/* == Definition: postfix::tlspolicy_snippet Adds a TLS policy snippets to /etc/postfix/tls_policy. See the postfix::tlspolicy class for details. Parameters: - *name*: name of destination domain Postfix will lookup. See TLS_README. - *value*: right-hand part of the tls_policy map - *ensure*: present/absent, defaults to present. Requires: - Class["postfix"] - Class["postfix::tlspolicy"] Example usage: node "toto.example.com" { $postfix_manage_tls_policy = yes include postfix postfix::tlspolicy_snippet { 'example.com': value => 'encrypt'; '.example.com': value => 'encrypt'; 'nothing.com': value => 'fingerprint match=2A:FF:F0:EC:52:04:99:45:73:1B:C2:22:7F:FD:31:6B:8F:07:43:29'; } } */ define postfix::tlspolicy_snippet ($ensure="present", $value = false) { if ($value == false) and ($ensure == "present") { fail("The value parameter must be set when using the postfix::tlspolicy_snippet define with ensure=present.") } include postfix::tlspolicy concat::fragment { "postfix_tlspolicy_${name}": ensure => "$ensure", content => "${name} ${value}\n", target => "$postfix::tlspolicy::postfix_merged_tlspolicy", } }