# Polipo Configuration from https://svn.torproject.org/svn/torbrowser/trunk/build-scripts/config/polipo.conf # Managed by puppet. ### Domain Name System ### ****************** # Uncomment this if you want to contact IPv4 hosts only (and make DNS # queries somewhat faster): # # dnsQueryIPv6 = no # Uncomment this if you want Polipo to prefer IPv4 to IPv6 for # double-stack hosts: # # dnsQueryIPv6 = reluctantly # Uncomment this to disable Polipo's DNS resolver and use the system's # default resolver instead. If you do that, Polipo will freeze during # every DNS query: dnsUseGethostbyname = yes ### HTTP ### **** # Uncomment this if you want to enable detection of proxy loops. # This will cause your hostname (or whatever you put into proxyName # above) to be included in every request: disableVia = true # Uncomment this if you want to slightly reduce the amount of # information that you leak about yourself: # censoredHeaders = from, accept-language # censorReferer = maybe censoredHeaders = from,accept-language,x-pad,link censorReferer = maybe # Uncomment this if you're paranoid. This will break a lot of sites, # though: # censoredHeaders = set-cookie, cookie, cookie2, from, accept-language # censorReferer = true # Uncomment this if you want to use Poor Man's Multiplexing; increase # the sizes if you're on a fast line. They should each amount to a few # seconds' worth of transfer; if pmmSize is small, you'll want # pmmFirstSize to be larger. # Note that PMM is somewhat unreliable. # pmmFirstSize = 16384 # pmmSize = 8192 # Uncomment this if your user-agent does something reasonable with # Warning headers (most don't): # relaxTransparency = maybe # Uncomment this if you never want to revalidate instances for which # data is available (this is not a good idea): # relaxTransparency = yes # Uncomment this if you have no network: # proxyOffline = yes # Uncomment this if you want to avoid revalidating instances with a # Vary header (this is not a good idea): # mindlesslyCacheVary = true # Suggestions from Incognito configuration maxConnectionAge = 5m maxConnectionRequests = 120 serverMaxSlots = 8 serverSlots = 2 tunnelAllowedPorts = 1-65535