_chrome" -- Add download support local downloads = require "downloads" local downloads_chrome = require "downloads_chrome" -- Add automatic PDF downloading and opening local viewpdf = require "viewpdf" -- Example using xdg-open for opening downloads / showing download folders downloads.add_signal("open-file", function (file) luakit.spawn(string.format("xdg-open %q", file)) return true end) -- Add vimperator-like link hinting & following local follow = require "follow" -- Add command history local cmdhist = require "cmdhist" -- Add search mode & binds local search = require "search" -- Add ordering of new tabs local taborder = require "taborder" -- Save web history local history = require "history" local history_chrome = require "history_chrome" local help_chrome = require "help_chrome" local introspector_chrome = require "introspector_chrome" -- Add command completion local completion = require "completion" -- Press Control-E while in insert mode to edit the contents of the currently -- focused