/* == Definition: postfix::header_checks_snippet Adds a header_checks snippets to /etc/postfix/header_checks. See the postfix::header_checks class for details. Parameters: - *source* or *content*: source or content of the header_checks snippet - *ensure*: present (default) or absent Requires: - Class["postfix"] Example usage: node "toto.example.com" { include postfix postfix::header_checks_snippet { 'wrong_date': content => 'FIXME'; 'bla': source => 'puppet:///files/etc/postfix/header_checks.d/bla'; } } */ define postfix::header_checks_snippet ( $ensure = "present", $source = '', $content = undef ) { if $source == '' and $content == undef { fail("One of \$source or \$content must be specified for postfix::header_checks_snippet ${name}") } if $source != '' and $content != undef { fail("Only one of \$source or \$content must specified for postfix::header_checks_snippet ${name}") } include postfix::header_checks $fragment = "postfix_header_checks_${name}" concat::fragment { "$fragment": ensure => "$ensure", target => '/etc/postfix/header_checks', } if $source { Concat::Fragment["$fragment"] { source => $source, } } else { Concat::Fragment["$fragment"] { content => $content, } } }