AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-09-04Updates utils-cli: c7cdbd4 Fix: vnc: support for multiple usersSilvio Rhatto
2024-09-03Updates dotfiles: a06b17c Updates feeds: 39a3c24 README updateSilvio Rhatto
2024-09-01Updates dotfiles: f96d99c Updates yt-dlp: 1782270 Fix: do not embed thumbnailsSilvio Rhatto
2024-09-01Updates hydra: 6de4793 Updates TODOSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-27Updates kvmx: bbcd004 Updates TODOSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-23Updates utils-android: 7c97d1f Feat: adds better-adb-syncSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-23Updates adb-syncSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-23Updates hydra: 774ff5a Feat: Makefile: web_deploy targetSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-21Updates dotfiles: c8a861c Updates profile: 845d35a Feat: firejail: adds globa...Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-20Updates dotfiles: 00d217b Updates awesome: f414615 Fix: keys: switch from "fu...Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-20Updates dotfiles: 1c3c600 Updates conky: 4ebe0a8 Fix: metadot URLSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-20Updates dotfiles: 2d8ab51 Updates conky: 61dceb1 Fix: update script locationsSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-20Fix: move some scripts into separate, thematic repositories (2)Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-20Fix: move some scripts into separate, thematic repositoriesSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-20Updates scripts: d6a4d78 Move some scripts to the utils-x11 repositorySilvio Rhatto
2024-08-20Updates utils-x11: a09a77e Add some commands from the scripts repositorySilvio Rhatto
2024-08-20Updates finder: b057e81 TODO: more featuresSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-19Updates trashman: f5ce196 Fix: commentSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-16Updates finder: 87e4fcd TODO: toggleables: line numberingSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-14Updates utils-gpg: 2c63ef7 Feat: adds gpg-download-keySilvio Rhatto
2024-08-11Updates dotfiles: 9281371 Feat: adds yt-dlp moduleSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-10Updates hydra: 54bfba6 Fix: docs: TPC: typoSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-10Updates scripts: 5e29196 Feat: adds repl script (2)Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-10Updates scripts: defcbca Feat: adds repl scriptSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-10Updates trashman: 309947e Fix: trashman: tor-transproxy: updates (2)Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-10Updates trashman: 45d36a1 Fix: trashman: tor-transproxy: do not drop connecti...Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-10Updates trashman: 96d6dd5 Fix: trashman: tor-transproxy: updatesSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-09Updates dotfiles: 978063a Updates vim: 1b8aa61 Feat: airline: tab numberingSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-09TODO: metadotSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-09Updates dotfiles: de13e23 Updates mail: a2ab95e Fix: firejail: viminfo handli...Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-09Updates hydra: 5e0784e Fix: hydra: deploy: fix puppet/devices ownershipSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-09Updates dotfiles: 048aa02 Updates profile: 2ee9b7c Feat: comments about SSH a...Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-09Updates utils-gpg: f3e53d1 Fix: gpg-agent-eval: avoid bashismSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-09Updates utils-ssh: ec3f752 Fix: rename ssh-agent-loadkeys as ssh-agent-keycha...Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-09Updates dotfiles: 41806a1 Updates xsession: 27e2d66 Fix: misc xsession/autost...Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-09Updates dotfiles: 225ffe9 Updates profile: c4c9353 Feat: comments about SSH a...Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-08Updates utils-ssh: bfd0ff5 Fix: typoSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-08Updates dotfiles: 8a371ad Updates profile: dc9b8b6 Fix: firejail: less: remov...Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-08Updates dotfiles: 99e7f61 Updates xsession: 080bfbf Fix: misc xsession/autost...Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-08Updates termplex: 04f8ce0 Fix: wtmux: session isolation through distinct socketsSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-07Updates hydra: e0d62c3 TODO: merge sync-home with sync-tpcSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-07Updates scripts: 315c8d2 Feat: inotifier: comment on alternativesSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-07Updates finder: f40a034 Feat: docs: alternativesSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-07Updates dotfiles: ce8e3dd Updates profile: 9748995 Feat: new ISO date commandsSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-07Updates dotfiles: 74fae02 Updates vim: 1c9d3bc Feat: key mappings: remind sho...Silvio Rhatto
2024-08-07Updates kvmx: 584a352 Feat: docs: more on virtioSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-07Updates hydra: 90fb453 Fix: hydractl: sync-{tpc,home}: use the base action nameSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-07Updates hydra: 417e1d1 Fix: hydractl: sync-home: rollbackSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-07Updates kvmx: 817ac57 Fix: provision: debian: messenger: startup programsSilvio Rhatto
2024-08-07Updates hydra: adfbbfa Fix: hydractl: sync-home: log into $DEST/var/log/hydra...Silvio Rhatto