class nodo::master {
  case $main_master {
    '': { fail("You need to define if this is the main master! Please set \$main_master in host config") }

  if $main_master == true {
    # Puppetmaster should be included before nodo::vserver
    include puppetmasterd

    # This is a workaround to correctly set allowed hosts on munin
    # client when the host is also present.
    # Somewhow the inclusion of munin::host makes both $munin_allow
    # and $munin_port to get blank.
    # Right now we don't need to bother with fixing $munin_port as
    # we are running the munin host in the main master node but it's
    # mandatory to fix $munin_allow so munin can connect into the node.
    $munin_allow = $global_munin_allow

    include munin::host
    include munin::plugins::muninhost

    # The main master has a host entry pointing to itself, other
    # masters still retrieve catalogs from the main master.
    host { "puppet":
      ensure => present,
      ip     => "",
      alias  => ["puppet.$domain"],
  } else {
    include puppetmasterd::disabled

    host { "puppet":
      ensure => absent,

  # We should run master nodes web server behind an HTTPS proxy
  $apache_https_proxy = 'yes'

  # These should be included after puppetmaster
  include nodo::vserver
  include database
  include gitosis
  include websites::admin
  include nagios::headless
  include nagios::defaults

  # Nagios apache workaround
  file { "/etc/apache2/conf.d/nagios3.conf":
    ensure => absent,

  case $puppetmaster_db_password {
    '': { fail("Please set \$puppetmaster_db_password in your host config") }

  # Update master's puppet.conf if you change here
  database::instance { "puppet":
    password => "$puppetmaster_db_password",

  backupninja::mysql { "all_databases":
  	backupdir => '/var/backups/mysql',
  	compress  => true,
  	sqldump   => true,

  # Used for trac dependency graphs
  package { "graphviz":
    ensure => present,

  # Check domain registration
  domain::check { $domain: }