class nodo::subsystem::initramfs( $keymap = absent, ) { # Image config file { "/etc/kernel-img.conf": owner => "root", group => "root", mode => '0644', ensure => present, content => "do_initrd = Yes\n", } # Modules config file { "/etc/initramfs-tools/modules": owner => "root", group => "root", mode => '0644', ensure => present, source => "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/initramfs-tools/modules", } # Keymap file { "/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/keymap.conf": ensure => $keymap, content => "KEYMAP=Y\n", owner => "root", group => "root", mode => '0644', } # Weird fix # This is a bug that might be submited upstream to debian or initramfs-tools file { "/etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/fix-fixme": owner => "root", group => "root", mode => '0755', ensure => present, source => "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/fix-fixme", } # Update initramfs when needed exec { "update-initramfs": command => "update-initramfs -v -t -u", subscribe => [ File["/etc/initramfs-tools/modules"], File["/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf"], File["/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/keymap.conf"], File["/etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/fix-fixme"], ], refreshonly => true, } }