require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).provider(:cvs_provider) do let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).new({ :name => 'test', :ensure => :present, :provider => :cvs, :revision => '2634', :source => 'lp:do', :path => '/tmp/test', })} let(:provider) { resource.provider } before :each do Puppet::Util.stubs(:which).with('cvs').returns('/usr/bin/cvs') end describe 'creating' do context "with a source" do it "should execute 'cvs checkout'" do resource[:source] = '' resource[:revision] = 'an-unimportant-value' expects_chdir('/tmp') provider.expects(:cvs).with('-d', resource.value(:source), 'checkout', '-r', 'an-unimportant-value', '-d', 'test', 'bar') provider.create end it "should just execute 'cvs checkout' without a revision" do resource[:source] = '' resource.delete(:revision) provider.expects(:cvs).with('-d', resource.value(:source), 'checkout', '-d', File.basename(resource.value(:path)), File.basename(resource.value(:source))) provider.create end context "with a compression" do it "should just execute 'cvs checkout' without a revision" do resource[:source] = '' resource[:compression] = '3' resource.delete(:revision) provider.expects(:cvs).with('-d', resource.value(:source), '-z', '3', 'checkout', '-d', File.basename(resource.value(:path)), File.basename(resource.value(:source))) provider.create end end end context "when a source is not given" do it "should execute 'cvs init'" do resource.delete(:source) provider.expects(:cvs).with('-d', resource.value(:path), 'init') provider.create end end end describe 'destroying' do it "it should remove the directory" do provider.destroy end end describe "checking existence" do it "should check for the CVS directory with source" do resource[:source] = '' File.expects(:directory?).with(File.join(resource.value(:path), 'CVS')) provider.exists? end it "should check for the CVSROOT directory without source" do resource.delete(:source) File.expects(:directory?).with(File.join(resource.value(:path), 'CVSROOT')) provider.exists? end end describe "checking the revision property" do before do @tag_file = File.join(resource.value(:path), 'CVS', 'Tag') end context "when CVS/Tag exists" do before do @tag = 'TAG' File.expects(:exist?).with(@tag_file).returns(true) end it "should read CVS/Tag" do File.expects(:read).with(@tag_file).returns("T#{@tag}") provider.revision.should == @tag end end context "when CVS/Tag does not exist" do before do File.expects(:exist?).with(@tag_file).returns(false) end it "assumes HEAD" do provider.revision.should == 'HEAD' end end end describe "when setting the revision property" do before do @tag = 'SOMETAG' end it "should use 'cvs update -dr'" do expects_chdir provider.expects(:cvs).with('update', '-dr', @tag, '.') provider.revision = @tag end end end