diff options
6 files changed, 19 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/server.pp b/manifests/server.pp
index 550659c..8a5853c 100644
--- a/manifests/server.pp
+++ b/manifests/server.pp
@@ -58,20 +58,4 @@ class samba::server($interfaces = '',
'os level': value => $os_level;
'preferred master': value => $preferred_master;
- file {'/sbin/check_samba_user':
- # script checks to see if a samba account exists for a given user
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => '0755',
- content => template("${module_name}/check_samba_user"),
- }
- file {'/sbin/add_samba_user':
- # script creates a new samba account for a given user and password
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => '0755',
- content => template("${module_name}/add_samba_user"),
- }
diff --git a/manifests/server/user.pp b/manifests/server/user.pp
index b8f2e61..d10a602 100644
--- a/manifests/server/user.pp
+++ b/manifests/server/user.pp
@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@ define samba::server::user (
$user_name = $name,
) {
+ require ::samba::server::install
exec { "add smb account for ${user_name}":
- command => "/sbin/add_samba_user '${user_name}' '${password}'" ,
- unless => "/sbin/check_samba_user '${user_name}'" ,
+ command => "/bin/echo -e '${password}\\n${password}\\n' | /usr/bin/pdbedit --password-from-stdin -a '${user_name}'",
+ unless => "/usr/bin/pdbedit '${user_name}'",
require => [ User[$user_name] ],
- notify => Class['samba::server::service']
+ notify => Class['samba::server::service'] #TODO: Is this really required??
diff --git a/spec/classes/samba__server_spec.rb b/spec/classes/samba__server_spec.rb
index 69fa0ec..dbf840a 100644
--- a/spec/classes/samba__server_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/classes/samba__server_spec.rb
@@ -20,7 +20,4 @@ describe 'samba::server' do
it { should contain_samba__server__option('printing') }
it { should contain_samba__server__option('printcap name') }
it { should contain_samba__server__option('disable spoolss') }
- it { should contain_file('/sbin/check_samba_user').with_owner('root') }
- it { should contain_file('/sbin/add_samba_user').with_owner('root') }
diff --git a/spec/defines/samba__server__user_spec.rb b/spec/defines/samba__server__user_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7ae00c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/defines/samba__server__user_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe 'samba::server::user', :type => :define do
+ let(:title) { 'test_user' }
+ let(:params) {{ :password => 'secret' }}
+ it { is_expected.to contain_samba__server__user('test_user') }
+ it { is_expected.to contain_exec('add smb account for test_user').with(
+ :command => '/bin/echo -e \'secret\nsecret\n\' | /usr/bin/pdbedit --password-from-stdin -a \'test_user\'',
+ :unless => '/usr/bin/pdbedit \'test_user\'',
+ :require => 'User[test_user]',
+ :notify => 'Class[Samba::Server::Service]'
+ ) }
diff --git a/templates/add_samba_user b/templates/add_samba_user
deleted file mode 100644
index cc1d56b..0000000
--- a/templates/add_samba_user
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# This script adds a samba account for a given user and password
-# call as:
-# > add_samba_user "USERNAME" "PASSWORD"
-/bin/echo -e "$2\n$2\n" | sudo /usr/bin/pdbedit -a "$1" -t 1>/dev/null
-if [ $results = 0 ]; then
- echo "added samba account for '$1'"
- echo "could not add samba account for '$1'"
-exit $results
diff --git a/templates/check_samba_user b/templates/check_samba_user
deleted file mode 100644
index 431c3c4..0000000
--- a/templates/check_samba_user
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# This script checks to see if a given user account exists on samba
-# if so, it returns 0
-# otherwise it returns 1
-sudo /usr/bin/pdbedit -L | egrep -q "^$1:"
-if [ $exists = 0 ]; then
- echo "'$1' is a samba user"
- echo "no samba account matching '$1'"
-exit $exists