path: root/manifests/subsystem
diff options
authorSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2016-02-08 03:36:43 -0200
committerSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2016-02-08 03:36:43 -0200
commita9c544369f3999b868cfc1eb0dcb10e050defcc1 (patch)
tree2f06ad6d179f2677368b2ec7d0932d5aaa0ad2ea /manifests/subsystem
parent6097bca6f5302765007f65a52f87999dbaefcff9 (diff)
Initial cleanup
Remove munin, fstab, crypttab, gdm and old subsystems. This major change is motivated by the fact that the configuration has grown too much along the years and is difficult to maintain. Simplification is then necessary to keep going.
Diffstat (limited to 'manifests/subsystem')
22 files changed, 59 insertions, 612 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/apt.pp b/manifests/subsystem/apt.pp
index c927062..2c463b6 100644
--- a/manifests/subsystem/apt.pp
+++ b/manifests/subsystem/apt.pp
@@ -61,27 +61,27 @@ class nodo::subsystem::apt {
- $squeeze_lts = 'http://http.debian.net/debian/ squeeze-lts main contrib non-free'
- # See https://wiki.debian.org/LTS/Using
- ::apt::sources_list { 'squeeze-lts.list':
- content => "deb ${squeeze_lts}\ndeb-src ${squeeze_lts}",
- ensure => $::lsbdistcodename ? {
- 'squeeze' => present,
- default => absent,
- }
- }
- file { '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80default-release':
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 0644,
- content => "APT::Default-Release \"squeeze-lts\";\n",
- ensure => $::lsbdistcodename ? {
- 'squeeze' => present,
- default => absent,
- }
- }
+ #$squeeze_lts = 'http://http.debian.net/debian/ squeeze-lts main contrib non-free'
+ #
+ ## See https://wiki.debian.org/LTS/Using
+ #::apt::sources_list { 'squeeze-lts.list':
+ # content => "deb ${squeeze_lts}\ndeb-src ${squeeze_lts}",
+ # ensure => $::lsbdistcodename ? {
+ # 'squeeze' => present,
+ # default => absent,
+ # }
+ #}
+ #
+ #file { '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80default-release':
+ # owner => root,
+ # group => root,
+ # mode => 0644,
+ # content => "APT::Default-Release \"squeeze-lts\";\n",
+ # ensure => $::lsbdistcodename ? {
+ # 'squeeze' => present,
+ # default => absent,
+ # }
+ #}
package { 'apt-transport-https':
ensure => present,
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/crypttab.pp b/manifests/subsystem/crypttab.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 749569c..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/crypttab.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-class nodo::subsystem::crypttab(
- $type,
- $manage = hiera('nodo::crypttab::manage', false)
-) {
- if $manage == true {
- file { "/etc/crypttab":
- source => "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/crypttab/${type}",
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- mode => 0644,
- ensure => present,
- notify => Exec['update-initramfs'],
- }
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/fstab.pp b/manifests/subsystem/fstab.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9538f66..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/fstab.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-class nodo::subsystem::fstab(
- $type,
- $manage = hiera('nodo::subsystem::fstab::manage', false)
-) {
- if $manage == true {
- file { "/etc/fstab":
- source => "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/fstab/${type}",
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- mode => 0644,
- ensure => present,
- notify => Exec['update-initramfs'],
- }
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/gdm.pp b/manifests/subsystem/gdm.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index fd36e99..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/gdm.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-class nodo::subsystem::gdm {
- package { 'gdm':
- ensure => installed,
- }
- service { 'gdm':
- ensure => running,
- require => Package['gdm'],
- }
- exec { '/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure gdm':
- subscribe => File['/etc/gdm/gdm.conf'],
- user => root,
- group => root,
- refreshonly => true,
- require => Service['gdm'],
- }
- file { '/etc/gdm/gdm.conf':
- ensure => present,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 0644,
- source => [ "puppet:///modules/site_nodo/etc/gdm/${::domain}/gdm.conf",
- "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/gdm/gdm.conf", ]
- }
- file { '/usr/share/gdm/themes/crunchbang':
- ensure => directory,
- recurse => true,
- purge => true,
- force => true,
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- # This mode will also apply to files from the source directory
- mode => 0644,
- # Puppet will automatically set +x for directories
- source => 'puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/gdm/themes/crunchbang',
- }
- file { '/usr/share/gdm/themes/Tuxtastic':
- ensure => directory,
- recurse => true,
- purge => true,
- force => true,
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- # This mode will also apply to files from the source directory
- mode => 0644,
