diff options
authorSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2014-01-18 15:54:34 -0200
committerSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2014-01-18 15:54:34 -0200
commit1ff45f72a2e02d73f1ef4874a319826203b1b879 (patch)
parentc3f3908dd35749ba3bd3074f339d76e8f0a4a76b (diff)
Manage rrdcached on nodo::subsystem::monitor::master
2 files changed, 45 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/files/etc/default/rrdcached b/files/etc/default/rrdcached
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43d4ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/etc/default/rrdcached
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# /etc/default/rrdcached
+# 0: start rrdcached on boot, 1: do not start rrdcached on boot
+# default: 0
+# options to be passed to rrdcached
+# (do not specify -p <pidfile> - this is handled by the init script)
+# default: see /etc/init.d/rrdcached
+OPTS="-s munin -l unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock -j /var/lib/rrdcached/journal/ -F -b /var/lib/munin/ -B -w 1800 -z 1800 -f 3600"
+# number of seconds to wait for rrdcached to shut down
+# (writing the data to disk may take some time;
+# tune this according to your setup)
+# default: 30
+# 0: do not enable core-files, 1: enable core-files ... if rrdcached crashes
+# default: 0
diff --git a/manifests/subsystem/monitor/master.pp b/manifests/subsystem/monitor/master.pp
index 6895617..44de95b 100644
--- a/manifests/subsystem/monitor/master.pp
+++ b/manifests/subsystem/monitor/master.pp
@@ -6,4 +6,27 @@ class nodo::subsystem::monitor::master {
source => 'puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/nagios-plugins/check_rbl.ini',
require => Package['nagios'],
+ #
+ # See https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/Munin_optimalization_on_Debian.html
+ # https://munin.readthedocs.org/en/latest/master/rrdcached.html
+ # http://kuszelas.eu/~eyck/log/Howto/Munin.Rrdcached.html
+ #
+ package { 'rrdcached':
+ ensure => present,
+ }
+ file { '/etc/default/rrdcached':
+ ensure => present,
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ source => 'puppet:///modules/nodo/etc/default/rrdcached',
+ require => Package['rrdcached'],
+ notify => Service['rrdcached'],
+ }
+ service { 'rrdcached':
+ ensure => running,
+ require => Package['rrdcached'],
+ }