class websites::hosting inherits websites::setup { # Include the needed classes for website hosting include php include trac include websvn include moin include apache::rails # Declare the needed classes for website hosting class { [ 'drupal', 'ikiwiki', 'pmwiki', 'hotglue', 'wordpress' ]: } class { 'viewvc': root_parents => "/var/svn : svn"; } $git_daemon = hiera('nodo::web::git_daemon', True) if $git_daemon != false { class { 'gitweb': } } apache::site { "images": docroot => "${apache::www_folder}/images", mpm => false, tag => 'all', } # Remove untagged site instances Apache::Site <| tag != $::hostname and tag != 'all' |> { ensure => absent, } # Remove untagged database instances Database::Instance <| tag != $::hostname and tag != 'all' |> { ensure => absent, } # Remove untagged ikiwiki instances Ikiwiki::Instance <| tag != $::hostname and tag != 'all' |> { ensure => absent, } }