path: root/config.dot
diff options
authorSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2015-07-22 15:12:17 -0300
committerSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2015-07-22 15:12:17 -0300
commitcaa91352b687fa52284aa10ed9c0bd2231dbfbc3 (patch)
treed1e847ce1d79e466b86fd63a9a0535646582f872 /config.dot
parentd03236d878a8011520963fa0c1cdf72a1590c773 (diff)
Adds misc widgets
Diffstat (limited to 'config.dot')
2 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config.dot/awesome.link/themes/powerarrow b/config.dot/awesome.link/themes/powerarrow
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..8917e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.dot/awesome.link/themes/powerarrow
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../powerarrow/themes/powerarrow \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config.dot/awesome.link/widgets.lua b/config.dot/awesome.link/widgets.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f7a9c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.dot/awesome.link/widgets.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+--{{---| Chat widget |------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+chaticon = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+chaticon.image = image(beautiful.widget_chat)
+chaticon:buttons(awful.util.table.join(awful.button({ }, 1,
+function () awful.util.spawn_with_shell(chat) end)))
+--{{---| Mail widget |------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+mailicon = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+mailicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_mail)
+mailicon:buttons(awful.util.table.join(awful.button({ }, 1,
+function () awful.util.spawn_with_shell(mailmutt) end)))
+--{{---| Music widget |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+music = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+music.image = image(beautiful.widget_music)
+ awful.button({ }, 1, function () awful.util.spawn_with_shell(musicplr) end),
+ awful.button({ modkey }, 1, function () awful.util.spawn_with_shell("ncmpcpp toggle") end),
+ awful.button({ }, 3, function () couth.notifier:notify( couth.alsa:setVolume('Master','toggle')) end),
+ awful.button({ }, 4, function () couth.notifier:notify( couth.alsa:setVolume('PCM','2dB+')) end),
+ awful.button({ }, 5, function () couth.notifier:notify( couth.alsa:setVolume('PCM','2dB-')) end),
+ awful.button({ }, 4, function () couth.notifier:notify( couth.alsa:setVolume('Master','2dB+')) end),
+ awful.button({ }, 5, function () couth.notifier:notify( couth.alsa:setVolume('Master','2dB-')) end)))
+--{{---| TaskWarrior widget |-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+--task_warrior = blingbling.task_warrior.new(beautiful.widget_task)
+--{{---| MEM widget |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+memwidget = widget({ type = "textbox" })
+vicious.register(memwidget, vicious.widgets.mem, '<span background="#777E76" font="Terminus 12"> <span font="Terminus 9" color="#EEEEEE" background="#777E76">$2MB </span></span>', 13)
+memicon = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+memicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_mem)
+--{{---| CPU / sensors widget |---------------------------------------------------------------------
+--cpuwidget = widget({ type = "textbox" })
+--vicious.register(cpuwidget, vicious.widgets.cpu,
+--'<span background="#4B696D" font="Terminus 12"> <span font="Terminus 9" color="#DDDDDD">$2% <span color="#888888">·</span> $3% </span></span>', 3)
+--cpuicon = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+--cpuicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_cpu)
+--sensors = widget({ type = "textbox" })
+--vicious.register(sensors, vicious.widgets.sensors)
+--tempicon = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+--tempicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_temp)
+--{ title_color = beautiful.notify_font_color_1,
+--user_color = beautiful.notify_font_color_2,
+--root_color = beautiful.notify_font_color_3,
+--terminal = "terminal --geometry=130x56-10+26"})
+--{{---| FS's widget / udisks-glue menu |-----------------------------------------------------------
+--fswidget = widget({ type = "textbox" })
+--vicious.register(fswidget, vicious.widgets.fs,
+--'<span background="#D0785D" font="Terminus 12"> <span font="Terminus 9" color="#EEEEEE">${/mnt/storage avail_gb}GB </span></span>', 8)
+--udisks_glue = blingbling.udisks_glue.new(beautiful.widget_hdd)
+--awful.widget.layout.margins[udisks_glue.widget] = { top = 0}
+--udisks_glue.widget.resize = false
+--{{---| Battery widget |---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+baticon = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+baticon.image = image(beautiful.widget_battery)
+batwidget = widget({ type = "textbox" })
+vicious.register( batwidget, vicious.widgets.bat, '<span background="#92B0A0" font="Terminus 12"> <span font="Terminus 9" color="#FFFFFF" background="#92B0A0">$1$2% </span></span>', 1, "BAT0" )
