class nodo::subsystem::hosts( $custom = hiera('nodo::subsystem::hosts::custom', false) ) { # Sometimes might be useful to manage the whole # hosts file, see case $custom { true: { file { '/etc/hosts': ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => '0640', source => "puppet:///modules/site_nodo/hosts/${::fqdn}", } } #default: { # host { "${::hostname}": # ensure => present, # ip => "${::ipaddress}", # host_aliases => [ "${::fqdn}" ], # } # # #host { "localhost": # # ensure => present, # # ip => "", # #} # # #host { "ip6-localhost": # # ensure => present, # # ip => "::1", # # host_aliases => [ "ip6-loopback" ], # #} # # #host { "ip6-localnet": # # ensure => present, # # ip => "fe00::0", # #} # # #host { "ip6-mcastprefix": # # ensure => present, # # ip => "ff00::0", # #} # # #host { "ip6-allnodes": # # ensure => present, # # ip => "ff02::1", # #} # # #host { "ip6-allrouters": # # ensure => present, # # ip => "ff02::2", # #} # # #host { "ip6-allhosts": # # ensure => present, # # ip => "ff02::3", # #} #} } }