- # Puppet will automatically set +x for directories
- source => 'puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/gdm/themes/Tuxtastic',
- }
- file { '/usr/share/gdm/themes/dasUberMini':
- ensure => directory,
- recurse => true,
- purge => true,
- force => true,
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- # This mode will also apply to files from the source directory
- mode => 0644,
- # Puppet will automatically set +x for directories
- source => 'puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/gdm/themes/dasUberMini',
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/gdm/disabled.pp b/manifests/subsystem/gdm/disabled.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index d2565ef..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/gdm/disabled.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-class nodo::subsystem::gdm::disabled inherits nodo::subsystem::gdm {
- File['/usr/share/gdm/themes/dasUberMini', '/usr/share/gdm/themes/Tuxtastic',
- '/usr/share/gdm/themes/crunchbang', '/etc/gdm/gdm.conf' ] {
- ensure => absent,
- }
- Exec['/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure gdm'] {
- command => '/bin/true',
- }
- Service['gdm'] {
- ensure => stopped,
- }
- Package['gdm'] {
- ensure => absent,
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/gdm3.pp b/manifests/subsystem/gdm3.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index d708f6a..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/gdm3.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-class nodo::subsystem::gdm3 {
- package { 'gdm3':
- ensure => installed,
- }
- service { 'gdm3':
- ensure => running,
- require => Package['gdm3'],
- }
- file { '/etc/gdm3/greeter.gsettings':
- ensure => present,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 0644,
- notify => Service['gdm3'],
- source => [ "puppet:///modules/site_nodo/etc/gdm3/${::domain}/greeter.gseetings",
- "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/gdm3/greeter.gsettings", ]
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/gdm3/disabled.pp b/manifests/subsystem/gdm3/disabled.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e108f3..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/gdm3/disabled.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-class nodo::subsystem::gdm3::disabled inherits nodo::subsystem::gdm3 {
- Package['gdm3'] {
- ensure => absent,
- }
- Service['gdm3'] {
- ensure => stopped,
- }
- File['/etc/gdm3/greeter.gsettings'] {
- ensure => absent,
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/hosts.pp b/manifests/subsystem/hosts.pp
index 464bc0c..d3b0d56 100644
--- a/manifests/subsystem/hosts.pp
+++ b/manifests/subsystem/hosts.pp
@@ -20,41 +20,41 @@ class nodo::subsystem::hosts(
host_aliases => [ "${::fqdn}" ],
- host { "localhost":
- ensure => present,
- ip => "",
- }
+ #host { "localhost":
+ # ensure => present,
+ # ip => "",
+ #}
- host { "ip6-localhost":
- ensure => present,
- ip => "::1",
- host_aliases => [ "ip6-loopback" ],
- }
+ #host { "ip6-localhost":
+ # ensure => present,
+ # ip => "::1",
+ # host_aliases => [ "ip6-loopback" ],
+ #}
- host { "ip6-localnet":
- ensure => present,
- ip => "fe00::0",
- }
+ #host { "ip6-localnet":
+ # ensure => present,
+ # ip => "fe00::0",
+ #}
- host { "ip6-mcastprefix":
- ensure => present,
- ip => "ff00::0",
- }
+ #host { "ip6-mcastprefix":
+ # ensure => present,
+ # ip => "ff00::0",
+ #}
- host { "ip6-allnodes":
- ensure => present,
- ip => "ff02::1",
- }
+ #host { "ip6-allnodes":
+ # ensure => present,
+ # ip => "ff02::1",
+ #}
- host { "ip6-allrouters":
- ensure => present,
- ip => "ff02::2",
- }
+ #host { "ip6-allrouters":
+ # ensure => present,
+ # ip => "ff02::2",
+ #}
- host { "ip6-allhosts":
- ensure => present,
- ip => "ff02::3",
- }
+ #host { "ip6-allhosts":
+ # ensure => present,
+ # ip => "ff02::3",
+ #}
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/modprobe.pp b/manifests/subsystem/modprobe.pp
index be6ec42..e5e5498 100644
--- a/manifests/subsystem/modprobe.pp
+++ b/manifests/subsystem/modprobe.pp
@@ -1,28 +1,9 @@
class nodo::subsystem::modprobe {
- # Keep firewire disabled among other things
- case $lsbdistcodename {
- 'lenny': {
- file { "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist":
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- mode => 0644,
- ensure => present,
- source => "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf",
- }
- }
- default: {
- # Upgrade from lenny
- file { "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist":
- ensure => absent,
- }
- file { "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf":
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- mode => 0644,
- ensure => present,
- source => "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf",
- }
- }
+ file { "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf":
+ owner => "root",
+ group => "root",
+ mode => 0644,
+ ensure => present,
+ source => "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf",
