class nodo::subsystem::sshd {
  # SSH Server
  # We need to restrict listen address by default so multiple
  # instances can live together in the same physical host.
  class { '::sshd':
    manage_nagios           => hiera('nodo::subsystem::sshd::manage_nagios',           false),      
    listen_address          => hiera('nodo::subsystem::sshd::listen_address',          [ "${::ipaddress}", '' ]),
    password_authentication => hiera('nodo::subsystem::sshd::password_authentication', 'yes'),
    shared_ip               => hiera('nodo::subsystem::sshd::shared_ip',               'yes'),
    tcp_forwarding          => hiera('nodo::subsystem::sshd::tcp_forwarding',          'yes'),
    x11_forwarding          => hiera('nodo::subsystem::sshd::x11_forwarding',          'no'),
    hardened_ssl            => hiera('nodo::subsystem::sshd::hardened_ssl',            'yes'),
    print_motd              => hiera('nodo::subsystem::sshd::print_motd',              'no'),
    ports                   => hiera('nodo::subsystem::sshd::ports',                   [ 22 ]),
    use_pam                 => hiera('nodo::subsystem::sshd::use_pam',                 'no'),

  # Add the localhost ssh key, useful when one needs
  # to ssh to localhost.
  sshkey { [ 'localhost', '' ]:
    type   => ssh-rsa,
    key    => $::sshrsakey,
    ensure => $::sshrsakey ? {
      ''      => absent,
      default => present,