+--{{---| Net widget |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+netwidget = widget({ type = "textbox" })
+'<span background="#C2C2A4" font="Terminus 12"> <span font="Terminus 9" color="#FFFFFF">${eth0 down_kb} ↓↑ ${eth0 up_kb}</span> </span>', 3)
+neticon = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+neticon.image = image(beautiful.widget_net)
+netwidget:buttons(awful.util.table.join(awful.button({ }, 1,
+function () awful.util.spawn_with_shell(iptraf) end)))
+--{{---| Binary Clock |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+binaryclock = {}
+binaryclock.widget = widget({type = "imagebox"})
+binaryclock.w = 42
+binaryclock.h = 16
+binaryclock.show_sec = true
+binaryclock.color_active = beautiful.binclock_fga
+binaryclock.color_bg = beautiful.binclock_bg
+binaryclock.color_inactive = beautiful.binclock_fgi
+binaryclock.dotsize = math.floor(binaryclock.h / 5)
+binaryclock.step = math.floor(binaryclock.dotsize / 3)
+binaryclock.widget.image = image.argb32(binaryclock.w, binaryclock.h, nil)
+if (binaryclock.show_sec) then binaryclock.timeout = 1 else binaryclock.timeout = 20 end
+binaryclock.DEC_BIN = function(IN)
+local B,K,OUT,I,D=2,"01","",0
+while IN>0 do
+return OUT
+binaryclock.paintdot = function(val,shift,limit)
+local binval = binaryclock.DEC_BIN(val)
+local l = string.len(binval)
+local height = 0
+if (l < limit) then
+for i=1,limit - l do binval = "0" .. binval end
+for i=0,limit-1 do
+if (string.sub(binval,limit-i,limit-i) == "1") then
+binaryclock.h - binaryclock.dotsize - height,
+binaryclock.dotsize, binaryclock.dotsize, true, binaryclock.color_active)
+binaryclock.h - binaryclock.dotsize - height,
+binaryclock.dotsize,binaryclock.dotsize, true, binaryclock.color_inactive)
+height = height + binaryclock.dotsize + binaryclock.step
+binaryclock.drawclock = function ()
+binaryclock.widget.image:draw_rectangle(0, 0, binaryclock.w, binaryclock.h, true, binaryclock.color_bg)
+local t = os.date("*t")
+local hour = t.hour
+if (string.len(hour) == 1) then
+hour = "0" .. t.hour
+local min = t.min
+if (string.len(min) == 1) then
+min = "0" .. t.min
+local sec = t.sec
+if (string.len(sec) == 1) then
+sec = "0" .. t.sec
+local col_count = 6
+if (not binaryclock.show_sec) then col_count = 4 end
+local step = math.floor((binaryclock.w - col_count * binaryclock.dotsize) / 8)
+binaryclock.paintdot(0 + string.sub(hour, 1, 1), step, 2)
+binaryclock.paintdot(0 + string.sub(hour, 2, 2), binaryclock.dotsize + 2 * step, 4)
+binaryclock.paintdot(0 + string.sub(min, 1, 1),binaryclock.dotsize * 2 + 4 * step, 3)
+binaryclock.paintdot(0 + string.sub(min, 2, 2),binaryclock.dotsize * 3 + 5 * step, 4)
+if (binaryclock.show_sec) then
+binaryclock.paintdot(0 + string.sub(sec, 1, 1), binaryclock.dotsize * 4 + 7 * step, 3)
+binaryclock.paintdot(0 + string.sub(sec, 2, 2), binaryclock.dotsize * 5 + 8 * step, 4)
+binaryclock.widget.image = binaryclock.widget.image
+binarytimer = timer { timeout = binaryclock.timeout }
+binarytimer:add_signal("timeout", function()
+-- binaryclock.widget:buttons(awful.util.table.join(
+-- awful.button({ }, 1, function ()
+-- end)
+-- ))
+--{{---| Calendar widget |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- my_cal = blingbling.calendar.new({type = "imagebox", image = beautiful.widget_cal})
+-- my_cal:set_cell_padding(4)
+-- my_cal:set_title_font_size(9)
+-- my_cal:set_title_text_color("#4F98C1")
+-- my_cal:set_font_size(9)
+-- my_cal:set_inter_margin(1)
+-- my_cal:set_columns_lines_titles_font_size(8)
+-- my_cal:set_columns_lines_titles_text_color("#d4aa00ff")
+-- my_cal:set_link_to_external_calendar(true) --{{ <-- popup reminder
+--{{---| Separators widgets |-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+spr = widget({ type = "textbox" })
+spr.text = ' '
+sprd = widget({ type = "textbox" })
+sprd.text = '<span background="#313131" font="Terminus 12"> </span>'
+spr3f = widget({ type = "textbox" })
+spr3f.text = '<span background="#777e76" font="Terminus 12"> </span>'
+arr1 = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+arr1.image = image(beautiful.arr1)
+arr2 = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+arr2.image = image(beautiful.arr2)
+arr3 = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+arr3.image = image(beautiful.arr3)
+arr4 = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+arr4.image = image(beautiful.arr4)
+arr5 = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+arr5.image = image(beautiful.arr5)
+arr6 = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+arr6.image = image(beautiful.arr6)
+arr7 = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+arr7.image = image(beautiful.arr7)
+arr8 = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+arr8.image = image(beautiful.arr8)
+arr9 = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+arr9.image = image(beautiful.arr9)
+arr0 = widget ({type = "imagebox" })
+arr0.image = image(beautiful.arr0)