AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-04-08Sudo: defaults secure_pathSilvio Rhatto
2014-04-05Adding nodo::utils::security::tpmSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-28Adding git-extras and git-flow into nodo::utils::development::gitSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-27Adding geoip-bin into nodo::utils::networkSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-27Avoid annoying warning with laptop-mode-tools configSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-26Allow regular users to power off the machine on nodo::base::desktopSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-26Adding default org.freedesktop.consolekit.policy on wheezySilvio Rhatto
2014-03-25Deploy exim plugins only if munin is enabledSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-25Allow munin accessSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-25Adding apache config for muninSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-25Enabling exim munin plugins (2)Silvio Rhatto
2014-03-24Adding some (commented) munin pluginsSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-24Enabling exim munin pluginsSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-23Support for 256 colors on screenSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-23Managing rxvt-256color terminfo on squeeze (2)Silvio Rhatto
2014-03-23Managing rxvt-256color terminfo on squeezeSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-22Do not manage denyhosts on nodo moduleSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-22Adding denyhosts into nodo::utilsSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-21Style fixSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-16Ensurable for ssh_folder (3)Silvio Rhatto
2014-03-16Ensurable for ssh_folder (2)Silvio Rhatto
2014-03-16Ensurable for ssh_folderSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-16Defining nodo::subsystem::ssh_folder as resource type (2)Silvio Rhatto
2014-03-16Defining nodo::subsystem::ssh_folder as resource typeSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-16Defining nodo::subsystem::ssh_folder as a parametrized classSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-16Variable fixSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-16Adding ssh_local_key define (3)Silvio Rhatto
2014-03-16Adding ssh_local_key define (2)Silvio Rhatto
2014-03-16Adding ssh_local_key defineSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-16New screen themeSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-16New bash prompt themeSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-13Fixing typo at munin cronjobSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-12Run minin-graph with nice and ioniceSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-12Split munin-update and munin-graph on different cronjobs (2)Silvio Rhatto
2014-03-12Split munin-update and munin-graph on different cronjobsSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-12Let munin-update forkSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-11Fix munin management when not on main masterSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-11Set dependencies for munin configSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-11FormattingSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-11Munin performance configSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-10Testing rrdcache configurationSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-09Rely just on DNS for the puppet host entrySilvio Rhatto
2014-03-08Set owner, group and mode to apt domain preferences file (3)Silvio Rhatto
2014-03-08Set owner, group and mode to apt domain preferences file (2)Silvio Rhatto
2014-03-08Set owner, group and mode to apt domain preferences fileSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-08Includedir support for sudoersSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-08Fixing puppet host aliasSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-07FormattingSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-07Fix on nodo::subsystem::monitor::masterSilvio Rhatto
2014-03-07Cleanup on nodo::subsystem::monitor::masterSilvio Rhatto