path: root/manifests/resources.pp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-08-20Feat: support for nodo::subsystem::sysctl entries on hieraSilvio Rhatto
2021-10-04Fix: nodo::resources: backup::userSilvio Rhatto
2020-09-06Fix: hash merge on classes and resources lookups (2)Silvio Rhatto
2020-09-06Fix: hash merge on classes and resources lookupsSilvio Rhatto
2020-05-07Hiera 5 migrationSilvio Rhatto
2019-03-09Support for ssh_authorized_key resourcesSilvio Rhatto
2017-04-18Add vcsrepo at nodo::resourcesSilvio Rhatto
2017-02-23Manage exec resourcesSilvio Rhatto
2017-02-09Updates grsec config, adding nodo::subsystem::security and ↵Silvio Rhatto
2017-01-16Fix hosts resource nameSilvio Rhatto
2016-06-23Fix backup::users managementproductionSilvio Rhatto
2016-06-23Resources: backup::user and sshkeySilvio Rhatto
2016-06-17Create nginx::site entriesSilvio Rhatto
2016-06-08Fix resource nameSilvio Rhatto
2016-06-08Create host resourcesSilvio Rhatto
2016-06-08Creates cron and user resources; rename virtual variableSilvio Rhatto
2016-03-25Allow nodo::subsystem::virtual::instance be declared via hieraSilvio Rhatto
2015-10-29Resources: files and file linesSilvio Rhatto
2015-10-29Explicit group name at nodo::subsystem::media::groupsSilvio Rhatto
2015-10-29Adds nodo::resourcesSilvio Rhatto