modules/shorewall/manifests/init.pp - manage firewalling with shorewall 3.x Puppet Module for Shorewall --------------------------- This module manages the configuration of Shorewall ( Copyright --------- Copyright (C) 2007 David Schmitt adapted by immerda project group - admin+puppet(at) adapted by Puzzle ITC - haerry+puppet(at) Copyright (c) 2009 Riseup Networks - micah(shift+2) Copyright (c) 2010 intrigeri - intrigeri(at) See LICENSE for the full license granted to you. Based on the work of ADNET Ghislain from AQUEOS at Merged from: - git:// - git:// Todo ---- - check if shorewall compiles without errors, otherwise fail ! Configuration ------------- If you need to install a specific version of shorewall other than the default one that would be installed by 'ensure => present', then you can set the following variable and that specific version will be installed instead: $shorewall_ensure_version = "4.0.15-1" Documentation ------------- see also: Torify ------ The shorewall::rules::torify define can be used to force some outgoing TCP traffic through the Tor transparent proxy. The corresponding non-TCP traffic is rejected accordingly. Beware! This define only is part of a torified setup. DNS requests and IPv6, amongst others, might leak network activity you would prefer not to. You really need to read proper documentation about these matters before using this feature e.g.: The Tor transparent proxy location defaults to and can be configured by setting the $tor_transparent_proxy_host and $tor_transparent_proxy_port variables before including the main shorewall class. Example usage follows. Torify any outgoing TCP traffic originating from user bob or alice and aimed at or shorewall::rules::torify { 'torify-some-bits': users => [ 'bob', 'alice' ], destinations => [ '', '' ]; } Torify any outgoing TCP traffic to shorewall::rules::torify { 'torify-to-this-host': destinations => [ '' ]; } When no destination nor user is provided any outgoing TCP traffic (see restrictions bellow) is torified. In that case the user running the Tor client ($tor_user) is whitelisted; this variable defaults to "debian-tor" on Debian systems and to "tor" on others. if this does not suit your configuration you need to set the $tor_user variable before including the main shorewall class. When no destination is provided traffic directed to RFC1918 addresses is by default allowed and (obviously) not torified. This behaviour can be changed by setting the allow_rfc1918 parameter to false. Torify any outgoing TCP traffic but connections to RFC1918 addresses: shorewall::rules::torify { 'torify-everything-but-lan': } Torify any outgoing TCP traffic: shorewall::rules::torify { 'torify-everything: allow_rfc1918 => false; } In some cases (e.g. when providing no specific destination nor user and denying access to RFC1918 addresses) UDP DNS requests may be rejected. This is intentional: it does not make sense leaking -via DNS requests- network activity that would otherwise be torified. In that case you probably want to read proper documentation about such matters, enable the Tor DNS resolver and redirect DNS requests through it, either globally: shorewall::rules::torify::redirect_dns_to_tor { '-': } or for specific users: shorewall::rules::torify::redirect_dns_to_tor { ['bob', 'alice' ]: } The $tor_dns_host and $tor_dns_port variables must be set before these defines are setup. Example ------- Example from node.pp: node xy { $shorewall_startup="0" # create shorewall ruleset but don't startup include config::site-shorewall shorewall::rule { 'incoming-ssh': source => 'all', destination => '$FW', action => 'SSH(ACCEPT)', order => 200; 'incoming-puppetmaster': source => 'all', destination => '$FW', action => 'Puppetmaster(ACCEPT)', order => 300; 'incoming-imap': source => 'all', destination => '$FW', action => 'IMAP(ACCEPT)', order => 300; 'incoming-smtp': source => 'all', destination => '$FW', action => 'SMTP(ACCEPT)', order => 300; } } class config::site-shorewall { include shorewall # If you want logging: #shorewall::params { # 'LOG': value => 'debug'; # 'MAILSERVER': value => $shorewall_mailserver; #} shorewall::zone {'net': type => 'ipv4'; } shorewall::rule_section { 'NEW': order => 10; } case $shorewall_rfc1918_maineth { '': {$shorewall_rfc1918_maineth = true } } case $shorewall_main_interface { '': { $shorewall_main_interface = 'eth0' } } shorewall::interface {"$shorewall_main_interface": zone => 'net', rfc1918 => $shorewall_rfc1918_maineth, options => 'tcpflags,blacklist,nosmurfs'; } shorewall::policy { 'fw-to-fw': sourcezone => '$FW', destinationzone => '$FW', policy => 'ACCEPT', order => 100; 'fw-to-net': sourcezone => '$FW', destinationzone => 'net', policy => 'ACCEPT', shloglevel => '$LOG', order => 110; 'net-to-fw': sourcezone => 'net', destinationzone => '$FW', policy => 'DROP', shloglevel => '$LOG', order => 120; } # default Rules : ICMP shorewall::rule { 'allicmp-to-host': source => 'all', destination => '$FW', order => 200, action => 'AllowICMPs(ACCEPT)'; } }