modules/shorewall/manifests/init.pp - manage firewalling with shorewall 3.x

Puppet Module for Shorewall
This module manages the configuration of Shorewall (


Copyright (C) 2007 David Schmitt <>
adapted by immerda project group - admin+puppet(at)
adapted by Puzzle ITC - haerry+puppet(at)
Copyright (c) 2009 Riseup Networks - micah(shift+2)
Copyright (c) 2010 intrigeri - intrigeri(at)
See LICENSE for the full license granted to you.

Based on the work of ADNET Ghislain <> from AQUEOS

Merged from:
- git://
- git://

- check if shorewall compiles without errors, otherwise fail !


If you need to install a specific version of shorewall other than
the default one that would be installed by 'ensure => present', then
you can set the following variable and that specific version will be
installed instead:

    $shorewall_ensure_version = "4.0.15-1"


see also:

Example from node.pp:

node xy {
	$shorewall_startup="0"  # create shorewall ruleset but don't startup
	include config::site-shorewall
	shorewall::rule {
		'incoming-ssh': source => 'all', destination => '$FW',  action  => 'SSH/ACCEPT', order => 200;
		'incoming-puppetmaster': source => 'all', destination => '$FW',  action  => 'Puppetmaster/ACCEPT', order => 300;
		'incoming-imap': source => 'all', destination => '$FW',  action  => 'IMAP/ACCEPT', order => 300;
		'incoming-smtp': source => 'all', destination => '$FW',  action  => 'SMTP/ACCEPT', order => 300;

class config::site-shorewall {
        include shorewall

	# If you want logging:
        #shorewall::params {
        #       'LOG':            value => 'debug';
        #	'MAILSERVER':     value => $shorewall_mailserver;

        shorewall::zone {'net':
                type => 'ipv4';

        shorewall::rule_section { 'NEW':
                order => 10;

        case $shorewall_rfc1918_maineth {
                '': {$shorewall_rfc1918_maineth = true }

        case $shorewall_main_interface {
                '': { $shorewall_main_interface = 'eth0' }

        shorewall::interface {"$shorewall_main_interface":
                zone    => 'net',
                rfc1918  => $shorewall_rfc1918_maineth,
                options => 'tcpflags,blacklist,nosmurfs';

        shorewall::policy {
                  sourcezone              =>      '$FW',
                  destinationzone         =>      '$FW',
                  policy                  =>      'ACCEPT',
                  order                   =>      100;
                sourcezone              =>      '$FW',
                destinationzone         =>      'net',
                policy                  =>      'ACCEPT',
                shloglevel              =>      '$LOG',
                order                   =>      110;
                sourcezone              =>      'net',
                destinationzone         =>      '$FW',
                policy                  =>      'DROP',
                shloglevel              =>      '$LOG',
                order                   =>      120;

        # default Rules : ICMP 
        shorewall::rule { 'allicmp-to-host': source => 'all', destination => '$FW', order  => 200, action  => 'AllowICMPs/ACCEPT';