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/modprobe/gnokii.pp b/manifests/subsystem/modprobe/gnokii.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index decd1ed..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/modprobe/gnokii.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# See http://wiki.gnokii.org/index.php/DKU2
-class nodo::subsystem::modprobe::gnokii {
- file { '/etc/modprobe.d/phonet.conf':
- ensure => present,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 0644,
- content => "blacklist cdc_phonet\nblacklist phonet\n",
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/monitor.pp b/manifests/subsystem/monitor.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index ebb99e5..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/monitor.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-class nodo::subsystem::monitor(
- $use_nagios = hiera('nodo::subsystem::monitor::use_nagios', True),
- $address = hiera('nodo::subsystem::monitor::address', $::ipaddress),
- $check_command = hiera('nodo::subsystem::monitor::check_command', 'check_ping'),
- $check_ping = hiera('nodo::subsystem::monitor::check_ping', present),
- $check_ssh = hiera('nodo::subsystem::monitor::check_ssh', absent),
- $ping_rate = hiera('nodo::subsystem::monitor::ping_rate', '!100.0,20%!500.0,60%')
-) {
- file { '/usr/local/sbin/ifcheck' :
- ensure => present,
- owner => 'root',
- group => 'root',
- mode => '0755',
- source => 'puppet:///modules/nodo/bin/ifcheck',
- }
- if $use_nagios != false {
- $command = $check_command ? {
- 'check_ping' => "check_ping${ping_rate}",
- default => $check_command,
- }
- class { 'nagios::target':
- address => $address,
- check_command => $command,
- }
- nagios::service::ping { "${::fqdn}":
- ensure => $check_ping,
- ping_rate => $ping_rate,
- }
- nagios::service { "check_ssh4":
- ensure => $check_ssh,
- check_command => "check_ssh_4",
- }
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/monitor/interface.pp b/manifests/subsystem/monitor/interface.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index be630aa..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/monitor/interface.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-define nodo::subsystem::monitor::interface(
- $ensure = 'present',
- $hour = "*",
- $minute = "*",
- cron { "ifcheck-${name}":
- command => "/usr/local/sbin/ifcheck ${name} &> /dev/null",
- user => 'root',
- hour => $hour,
- minute => $minute,
- ensure => $ensure,
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/monitor/mail.pp b/manifests/subsystem/monitor/mail.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 913991b..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/monitor/mail.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-class nodo::subsystem::monitor::mail {
- nagios::service { "check_rbl":
- ensure => present,
- check_command => "check_rbl",
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/monitor/master.pp b/manifests/subsystem/monitor/master.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index dd6defa..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/monitor/master.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-class nodo::subsystem::monitor::master {
- file { '/etc/nagios-plugins/check_rbl.ini':
- ensure => present,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- source => 'puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/nagios-plugins/check_rbl.ini',
- require => Package['nagios'],
- }
- $main = hiera('nodo::role::master::main', false)
- $ensure = $main ? {
- true => 'present',
- default => 'absent',
- }
- # Legacy configuration
- file { '/etc/apache2/conf.d/munin':
- ensure => absent,
- }
- # Munin configuration for apache
- file { '/etc/apache2/conf.d/munin.conf':
- ensure => present,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 0644,
- source => 'puppet:///modules/nodo/munin/apache.conf',
- require => Package["apache"],
- notify => Service["apache"],
- }
- # See http://www.jethrocarr.com/2012/05/26/munin-performance/
- file { "munin_graph_performance":
- ensure => $ensure,
- path => "/var/lib/puppet/modules/munin/nodes/00-performance",
- content => "max_graph_jobs 1\nmax_cgi_graph_jobs 1\n",
- require => $main ? {
- true => Concatenated_file['/etc/munin/munin.conf'],
- default => undef,
- },
- }
- # See https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/Munin_optimalization_on_Debian.html
- file { '/usr/local/bin/munin-graph':
- ensure => $ensure,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 0755,
- source => 'puppet:///modules/nodo/bin/munin-graph',
- }
- file { '/etc/cron.d/munin-graph':
- ensure => $ensure,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 0644,
- content => "10 * * * * munin if [ -x /usr/local/bin/munin-graph ]; then /usr/bin/ionice -c 3 /usr/bin/nice -n 19 /usr/local/bin/munin-graph; fi\n",
- require => File['/usr/local/bin/munin-graph'],
- }
- # We won't mess with the package, so we distribute our own munin-cron
- file { '/usr/local/bin/munin-cron':
- ensure => $ensure,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 0755,
- source => 'puppet:///modules/nodo/bin/munin-cron',
