2012-03-13 Puppet Labs <support@puppetlabs.com> - 2.3.1
* (#13091) Fix LoadError bug with puppet apply and puppet_vardir fact

2012-03-12 Puppet Labs <support@puppetlabs.com> - 2.3.0
* Add a large number of new Puppet functions
* Backwards compatibility preserved with 2.2.x

2011-12-30 Puppet Labs <support@puppetlabs.com> - 2.2.1
* Documentation only release for the Forge

2011-12-30 Puppet Labs <support@puppetlabs.com> - 2.1.2
* Documentation only release for PE 2.0.x

2011-11-08 Puppet Labs <support@puppetlabs.com> - 2.2.0
* #10285 - Refactor json to use pson instead.
* Maint  - Add watchr autotest script
* Maint  - Make rspec tests work with Puppet 2.6.4
* #9859  - Add root_home fact and tests

2011-08-18 Puppet Labs <support@puppetlabs.com> - 2.1.1
* Change facts.d paths to match Facter 2.0 paths.
* /etc/facter/facts.d
* /etc/puppetlabs/facter/facts.d

2011-08-17 Puppet Labs <support@puppetlabs.com> - 2.1.0
* Add R.I. Pienaar's facts.d custom facter fact
* facts defined in /etc/facts.d and /etc/puppetlabs/facts.d are
  automatically loaded now.

2011-08-04 Puppet Labs <support@puppetlabs.com> - 2.0.0
* Rename whole_line to file_line
* This is an API change and as such motivating a 2.0.0 release according to semver.org.

2011-08-04 Puppet Labs <support@puppetlabs.com> - 1.1.0
* Rename append_line to whole_line
* This is an API change and as such motivating a 1.1.0 release.

2011-08-04 Puppet Labs <support@puppetlabs.com> - 1.0.0
* Initial stable release
* Add validate_array and validate_string functions
* Make merge() function work with Ruby 1.8.5
* Add hash merging function
* Add has_key function
* Add loadyaml() function
* Add append_line native

2011-06-21 Jeff McCune <jeff@puppetlabs.com> - 0.1.7
* Add validate_hash() and getvar() functions

2011-06-15 Jeff McCune <jeff@puppetlabs.com> - 0.1.6
* Add anchor resource type to provide containment for composite classes

2011-06-03 Jeff McCune <jeff@puppetlabs.com> - 0.1.5
* Add validate_bool() function to stdlib

0.1.4 2011-05-26 Jeff McCune <jeff@puppetlabs.com>
* Move most stages after main

0.1.3 2011-05-25 Jeff McCune <jeff@puppetlabs.com>
* Add validate_re() function

0.1.2 2011-05-24 Jeff McCune <jeff@puppetlabs.com>
* Update to add annotated tag

0.1.1 2011-05-24 Jeff McCune <jeff@puppetlabs.com>
* Add stdlib::stages class with a standard set of stages