require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'vcsrepo') Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).provide(:git, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Vcsrepo) do desc "Supports Git repositories" ##TODO modify the commands below so that the su - is included optional_commands :git => 'git', :su => 'su' has_features :bare_repositories, :reference_tracking, :ssh_identity, :multiple_remotes, :user def create if !@resource.value(:source) init_repository(@resource.value(:path)) else clone_repository(@resource.value(:source), @resource.value(:path)) if @resource.value(:revision) if @resource.value(:ensure) == :bare notice "Ignoring revision for bare repository" else checkout end end if @resource.value(:ensure) != :bare update_submodules end end update_owner_and_excludes end def destroy FileUtils.rm_rf(@resource.value(:path)) end def latest? at_path do return self.revision == self.latest end end def latest branch = on_branch? if branch == 'master' return get_revision("#{@resource.value(:remote)}/HEAD") elsif branch == '(no branch)' return get_revision('HEAD') else return get_revision("#{@resource.value(:remote)}/%s" % branch) end end def revision update_references current = at_path { git_with_identity('rev-parse', 'HEAD').chomp } return current unless @resource.value(:revision) if tag_revision?(@resource.value(:revision)) canonical = at_path { git_with_identity('show', @resource.value(:revision)).scan(/commit (.*)/).to_s } else canonical = at_path { git_with_identity('rev-parse', @resource.value(:revision)).chomp } end if current == canonical @resource.value(:revision) else current end end def revision=(desired) checkout(desired) if local_branch_revision?(desired) # reset instead of pull to avoid merge conflicts. assuming remote is # authoritative. # might be worthwhile to have an allow_local_changes param to decide # whether to reset or pull when we're ensuring latest. at_path { git_with_identity('reset', '--hard', "#{@resource.value(:remote)}/#{desired}") } end if @resource.value(:ensure) != :bare update_submodules end update_owner_and_excludes end def bare_exists? bare_git_config_exists? && !working_copy_exists? end def working_copy_exists?, '.git')) end def exists? working_copy_exists? || bare_exists? end def update_references at_path do git_with_identity('fetch', @resource.value(:remote)) git_with_identity('fetch', '--tags', @resource.value(:remote)) update_owner_and_excludes end end private def bare_git_config_exists? File.exist?(File.join(@resource.value(:path), 'config')) end def clone_repository(source, path) check_force args = ['clone'] if @resource.value(:ensure) == :bare args << '--bare' end if !File.exist?(File.join(@resource.value(:path), '.git')) args.push(source, path) Dir.chdir("/") do git_with_identity(*args) end else notice "Repo has already been cloned" end end def check_force if path_exists? if @resource.value(:force) notice "Removing %s to replace with vcsrepo." % @resource.value(:path) destroy else raise Puppet::Error, "Could not create repository (non-repository at path)" end end end def init_repository(path) check_force if @resource.value(:ensure) == :bare && working_copy_exists? convert_working_copy_to_bare elsif @resource.value(:ensure) == :present && bare_exists? convert_bare_to_working_copy else # normal init FileUtils.mkdir(@resource.value(:path)) FileUtils.chown(@resource.value(:user), nil, @resource.value(:path)) if @resource.value(:user) args = ['init'] if @resource.value(:ensure) == :bare args << '--bare' end at_path do git_with_identity(*args) end end end # Convert working copy to bare # # Moves: # /.git # to: # / def convert_working_copy_to_bare notice "Converting working copy repository to bare repository", '.git'), tempdir) FileUtils.rm_rf(@resource.value(:path)), @resource.value(:path)) end # Convert bare to working copy # # Moves: # / # to: # /.git def convert_bare_to_working_copy notice "Converting bare repository to working copy repository", tempdir) FileUtils.mkdir(@resource.value(:path)), File.join(@resource.value(:path), '.git')) if commits_in?(File.join(@resource.value(:path), '.git')) reset('HEAD') git_with_identity('checkout', '-f') update_owner_and_excludes end end def commits_in?(dot_git) Dir.glob(File.join(dot_git, 'objects/info/*'), File::FNM_DOTMATCH) do |e| return true unless %w(. ..).include?(File::basename(e)) end false end def checkout(revision = @resource.value(:revision)) if !local_branch_revision? && remote_branch_revision? at_path { git_with_identity('checkout', '-b', revision, '--track', "#{@resource.value(:remote)}/#{revision}") } else at_path { git_with_identity('checkout', '--force', revision) } end end def reset(desired) at_path do git_with_identity('reset', '--hard', desired) end end def update_submodules at_path do git_with_identity('submodule', 'init') git_with_identity('submodule', 'update') git_with_identity('submodule', 'foreach', 'git', 'submodule', 'init') git_with_identity('submodule', 'foreach', 'git', 'submodule', 'update') end end def remote_branch_revision?(revision = @resource.value(:revision)) # git < 1.6 returns '#{@resource.value(:remote)}/#{revision}' # git 1.6+ returns 'remotes/#{@resource.value(:remote)}/#{revision}' branch = at_path { branches.grep /(remotes\/)?#{@resource.value(:remote)}\/#{revision}/ } if branch.length > 0 return branch end end def local_branch_revision?(revision = @resource.value(:revision)) at_path { branches.include?(revision) } end def tag_revision?(revision = @resource.value(:revision)) at_path { tags.include?(revision) } end def branches at_path { git_with_identity('branch', '-a') }.gsub('*', ' ').split(/\n/).map { |line| line.strip } end def on_branch? at_path { git_with_identity('branch', '-a') }.split(/\n/).grep(/\*/).first.to_s.gsub('*', '').strip end def tags at_path { git_with_identity('tag', '-l') }.split(/\n/).map { |line| line.strip } end def set_excludes at_path { open('.git/info/exclude', 'w') { |f| @resource.value(:excludes).each { |ex| f.write(ex + "\n") }}} end def get_revision(rev) if !working_copy_exists? create end at_path do git_with_identity('fetch', @resource.value(:remote)) git_with_identity('fetch', '--tags', @resource.value(:remote)) end current = at_path { git_with_identity('rev-parse', rev).strip } if @resource.value(:revision) if local_branch_revision? canonical = at_path { git_with_identity('rev-parse', @resource.value(:revision)).strip } elsif remote_branch_revision? canonical = at_path { git_with_identity('rev-parse', "#{@resource.value(:remote)}/" + @resource.value(:revision)).strip } end current = @resource.value(:revision) if current == canonical end update_owner_and_excludes return current end def update_owner_and_excludes if @resource.value(:owner) or @resource.value(:group) set_ownership end if @resource.value(:excludes) set_excludes end end def git_with_identity(*args) if @resource.value(:identity)'git-helper') do |f| f.puts '#!/bin/sh' f.puts "exec ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oKbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no -i #{@resource.value(:identity)} $*" f.close FileUtils.chmod(0755, f.path) env_save = ENV['GIT_SSH'] ENV['GIT_SSH'] = f.path ret = git(*args) ENV['GIT_SSH'] = env_save return ret end elsif @resource.value(:user) su(@resource.value(:user), '-c', "git #{args.join(' ')}" ) else git(*args) end end end