<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE greeter SYSTEM "greeter.dtd">

Based On FreeSansGrrl GDM theme
version 0.2 (26. Jan 2008)

(c) 2006 by Simon Rei  <simon AT verdammtsexy.com>
	Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2

(c) 2008 by Giuseppe Pantanetti <gpantanetti AT gmail.com>
	Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2
(c) 2011 by Armando Macchia <armaskywalker AT gmail.com>
	Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2

	0.3 (19.11.2011)
	-Changed colors
	-New image create with the GIMP with hinting

	0.2 (26.01.2008):
	- Changed colors to match tango palette
	- Some global rewrite of the code
	- New pixmap images with FreeSans font and tango palette

	0.1 (29.11.2006):
	- initial version from RastaGrrl by Simon Rei <simon AT verdammtsexy.com>
	  check http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/RastaGrrl+GDM?content=49382


		<!-- background -->
		<item type="rect">
			<normal color="#000000"/>
			<pos y="0" x="0" width="100%" height="100%"/>

		<!-- container for the buttons -->
		<item type="rect">
			<pos x="50%" y="45%" width="180" height="80" anchor="ne"/>
			<box orientation="vertical">

				<item type="rect">
					<pos x="0" y="0" height="0" anchor="w"/>
					<normal color="#000000"/>

				<item type="pixmap" id="welcome-label">
					<pos x="0" y="0" anchor="nw"/>
					<normal file="login.png"/>

				<item type="rect">
					<pos x="0" y="10" width="180" height="40" anchor="nw"/>
					<box homogeneous="true">
						<item type="pixmap" button="true" id="language_button">
							<pos x="0" y="0" anchor="nw"/>
							<normal file="lang_off.png"/>
							<prelight file="lang_on.png"/>

						<item type="pixmap" button="true" id="session_button">
							<pos x="0" y="0" anchor="nw"/>
							<normal file="sess_off.png"/>
							<prelight file="sess_on.png"/>

						<!-- button, system (only console mode) -->
						<item type="pixmap" button="true" id="system_button">
							<show modes="console-fixed"/>
							<pos x="0" y="0" anchor="nw"/>
							<normal file="act_off.png"/>
							<prelight file="act_on.png"/>

						<!-- button, disconnect (only remote,flexi mode) -->
						<item type="pixmap" button="true" id="disconnect_button">
							<show modes="remote,flexi"/>
							<pos x="0" y="0" anchor="nw"/>
							<normal file="quit_off.png"/>
							<prelight file="quit_on.png"/>

		<item type="rect">
			<pos x="50%" y="45%" width="200" height="100" anchor="nw"/>
			<box orientation="vertical">

				<!-- username label -->
				<item type="label" id="pam-prompt">
					<pos x="0" y="0" width="120" height="15" anchor="nw"/>
					<normal font="FreeSans Bold 8" color="#eeeeec"/>
					<stock type="username-label"/>

				<!-- user-pw-entry -->
				<item type="entry" id="user-pw-entry">
					<pos x="0" y="0" width="160" height="22" anchor="nw"/>
					<normal font="FreeSans Bold 16" color="#555753"/>

				<!-- pam-error (login failure etc.) -->
				<item type="label" id="pam-error">
					<normal color="#eeeeec" font="FreeSans 10"/>
					<pos x="0" y="10" width="200" anchor="nw"/>


		<!-- caps-lock-warning -->
		<item type="rect" id="caps-lock-warning">
			<normal color="#eeeeec" alpha="0.2"/>
			<pos x="0" y="40%" width="100%" height="box" anchor="sw"/>
			<box orientation="vertical" min-width="250" xpadding="10" ypadding="5" spacing="0">
				<item type="label">
					<normal color="#eeeeec" font="FreeSans Bold 10"/>
					<pos x="50%" y="50%" anchor="c"/>
					<stock type="caps-lock-warning"/>
