diff options
5 files changed, 205 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 503e184..b29f7e7 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -6,13 +6,19 @@ script: "bundle exec rake validate && bundle exec rake lint && bundle exec rake
fast_finish: true
+ - rvm: 1.9.3
+ env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 3.4.0"
- rvm: 1.8.7
- env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 2.7.0" FACTER_GEM_VERSION="~> 1.6.0"
- - rvm: 1.8.7
- env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 2.7.0" FACTER_GEM_VERSION="~> 1.7.0"
+ env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 3.0"
- rvm: 1.9.3
env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 3.0"
- - rvm: 2.0.0
+ - rvm: 1.9.3
+ - rvm: 2.1.5
env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 3.0"
+ - rvm: 2.1.5
+ env: PUPPET_GEM_VERSION="~> 3.4.0"
+ - rvm: 2.1.5
email: false
diff --git a/README.markdown b/README.markdown
index 724a48e..3889088 100644
--- a/README.markdown
+++ b/README.markdown
@@ -517,6 +517,24 @@ Calling the class or definition from outside the current module will fail. For e
*Type*: statement
+#### `pw_hash`
+Hashes a password using the crypt function. Provides a hash usable on most POSIX systems.
+The first argument to this function is the password to hash. If it is undef or an empty string, this function returns undef.
+The second argument to this function is which type of hash to use. It will be converted into the appropriate crypt(3) hash specifier. Valid hash types are:
+|Hash type |Specifier|
+|MD5 |1 |
+|SHA-256 |5 |
+|SHA-512 (recommended)|6 |
+The third argument to this function is the salt to use.
+Note: this uses the Puppet Master's implementation of crypt(3). If your environment contains several different operating systems, ensure that they are compatible before using this function.
#### `range`
When given range in the form of '(start, stop)', `range` extrapolates a range as an array. For example, `range("0", "9")` returns [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. Zero-padded strings are converted to integers automatically, so `range("00", "09")` returns [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].
diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/functions/pw_hash.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/functions/pw_hash.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad3e393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/parser/functions/pw_hash.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ :pw_hash,
+ :type => :rvalue,
+ :arity => 3,
+ :doc => "Hashes a password using the crypt function. Provides a hash
+ usable on most POSIX systems.
+ The first argument to this function is the password to hash. If it is
+ undef or an empty string, this function returns undef.
+ The second argument to this function is which type of hash to use. It
+ will be converted into the appropriate crypt(3) hash specifier. Valid
+ hash types are:
+ |Hash type |Specifier|
+ |---------------------|---------|
+ |MD5 |1 |
+ |SHA-256 |5 |
+ |SHA-512 (recommended)|6 |
+ The third argument to this function is the salt to use.
+ Note: this uses the Puppet Master's implementation of crypt(3). If your
+ environment contains several different operating systems, ensure that they
+ are compatible before using this function.") do |args|
+ raise ArgumentError, "pw_hash(): wrong number of arguments (#{args.size} for 3)" if args.size != 3
+ raise ArgumentError, "pw_hash(): first argument must be a string" unless args[0].is_a? String or args[0].nil?
+ raise ArgumentError, "pw_hash(): second argument must be a string" unless args[1].is_a? String
+ hashes = { 'md5' => '1',
+ 'sha-256' => '5',
+ 'sha-512' => '6' }
+ hash_type = hashes[args[1].downcase]
+ raise ArgumentError, "pw_hash(): #{args[1]} is not a valid hash type" if hash_type.nil?
+ raise ArgumentError, "pw_hash(): third argument must be a string" unless args[2].is_a? String
+ raise ArgumentError, "pw_hash(): third argument must not be empty" if args[2].empty?
+ raise ArgumentError, "pw_hash(): characters in salt must be in the set [a-zA-Z0-9./]" unless args[2].match(/\A[a-zA-Z0-9.\/]+\z/)
+ password = args[0]
+ return nil if password.nil? or password.empty?
+ # handle weak implementations of String#crypt
+ if 'test'.crypt('$1$1') != '$1$1$Bp8CU9Oujr9SSEw53WV6G.'
