Puppet::Type.type(:file_line).provide(:ruby) do def exists? if !resource[:replace] and count_matches(match_regex) > 0 true else lines.find do |line| line.chomp == resource[:line].chomp end end end def create unless !resource[:replace] and count_matches(match_regex) > 0 if resource[:match] handle_create_with_match elsif resource[:after] handle_create_with_after else append_line end end end def destroy local_lines = lines File.open(resource[:path],'w') do |fh| fh.write(local_lines.reject{|l| l.chomp == resource[:line] }.join('')) end end private def lines # If this type is ever used with very large files, we should # write this in a different way, using a temp # file; for now assuming that this type is only used on # small-ish config files that can fit into memory without # too much trouble. @lines ||= File.readlines(resource[:path]) end def match_regex resource[:match] ? Regexp.new(resource[:match]) : nil end def handle_create_with_match() regex_after = resource[:after] ? Regexp.new(resource[:after]) : nil match_count = count_matches(match_regex) if match_count > 1 && resource[:multiple].to_s != 'true' raise Puppet::Error, "More than one line in file '#{resource[:path]}' matches pattern '#{resource[:match]}'" end File.open(resource[:path], 'w') do |fh| lines.each do |l| fh.puts(match_regex.match(l) ? resource[:line] : l) if (match_count == 0 and regex_after) if regex_after.match(l) fh.puts(resource[:line]) match_count += 1 #Increment match_count to indicate that the new line has been inserted. end end end if (match_count == 0) fh.puts(resource[:line]) end end end def handle_create_with_after regex = Regexp.new(resource[:after]) count = count_matches(regex) if count > 1 && resource[:multiple].to_s != 'true' raise Puppet::Error, "#{count} lines match pattern '#{resource[:after]}' in file '#{resource[:path]}'. One or no line must match the pattern." end File.open(resource[:path], 'w') do |fh| lines.each do |l| fh.puts(l) if regex.match(l) then fh.puts(resource[:line]) end end end if (count == 0) # append the line to the end of the file append_line end end def count_matches(regex) lines.select{|l| l.match(regex)}.size end ## # append the line to the file. # # @api private def append_line File.open(resource[:path], 'w') do |fh| lines.each do |l| fh.puts(l) end fh.puts resource[:line] end end end