- }
- file { '/etc/cron.d/munin':
- ensure => $ensure,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 0644,
- source => 'puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/cron.d/munin',
- require => File['/usr/local/bin/munin-cron'],
- }
- #
- # See https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/Munin_optimalization_on_Debian.html
- # https://munin.readthedocs.org/en/latest/master/rrdcached.html
- # http://kuszelas.eu/~eyck/log/Howto/Munin.Rrdcached.html
- # http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/rrdcached
- #
- package { 'rrdcached':
- ensure => $ensure,
- }
- file { '/etc/default/rrdcached':
- ensure => $ensure,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- source => 'puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/default/rrdcached',
- require => Package['rrdcached'],
- notify => $main ? {
- true => Service['rrdcached'],
- default => undef,
- },
- }
- # Munin configuration for rrdcache
- file { "munin_rrdcache":
- ensure => $ensure,
- path => "/var/lib/puppet/modules/munin/nodes/00-rrdcache",
- content => "rrdcached_socket /var/run/rrdcached.sock\n",
- require => $main ? {
- true => Concatenated_file['/etc/munin/munin.conf'],
- default => undef,
- },
- }
- if $main == true {
- service { 'rrdcached':
- ensure => running,
- require => Package['rrdcached'],
- }
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/monitor/munin.pp b/manifests/subsystem/monitor/munin.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index c2f461a..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/monitor/munin.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Define a munin node
-define nodo::subsystem::monitor::munin(
- $manage = hiera('nodo::munin_node::manage', True),
- $port = hiera('nodo::munin_node::port', '4949'),
- $allow = hiera('nodo::munin_node::allow', ''),
- $host = hiera('nodo::munin_node::host', $::fqdn),
- $listen = hiera('nodo::munin_node::listen', '*'),
- $config = hiera('nodo::munin_node::config', [ 'use_node_name yes', 'load.load.warning 5', 'load.load.critical 10' ])
-) {
- if $manage == true {
- case $allow {
- '': { fail("Please set nodo::munin_node::allow in your config") }
- }
- package { "munin-plugins-extra":
- ensure => "present",
- }
- class { 'munin::client':
- port => $port,
- allow => $allow,
- host => $host,
- listen => $listen,
- config => $config,
- }
- munin::plugin { apt_all: ensure => present; }
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/mount.pp b/manifests/subsystem/mount.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 05adaa7..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/mount.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-class nodo::subsystem::mount {
- class { autofs: }
- file { '/etc/auto.removable':
- source => [ "puppet:///modules/site_nodo/etc/${::fqdn}/auto.removable",
- "puppet:///modules/site_nodo/etc/${::domain}/auto.removable",
- "puppet:///modules/site_nodo/etc/auto.removable",
- "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/auto.removable.${::operatingssystem}",
- "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/auto.removable" ],
- notify => Service[autofs],
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 0644;
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/pam.pp b/manifests/subsystem/pam.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7186d0b..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/pam.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-class nodo::subsystem::pam(
- $enable = hiera('nodo::pam::enable', false)
-) {
- if $enable != false {
- # Squeeze only
- if $::lsbdistcodename == 'squeeze' {
- # pam - login
- file { "/etc/pam.d/login":
- source => [ "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/pam.d/login.${::lsbdistcodename}",
- "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/pam.d/login",
- ],
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- mode => 0644,
- ensure => present,
- }
- # pam - gdm
- file { "/etc/pam.d/gdm":
- source => "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/pam.d/gdm",
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- mode => 0644,
- ensure => present,
- }
- }
- # pam - mountpoints
- file { "/etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml":
- ensure => present,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 0644,
- source => [ "puppet:///modules/site_nodo/security/pam_mount.conf.xml.${::lsbdistcodename}",
- "puppet:///modules/site_nodo/security/pam_mount.conf.xml",
- ],
- }
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/profile.pp b/manifests/subsystem/profile.pp
index d1e343e..dac2f02 100644
--- a/manifests/subsystem/profile.pp
+++ b/manifests/subsystem/profile.pp
@@ -1,35 +1,4 @@
# Custom configuration for user profiles
class nodo::subsystem::profile {
- file { "/etc/profile.d/prompt.sh":
- source => "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/profile.d/prompt.sh",
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- mode => 0644,
- ensure => present,
- }