+ # JRuby < 1.7.17
+ if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java'
+ # override String#crypt for password variable
+ def password.crypt(salt)
+ # puppetserver bundles Apache Commons Codec
+ org.apache.commons.codec.digest.Crypt.crypt(self.to_java_bytes, salt)
+ end
+ else
+ # MS Windows and other systems that don't support enhanced salts
+ raise Puppet::ParseError, 'system does not support enhanced salts'
+ end
+ end
+ password.crypt("$#{hash_type}$#{args[2]}")
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/pw_hash_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/pw_hash_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4768975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/pw_hash_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec
+require 'spec_helper_acceptance'
+# Windows and OS X do not have useful implementations of crypt(3)
+describe 'pw_hash function', :unless => (UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORMS + ['windows', 'Darwin']).include?(fact('operatingsystem')) do
+ describe 'success' do
+ it 'hashes passwords' do
+ pp = <<-EOS
+ $o = pw_hash('password', 6, 'salt')
+ notice(inline_template('pw_hash is <%= @o.inspect %>'))
+ apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true) do |r|
+ expect(r.stdout).to match(/pw_hash is "\$6\$salt\$IxDD3jeSOb5eB1CX5LBsqZFVkJdido3OUILO5Ifz5iwMuTS4XMS130MTSuDDl3aCI6WouIL9AjRbLCelDCy\.g\."/)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'returns nil if no password is provided' do
+ pp = <<-EOS
+ $o = pw_hash('', 6, 'salt')
+ notice(inline_template('pw_hash is <%= @o.inspect %>'))
+ apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true) do |r|
+ expect(r.stdout).to match(/pw_hash is ""/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'failure' do
+ it 'handles less than three arguments'
+ it 'handles more than three arguments'
+ it 'handles non strings'
+ end
diff --git a/spec/functions/pw_hash_spec.rb b/spec/functions/pw_hash_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01a1105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/functions/pw_hash_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe "the pw_hash function" do
+ let(:scope) { PuppetlabsSpec::PuppetInternals.scope }
+ it "should exist" do
+ expect(Puppet::Parser::Functions.function("pw_hash")).to eq("function_pw_hash")
+ end
+ it "should raise an ArgumentError if there are less than 3 arguments" do
+ expect { scope.function_pw_hash([]) }.to( raise_error(ArgumentError, /[Ww]rong number of arguments/) )
+ expect { scope.function_pw_hash(['password']) }.to( raise_error(ArgumentError, /[Ww]rong number of arguments/) )
+ expect { scope.function_pw_hash(['password', 'sha-512']) }.to( raise_error(ArgumentError, /[Ww]rong number of arguments/) )
+ end
+ it "should raise an ArgumentError if there are more than 3 arguments" do
+ expect { scope.function_pw_hash(['password', 'sha-512', 'salt', 5]) }.to( raise_error(ArgumentError, /[Ww]rong number of arguments/) )
+ end
+ it "should raise an ArgumentError if the first argument is not a string" do
+ expect { scope.function_pw_hash([['password'], 'sha-512', 'salt']) }.to( raise_error(ArgumentError, /first argument must be a string/) )
+ # in Puppet 3, numbers are passed as strings, so we can't test that
+ end
+ it "should return nil if the first argument is empty" do
+ expect(scope.function_pw_hash(['', 'sha-512', 'salt'])).to eq(nil)
+ end
+ it "should return nil if the first argument is undef" do
+ expect(scope.function_pw_hash([nil, 'sha-512', 'salt'])).to eq(nil)
+ end
+ it "should raise an ArgumentError if the second argument is an invalid hash type" do
+ expect { scope.function_pw_hash(['', 'invalid', 'salt']) }.to( raise_error(ArgumentError, /not a valid hash type/) )
+ end
+ it "should raise an ArgumentError if the second argument is not a string" do
+ expect { scope.function_pw_hash(['', [], 'salt']) }.to( raise_error(ArgumentError, /second argument must be a string/) )
+ end
+ it "should raise an ArgumentError if the third argument is not a string" do
+ expect { scope.function_pw_hash(['password', 'sha-512', ['salt']]) }.to( raise_error(ArgumentError, /third argument must be a string/) )
+ # in Puppet 3, numbers are passed as strings, so we can't test that
+ end
+ it "should raise an ArgumentError if the third argument is empty" do
+ expect { scope.function_pw_hash(['password', 'sha-512', '']) }.to( raise_error(ArgumentError, /third argument must not be empty/) )
+ end
+ it "should raise an ArgumentError if the third argument has invalid characters" do
+ expect { scope.function_pw_hash(['password', 'sha-512', '%']) }.to( raise_error(ArgumentError, /characters in salt must be in the set/) )
+ end
+ it "should fail on platforms with weak implementations of String#crypt" do
+ String.any_instance.expects(:crypt).with('$1$1').returns('$1SoNol0Ye6Xk')
+ expect { scope.function_pw_hash(['password', 'sha-512', 'salt']) }.to( raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /system does not support enhanced salts/) )
+ end
+ it "should return a hashed password" do
+ result = scope.function_pw_hash(['password', 'sha-512', 'salt'])
+ expect(result).to eql('$6$salt$IxDD3jeSOb5eB1CX5LBsqZFVkJdido3OUILO5Ifz5iwMuTS4XMS130MTSuDDl3aCI6WouIL9AjRbLCelDCy.g.')
+ end
+ it "should use the specified salt" do
+ result = scope.function_pw_hash(['password', 'sha-512', 'salt'])
+ expect(result).to match('salt')
+ end
+ it "should use the specified hash type" do
+ resultmd5 = scope.function_pw_hash(['password', 'md5', 'salt'])
+ resultsha256 = scope.function_pw_hash(['password', 'sha-256', 'salt'])
+ resultsha512 = scope.function_pw_hash(['password', 'sha-512', 'salt'])
+ expect(resultmd5).to eql('$1$salt$qJH7.N4xYta3aEG/dfqo/0')
+ expect(resultsha256).to eql('$5$salt$Gcm6FsVtF/Qa77ZKD.iwsJlCVPY0XSMgLJL0Hnww/c1')
+ expect(resultsha512).to eql('$6$salt$IxDD3jeSOb5eB1CX5LBsqZFVkJdido3OUILO5Ifz5iwMuTS4XMS130MTSuDDl3aCI6WouIL9AjRbLCelDCy.g.')
+ end
+ it "should generate a valid hash" do
+ password_hash = scope.function_pw_hash(['password', 'sha-512', 'salt'])
+ hash_parts = password_hash.match(%r{\A\$(.*)\$([a-zA-Z0-9./]+)\$([a-zA-Z0-9./]+)\z})
+ expect(hash_parts).not_to eql(nil)
+ end