# This module is distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License: # # Monkeysphere module for puppet # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Sarava Group # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Class for monkeysphere management # class monkeysphere inherits monkeysphere::defaults { # The needed packages package { monkeysphere: ensure => installed, } file { "monkeysphere_conf": path => "/etc/monkeysphere/monkeysphere.conf", mode => 644, ensure => present, content => template("monkeysphere/monkeysphere.conf.erb"), require => Package['monkeysphere'], } file { "monkeysphere_host_conf": path => "/etc/monkeysphere/monkeysphere-host.conf", mode => 644, ensure => present, content => template("monkeysphere/monkeysphere-host.conf.erb"), require => Package['monkeysphere'], } file { "monkeysphere_authentication_conf": path => "/etc/monkeysphere/monkeysphere-authentication.conf", mode => 644, ensure => present, content => template("monkeysphere/monkeysphere-authentication.conf.erb"), require => Package['monkeysphere'], } # This was the old way which the module checked monkeysphere keys file { "/usr/local/sbin/monkeysphere-check-key": ensure => absent, owner => root, group => root, mode => 0755, content => "#!/bin/bash\n/usr/bin/gpg --homedir /var/lib/monkeysphere/host --list-keys '=$key' &> /dev/null || false", } } class monkeysphere::defaults { $keyserver = $monkeysphere_keyserver ? { '' => 'pool.sks-keyservers.net', default => $monkeysphere_keyserver } } define monkeysphere::import_key ( $scheme = 'ssh://', $port = '', $path = '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key', $hostname = $fqdn ) { # if we're getting a port number, prefix with a colon so it's valid $prefixed_port = $port ? { '' => '', default => ":$port" } $key = "${scheme}${fqdn}${prefixed_port}" exec { "monkeysphere-host import-key $path $key": alias => "monkeysphere-import-key", require => [ Package["monkeysphere"], File["monkeysphere_host_conf"] ], unless => "/usr/sbin/monkeysphere-host s | grep $key > /dev/null" } } # Server host key publication define monkeysphere::publish_server_keys ( $keyid = '--all' ) { exec { "monkeysphere-host publish-keys $keyid": environment => "MONKEYSPHERE_PROMPT=false", require => [ Package["monkeysphere"], Exec["monkeysphere-import-key"], File["monkeysphere_host_conf"] ], } } # optionally, mail key somehwere define monkeysphere::email_server_keys ( ) { $email = $title exec { "mail -s 'monkeysphere host pgp keys for $fqdn' $email < /var/lib/monkeysphere/host_keys.pub.pgp": require => Package["monkeysphere"], subscribe => Exec["monkeysphere-import-key"], refreshonly => true, } } # add certifiers define monkeysphere::add_id_certifier( $keyid ) { exec { "monkeysphere-authentication add-id-certifier $keyid": environment => "MONKEYSPHERE_PROMPT=false", require => [ Package["monkeysphere"], File["monkeysphere_authentication_conf"] ], unless => "/usr/sbin/monkeysphere-authentication list-id-certifiers | grep $keyid > /dev/null" } } define monkeysphere::authorized_user_ids( $user_ids, $dest_dir = '/root/.monkeysphere', $dest_file = 'authorized_user_ids', $group = '') { $user = $title $calculated_group = $group ? { '' => $user, default => $group } # don't require user if it's root because root is not handled # by puppet case $user { root: { file { $dest_dir: owner => $user, group => $calculated_group, mode => 755, ensure => directory, } } default: { file { $dest_dir: owner => $user, group => $calculated_group, mode => 755, ensure => directory, require => User[$user] } } } file { "${dest_dir}/${dest_file}": owner => $user, group => $calculated_group, mode => 644, content => template('monkeysphere/authorized_user_ids.erb'), ensure => present, recurse => true, require => File[$dest_dir] } exec { "monkeysphere-authentication update-users $user": refreshonly => true, require => [ File["monkeysphere_authentication_conf"], Package["monkeysphere"] ], subscribe => File["${dest_dir}/${dest_file}"] } } # ensure that the user has a gpg key created and it is authentication capable # in the monkeysphere. This is intended to be the same as generated a # password-less ssh key # define monkeysphere::auth_capable_user ( $expire = "1y", $length = "2048", $uid_name = undef, $email = undef ) { $user = $title # The goal is no passphrase, monkeysphere won't work without a passphrase. $calculated_passphrase = $gpg_auto_password ? { '' => 'monkeys', default => $gpg_auto_password } $calculated_name = $uid_name ? { '' => "$user user", default => $uid_name } $calculated_email = $email ? { '' => "$user@$fqdn", default => $email } exec { "monkeysphere-gen-key-$user": command => "printf 'Key-Type: RSA\nKey-Length: 2048\nKey-Usage: encrypt,sign\nSubkey-Type: RSA\nSubkey-Length: 2048\nSubkey-Usage: encrypt\nName-Real: $calculated_name\nName-Email: $calculated_email\nPassphrase: $calculated_passphrase\nExpire-Date: 1y\n' | gpg --batch --gen-key", require => [ Package["monkeysphere"] ], user => $user, unless => "gpg --list-secret-key | grep ^sec >/dev/null" } #FIXME - we should check expiration date and extend it if we're < n days before expiration # handle auth subkey exec { "monkeysphere-gen-subkey-$user": command => "printf '$calculated_passphrase\n' | monkeysphere gen-subkey", require => [ Package["monkeysphere"], Exec["monkeysphere-gen-key-$user" ] ], user => $user, unless => "gpg --list-key --with-colons $(gpg --list-secret-key --with-colons | grep ^sec | cut -d: -f5) | grep ^sub | cut -d: -f12 | grep a >/dev/null" } } define monkeysphere::publish_user_key ( ){ $user = $title $keyserver_arg = $monkeysphere_keyserver ? { '' => '', default => "--keyserver $monkeysphere_keyserver" } exec { "monkeysphere-gpg-send-key-$user": command => "gpg $keyserver_arg --send-key $(gpg --list-secret-key --with-colons | grep ^sec | cut -d: -f5)", require => [ Package["monkeysphere"], Exec["monkeysphere-gen-key-$user" ] ], user => $user, } } define monkeysphere::owner_trust( $fingerprint, $user = 'root', $level = 6 ) { $keyserver_arg = $monkeysphere_keyserver ? { '' => '', default => "--keyserver $monkeysphere_keyserver" } # ensure the key is in the key ring exec { "monkeysphere-gpg-recv-key-$user-$fingerprint": command => "gpg $keyserver_arg --recv-key $fingerprint", require => [ Package["monkeysphere"] ], user => $user, unless => "gpg --list-key $fingerprint 2>&1 >/dev/null" } # provide ownertrust exec { "monkeysphere-gpg-ownertrust-$user-$fingerprint": command => "printf '$fingerprint:$level\n'\$(gpg --export-ownertrust) | gpg --import-ownertrust", require => [ Package["monkeysphere"] ], user => $user, unless => "gpg --export-ownertrust | grep $fingerprint >/dev/null" } }