# Defaults for puppetmaster - sourced by /etc/init.d/puppetmaster # Start puppet on boot? START=yes # Startup options #DAEMON_OPTS="" DAEMON_OPTS="<%= puppetmaster_daemon_opts %>" # What server type to run # Options: # webrick (default, cannot handle more than ~30 nodes) # mongrel (scales better than webrick because you can run # multiple processes if you are getting # connection-reset or End-of-file errors, switch to # mongrel. Requires front-end web-proxy such as # apache, nginx, or pound) # See: http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/UsingMongrel SERVERTYPE=<%= puppetmaster_servertype %> # How many puppetmaster instances to start? Its pointless to set this # higher than 1 if you are not using mongrel. PUPPETMASTERS=<%= puppetmaster_puppetmasters %> # What port should the puppetmaster listen on (default: 8140). If # PUPPETMASTERS is set to a number greater than 1, then the port for # the first puppetmaster will be set to the port listed below, and # further instances will be incremented by one # # NOTE: if you are using mongrel, then you will need to have a # front-end web-proxy (such as apache, nginx, pound) that takes # incoming requests on the port your clients are connecting to # (default is: 8140), and then passes them off to the mongrel # processes. In this case it is recommended to run your web-proxy on # port 8140 and change the below number to something else, such as # 18140. PORT=<%= puppetmaster_port %>