class nodo::vserver inherits nodo { include timezone class { 'syslog-ng::vserver': } class { 'sshd': listen_address => $sshd_listen_address, password_authentication => $sshd_password_authentication, shared_ip => $sshd_shared_ip, tcp_forwarding => $sshd_tcp_forwarding, hardened_ssl => $sshd_hardened_ssl, print_motd => $sshd_print_motd, ports => $sshd_ports, use_pam => $sshd_use_pam, } backupninja::sys { "sys": ensure => present, partitions => false, hardware => false, dosfdisk => false, dohwinfo => false, } $hosting_type = $node_hosting_type ? { '' => "direct", default => "$node_hosting_type", } case $hosting_type { "direct": { # Apply munin and monkeysphere configuration for # for directly hosted nodes. Munin_node <<| title == $hostname |>> Monkeysphere_host <<| title == $hostname |>> # Set proxy configuration $nodo_https_proxy = 'yes' } "third-party": { # Apply munin and monkeysphere configuration for # nodes hosted by third-parties. munin_node { "$hostname": } monkeysphere_host { "$hostname": port => $node_ssh_port, } # Nagios configuration class { 'monitor': type => 'vserver', use_nagios => hiera('nodo::vserver::use_nagios', false), } } } }