class ProviderExampleGroup < Spec::Example::ExampleGroup # Allow access to the current resource attr_reader :resource # Build up the values for the resource in this scope before :each do resource_hash = example_group_hierarchy.inject({}) do |memo, klass| memo.merge(klass.options[:resource] || {}) end full_hash = resource_hash.merge(:provider => @resource = end # Build the provider subject { } # Allow access to it via +provider+ alias :provider :subject # Generate a context for a provider operating on a resource with: # # call-seq: # # # A parameter/property set (when the value isn't important) # resource_with :source do # # ... # end # # # A parameter/property set to a specific value # resource_with :source => 'a-specific-value' do # # ... # end # # Note: Choose one or the other (mixing will create two separate contexts) # def self.resource_with(*params, &block) params_with_values = params.last.is_a?(Hash) ? params.pop : {} build_value_context(params_with_values, &block) build_existence_context(*params, &block) end def self.build_existence_context(*params, &block) #:nodoc: unless params.empty? text = params.join(', ') placeholders = params.inject({}) { |memo, key| memo.merge(key => 'an-unimportant-value') } context("and with a #{text}", {:resource => placeholders}, &block) end end def self.build_value_context(params = {}, &block) #:nodoc: unless params.empty? text = { |k, v| "#{k} => #{v.inspect}" }.join(' and with ') context("and with #{text}", {:resource => params}, &block) end end # Generate a context for a provider operating on a resource without # a given parameter/property. # # call-seq: # # resource_without :source do # # ... # end # def self.resource_without(field, &block) context("and without a #{field}", &block) end end Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.register(:provider, ProviderExampleGroup) # Outside wrapper to lookup a provider and start the spec using ProviderExampleGroup def describe_provider(type_name, provider_name, options = {}, &block) provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(type_name).provider(provider_name) describe(provider_class, options.merge(:type => :provider), &block) end