class nodo { include lsb include puppetd include backup include sudo include users::admin include motd include utils include cron include hosts include locales include tunnel include profile # Set timezone and ntp config # # We config those here but leave class inclusion elsewhere # as ntp config differ from server to vserver. # $ntp_timezone = "Brazil/East" $ntp_pool = "" $ntp_servers = [ '', '', '' ] # Email delivery configuration case $mail_delivery { 'tunnel': { tunnel::mail { "$mail_hostname": sshport => "$mail_ssh_port", } } 'postfix': { } '','exim',default: { include exim } } # Apt configuration if $use_apt != false { include apt include apt::unattended_upgrades } # Default SSH configuration $sshd_password_authentication = "yes" $sshd_shared_ip = "yes" $sshd_tcp_forwarding = "yes" $sshd_hardened_ssl = "yes" file { "/etc/hostname": owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 0644, ensure => present, content => "$fqdn\n", } file { "/etc/rc.local": source => "puppet://$server/modules/nodo/etc/rc.local", owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 0755, ensure => present, } }