AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-06-03Add spec test for validate_bool functionJeff McCune
2011-06-03Add validate_bool() function to stdlibJeff McCune
2011-05-26Update CHANGELOG with stage re-orderingJeff McCune
2011-05-26Merge branch 'bug/master/prefer_stages_after_main'Jeff McCune
2011-05-26Move stages to after mainJeff McCune
2011-05-25Update CHANGELOG for 0.1.3 releaseJeff McCune
2011-05-25Merge branch 'feature/master/7657_validate_re'Jeff McCune
2011-05-25(#7657) Add basic validate_re functionJeff McCune
2011-05-25Add DS_Store to gitignoreJeff McCune
2011-05-24Update changelog for version 0.1.2Jeff McCune
2011-05-24Add changelog to track releasesJeff McCune
2011-05-24Add standard set of run stages.Jeff McCune
2011-05-24Update README with target versionsJeff McCune
2011-05-24Initial commitJeff McCune