class websites::setup {
  # Configure Apache Web Server
  $apache_www_folder   = "/var/www/data"
  $apache_error_folder = "/var/www/error"
  $apache_sites_folder = "/var/sites"
  $apache_error_dest   = "http://${domain}/missing.html"
  $drupal_folder       = "${apache_www_folder}/drupal"
  $viewvc_root_parents = "/var/svn : svn"

  $default_vhost = $apache_server_name ? {
    ''      => $hostname,
    default => $apache_server_name,

  # Include apache
  include apache

  # The needed apache modules
  apache::module { "alias":
    ensure  => present,

  # Images folder
  file { "${apache_www_folder}/images":
    ensure  => directory,
    recurse => true,
    purge   => true,
    force   => true,
    owner   => "root",
    group   => "root",
    # This mode will also apply to files from the source directory
    mode    => 0644,
    # Puppet will automatically set +x for directories
    source  => [ "puppet:///modules/site-apache/htdocs/$domain/images",
                 "puppet:///modules/nodo/htdocs/images", ]

  # Web index
  file { "${apache_www_folder}/index.html":
    ensure  => present,
    owner   => "root",
    group   => "root",
    mode    => 0644,
    source  => [ "puppet:///modules/site-apache/htdocs/$domain/index.html",
                 "puppet:///modules/nodo/htdocs/index.html", ]

  # Missing page
  file { "${apache_www_folder}/missing.html":
    ensure  => present,
    owner   => "root",
    group   => "root",
    mode    => 0644,
    source  => [ "puppet:///modules/site-apache/htdocs/$domain/missing.html",
                 "puppet:///modules/nodo/htdocs/missing.html", ]

  # Make sure that a top level index exists
  file { "/var/www/index.html":
    ensure => present,

  # Default vhost: can just be applied on the defining host
  apache::site { "$default_vhost":
    server_alias => "$domain",
    docroot      => "${apache_www_folder}",
    mpm          => false,
    tag          => 'all',

  # We have to use 'zzz-error' so it will be the last matched vhost
  apache::site { "error":
    template       => 'apache/error.erb',
    docroot        => "${apache_error_folder}",
    filename       => 'zzz-error',
    mpm            => false,
    tag            => 'all',

  # Index page for error
  file { "${apache_error_folder}/index.html":
    ensure  => "${apache_www_folder}/index.html",
    owner   => "root",
    group   => "root",
    force   => true,
    require => File["$apache_error_folder"],

  # Images folder for error
  file { "${apache_error_folder}/images":
    ensure  => "${apache_www_folder}/images",
    owner   => "root",
    group   => "root",
    force   => true,
    require => File["$apache_error_folder", "${apache_www_folder}/images"],

  # TODO: this is temporary: remove when all nodes have applied it
  # We have to use 'zzz-erro' so it will be the last matched vhost
  apache::site { "erro":
    ensure         => absent,
    docroot        => '/var/www/erro',
    filename       => 'zzz-erro',
    tag            => 'all',

  # TODO: this is temporary: remove when all nodes have applied it
  file { "/var/www/erro":
    ensure  => absent,
    recurse => true,
    force   => true,

  # TODO: this is temporary: remove when all nodes have applied it
  # Index page for erro
  file { "/var/www/erro/index.html":
    ensure  => absent,
    owner   => "root",
    group   => "root",
    force   => true,

  # TODO: this is temporary: remove when all nodes have applied it
  file { "/var/www/erro/missing.html":
    ensure  => absent,

class websites::hosting inherits websites::setup {
  # Include the needed classes for website hosting
  include php
  include drupal
  include gitweb
  include trac
  include websvn
  include viewvc
  include moin
  include ikiwiki
  include pmwiki
  include apache::rails
  include wordpress

  apache::site { "images":
    docroot => "${apache_www_folder}/images",
    mpm     => false,
    tag     => 'all',

  # Remove untagged site instances
  Apache::Site <| tag != $hostname and tag != 'all' |> {
    ensure => absent,

  # Remove untagged database instances
  Database::Instance <| tag != $hostname and tag != 'all' |> {
    ensure => absent,

  # Remove untagged ikiwiki instances
  Ikiwiki::Instance <| tag != $hostname and tag != 'all' |> {
    ensure => absent,

class websites::hosting::admin inherits websites::setup {
  # Include the needed classes for admin interfaces
  include trac
  include gitweb

class websites::dev::setup inherits websites::setup {
  # Include the needed classes for website development
  include php
  include drupal