- # Ideally we should not manage this file, see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=675008
- file { "/etc/bash.bashrc":
- source => "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/bash.bashrc",
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- mode => 0644,
- ensure => present,
- require => File['/etc/profile.d/prompt.sh'],
- }
- # See http://linuxforcynics.com/how-to/using-rxvt-unicode-with-screen
- # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=630976
- # https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=50647
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12345675/screen-cannot-find-terminfo-entry-for-xterm-256color
- file { '/lib/terminfo/r/rxvt-256color':
- source => "puppet:///modules/nodo/terminfo/rxvt-256color",
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 0644,
- ensure => $::lsbdistcodename ? {
- 'squeeze' => present,
- default => absent,
- },
- }
+ include shellprompt
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/profile/vagrant.pp b/manifests/subsystem/profile/vagrant.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6306b58..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/profile/vagrant.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-class nodo::subsystem::profile::vagrant inherits nodo::subsystem::profile {
- file { "/root/.profile":
- source => "puppet:///modules/nodo/root/profile",
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- mode => 0644,
- ensure => present,
- }
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/sudo.pp b/manifests/subsystem/sudo.pp
index 9249379..d8c7099 100644
--- a/manifests/subsystem/sudo.pp
+++ b/manifests/subsystem/sudo.pp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class nodo::subsystem::sudo {
ensure => "present",
- file { "/etc/sudoers":
+ file { "/etc/sudoers.d/local":
source => [ "puppet:///modules/site_nodo/etc/sudoers/hostname/${::hostname}",
"puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/sudoers" ],
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/virtual/instance.pp b/manifests/subsystem/virtual/instance.pp
index 151058e..a7fead0 100644
--- a/manifests/subsystem/virtual/instance.pp
+++ b/manifests/subsystem/virtual/instance.pp
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
# Define a virtual server instance
define nodo::subsystem::virtual::instance(
- $distro = 'jessie',
$ensure = 'running',
$proxy = false,
$puppetmaster = false,
@@ -47,66 +46,7 @@ define nodo::subsystem::virtual::instance(
$dev = hiera('nodo::subsystem::vm::interface', 'eth0')
- if $implementation == 'vserver' {
- virtual::vserver { $name:
- ensure => $ensure,
- context => "$context",
- mark => 'default',
- distro => $distro,
- interface => "${dev}:192.168.0.${context}/24",
- hostname => "$name.$domain",
- memory_limit => $memory_limit,
- }
- # Some nodes need a lot of space at /tmp otherwise some admin
- # tasks like backups might not run.
- file { "/etc/vservers/${name}/fstab":
- source => [ "puppet:///modules/site_nodo/etc/fstab/vserver/$name",
- "puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/fstab/vserver" ],
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- mode => 0644,
- ensure => present,
- notify => Exec["vs_restart_${name}"],
- require => Exec["vserver_instance_${name}"],
- }
- # Sound support
- if $sound {
- if !defined(File["/usr/local/sbin/create-sound-devices"]) {
- file { "/usr/local/sbin/create-sound-devices":
- ensure => present,
- source => "puppet:///modules/nodo/sound/devices.sh",
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 755,
- }
- }
- exec { "/usr/local/sbin/create-sound-devices ${name}":
- unless => "/usr/local/sbin/create-sound-devices ${name} --check",
- user => root,
- require => [ Exec["vs_create_${name}"], File["/usr/local/sbin/create-sound-devices"] ],
- }
- }
- }
- # Create a munin virtual resource to be realized in the node
- @@nodo::subsystem::monitor::munin { "${name}":
- port => $munin_port ? {
- false => "49$id",
- default => $munin_port,
- }
- }
- # Create a monkeysphere virtual resource to be realized in the node
- @@nodo::subsystem::monkeysphere { "$name":
- port => $monkeysphere_ssh_port ? {
- false => "22$id",
- default => $monkeysphere_ssh_port,
- }
- }
- # Apply firewall rules just for running vservers
+ # Apply firewall rules just for running virtual machines
case $ensure {
'running': {
firewall::virtual::ssh { "$name":
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/xorg.pp b/manifests/subsystem/xorg.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index da8a069..0000000
--- a/manifests/subsystem/xorg.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-class nodo::subsystem::xorg(
- $enable = hiera('nodo::subsystem::xorg::enable', false)
-) {
- if $enable != false {
- file { "/etc/X11/xorg.conf":
- ensure => present,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => 0644,
- source => [ "puppet:///modules/site_nodo/X11/xorg.conf/${::hostname}.${::lsbdistcodename}",
- "puppet:///modules/site_nodo/X11/xorg.conf/${::hostname}",
- "puppet:///modules/site_nodo/X11/xorg.conf.default" ],
- }
- }