conky.config = { -- conky configuration for weather information -- Set to yes if you want conky to be forked in the background background = true, -- Use Xft? use_xft = true, -- Xft font when Xft is enabled font = 'Terminus:size=8', -- Update interval in seconds update_interval = 60.0, -- Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus) own_window = true, own_window_type = 'override', --own_window_argb_visual = true, --own_window_transparent = true, own_window_hints = 'sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below', own_window_colour = '1C1C1C', -- Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone) double_buffer = true, -- Text alignment, other possible values are commented --alignment = top_left, --alignment = top_right, --alignment = bottom_left, alignment = bottom_right, -- Gap between borders of screen and text gap_x = 20, gap_y = 30, -- Subtract file system buffers from used memory? no_buffers = true, -- Set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase uppercase = false, -- Size of buffer used for intermediary text: individual lines, $exec vars etc text_buffer_size = 512 }; -- Old config with brweather support --conky.text = [[ --Weather --$stippled_hr --${execi 3600 weather-query weather} -- -- -- -- --${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --imagem4=C1 -p 10,110 -s 60x60} --${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --imagem4=C2 -p 110,110 -s 60x60} --${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --imagem4=C3 -p 210,110 -s 60x60} --${execi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=Day1 | sed -e 's/á/a/g'}: ${execi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LT1 | sed -e 's/°/C/g'}/${execi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=HT1 | sed -e 's/°/C/g'} ${goto 100} ${execi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=Day2 | sed -e 's/á/a/g'}: ${execi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LT2 | sed -e 's/°/C/g'}/${execi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=HT2 | sed -e 's/°/C/g'} ${goto 200} ${execi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=Day3 | sed -e 's/á/a/g'}: ${execi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LT3 | sed -e 's/°/C/g'}/${execi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=HT3 | sed -e 's/°/C/g'} -- --${voffset -35}${goto 345}${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LUA2D} --${voffset -10}${goto 425}${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LUA3D} --${voffset -10}${goto 505}${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LUA4D} --${voffset 0}${goto 345}${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LUA2T} --${voffset -10}${goto 425}${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LUA3T} --${voffset -10}${goto 505}${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LUA4T} --${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LUA1I -s 75x75 -p 405,50} --${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LUA2I -s 30x30 -p 350,130} --${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LUA3I -s 30x30 -p 420,130} --${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LUA4I -s 30x30 -p 500,130} -- --${voffset -165}${goto 490}${execpi 3600 weather-query brweather --option=LUA1T} -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --]]; conky.text = [[ Weather $stippled_hr ${execi 3600 weather-query weather} ]];