module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:validate_x509_rsa_key_pair, :doc => <<-ENDHEREDOC Validates a PEM-formatted X.509 certificate and RSA private key using OpenSSL. Verifies that the certficate's signature was created from the supplied key. Fail compilation if any value fails this check. validate_x509_rsa_key_pair($cert, $key) ENDHEREDOC ) do |args| require 'openssl' NUM_ARGS = 2 unless defined? NUM_ARGS unless args.length == NUM_ARGS then raise Puppet::ParseError, ("validate_x509_rsa_key_pair(): wrong number of arguments (#{args.length}; must be #{NUM_ARGS})") end args.each do |arg| unless arg.is_a?(String) raise Puppet::ParseError, "#{arg.inspect} is not a string." end end begin cert =[0]) rescue OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError => e raise Puppet::ParseError, "Not a valid x509 certificate: #{e}" end begin key =[1]) rescue OpenSSL::PKey::RSAError => e raise Puppet::ParseError, "Not a valid RSA key: #{e}" end unless cert.verify(key) raise Puppet::ParseError, "Certificate signature does not match supplied key" end end end