
This is the Debian package repository of <%= @origin %>. It is used for internal distribution of locally built packages not yet part of Debian. Feel free to use it for yourself, but it comes at no warranty.

How to use

In your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://debian.<%= scope.lookupvar('::domain') %>/debian squeeze main
deb-src http://debian.<%= scope.lookupvar('::domain') %>/debian squeeze main
"squeeze", of course, can be replaced by your distribution.

Adding the archive key to your keyring

This archive self-signs packages uploaded to it (and packages uploaded are verified against a whitelist of trusted uploaders) using OpenPGP (GnuPG, to be more precise).

The key of the archive is in the key.asc file. You should add the key using something like this:

wget http://debian.<%= scope.lookupvar('::domain') %>/debian/key.asc
apt-key add key.asc
apt-get update