# # Handles Linux kernel module loading. # # Module loading is implemented both for SysV and systemd based systems, to # ensure this module is managed in either case. # # It also remains to be tested whether _both_ /etc/modules and /etc/modules-load.d # are processed by recent systemd-based Debian systems; or if there are # inconsistencies between the implementation and the documentation: # # https://wiki.debian.org/Modules#Automatic_loading_of_modules # # Anyway, having this configuration in both places does not seem to hurt (much). # # Check also https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Kernel_module#Automatic_module_loading # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/189670/whats-the-difference-of-etc-modules-load-d-and-etc-modules define nodo::subsystem::modprobe::module( $ensure = 'present', ){ # Drivetemp module loading for systems using SysV -- /etc/modules - modules(5) file_line { "etc-modules-${name}": path => "/etc/modules", line => "${name}", ensure => $ensure, } # Drivetemp module loading using systemd's /etc/modules-load.d/ - modules-load.d(5) file { "/etc/modules-load.d/${name}.conf": ensure => $ensure, owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', content => "${name}\n", } }