/* == Definition: postfix::hash Creates postfix hashed "map" files. It will create "${name}", and then build "${name}.db" using the "postmap" command. The map file can then be referred to using postfix::config. Note: the content of the file is not managed by this definition. Parameters: - *name*: the name of the map file. - *ensure*: present/absent, defaults to present Requires: - Class["postfix"] Example usage: node "toto.example.com" { include postfix postfix::hash { "/etc/postfix/virtual": ensure => present, } postfix::config { "virtual_alias_maps": value => "hash:/etc/postfix/virtual" } } */ define postfix::hash ($ensure="present") { # selinux labels differ from one distribution to another case $operatingsystem { RedHat: { case $lsbmajdistrelease { "4": { $postfix_seltype = "etc_t" } "5": { $postfix_seltype = "postfix_etc_t" } default: { $postfix_seltype = undef } } } default: { $postfix_seltype = undef } } file {"${name}": ensure => $ensure, mode => 600, seltype => $postfix_seltype, require => Package["postfix"], } file {"${name}.db": ensure => $ensure, mode => 600, require => [File["${name}"], Exec["generate ${name}.db"]], seltype => $postfix_seltype, } exec {"generate ${name}.db": command => "postmap ${name}", #creates => "${name}.db", # this prevents postmap from being run ! subscribe => File["${name}"], refreshonly => true, require => Package["postfix"], } }