## Configuration file for Sympa ## many parameters are optional (defined in src/Conf.pm) ## refer to the documentation for a detailed list of parameters ###\\\\ Directories and file location ////### ## Directory containing mailing lists subdirectories home /var/lib/sympa/expl ## Directory for configuration files ; it also contains scenari/ and templates/ directories etc /etc/sympa ## File containing Sympa PID while running. ## Sympa also locks this file to ensure that it is not running more than once. Caution : user sympa need to write access without special privilegee. pidfile /var/run/sympa/sympa.pid ## Umask used for file creation by Sympa umask 027 ## The main spool containing various specialized spools ## All spool are created at runtime by sympa.pl spool /var/spool/sympa ## Incoming spool queue /var/spool/sympa/msg ## Bounce incoming spool queuebounce /var/spool/sympa/bounce ## The directory where Sympa stores static contents (CSS, members pictures, documentation) directly delivered by Apache static_content_path /var/lib/sympa/static_content ## The URL mapped with the static_content_path directory defined above static_content_url /static-sympa ###\\\\ Syslog ////### ## The syslog facility for sympa ## Do not forget to edit syslog.conf syslog `/bin/cat /etc/sympa/facility` ## Communication mode with syslogd is either unix (via Unix sockets) or inet (use of UDP) log_socket_type unix ## Log intensity ## 0 : normal, 2,3,4 for debug log_level 0 ###\\\\ General definition ////### ## Main robot hostname domain <%= sympa_subdomain %>.<%= domain %> ## Listmasters email list comma separated ## Sympa will associate listmaster privileges to these email addresses (mail and web interfaces). Some error reports may also be sent to these addresses. listmaster listmaster@<%= sympa_subdomain %>.<%= domain %> ## Local part of sympa email adresse ## Effective address will be [EMAIL]@[HOST] email sympa ## Default lang (cs | de | el | en_US | fr | hu | it | ja_JP | nl | oc | pt_BR | tr) lang <%= sympa_lang %> ## Who is able to create lists ## This parameter is a scenario, check sympa documentation about scenarios if you want to define one create_list public_listmaster ## Secret used by Sympa to make MD5 fingerprint in web cookies secure ## Should not be changed ! May invalid all user password cookie `/bin/cat /etc/sympa/cookie` ###\\\\ Errors management ////### ## Bouncing email rate for warn list owner #bounce_warn_rate 20 ## Bouncing email rate for halt the list (not implemented) ## Not yet used in current version, Default is 50 #bounce_halt_rate 50 ## Task name for expiration of old bounces #expire_bounce_task daily ## Welcome message return-path ## If set to unique, new subcriber is removed if welcome message bounce #welcome_return_path unique ###\\\\ MTA related ////### ## Path to the MTA (sendmail, postfix, exim or qmail) ## should point to a sendmail-compatible binary (eg: a binary named 'sendmail' is distributed with Postfix) sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail ## Maximum number of recipients per call to Sendmail. The nrcpt_by_domain.conf file allows a different tuning per destination domain. nrcpt 25 ## Max. number of different domains per call to Sendmail avg 10 ## Max. number of Sendmail processes (launched by Sympa) running simultaneously ## Proposed value is quite low, you can rise it up to 100, 200 or even 300 with powerfull systems. maxsmtp 40 ###\\\\ Pluggin ////### ## Path to the antivirus scanner engine ## supported antivirus : McAfee/uvscan, Fsecure/fsav, Sophos, AVP and Trend Micro/VirusWall #antivirus_path /usr/local/uvscan/uvscan ## Antivirus pluggin command argument #antivirus_args --secure --summary --dat /usr/local/uvscan ###\\\\ S/MIME pluggin ////### ## Path to OpenSSL ## Sympa knowns S/MIME if openssl is installed #openssl /usr/local/bin/openssl ## The directory path use by OpenSSL for trusted CA certificates #capath /etc/sympa/ssl.crt ## This parameter sets the all-in-one file where you can assemble the Certificates of Certification Authorities (CA) #cafile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt ## User CERTs directory ssl_cert_dir /var/lib/sympa/x509-user-certs ## Password used to crypt lists private keys #key_passwd your_password ###\\\\ Database ////### ## Database type (mysql | Pg | Oracle | Sybase | SQLite) ## be carefull to the case db_type mysql ## Name of the database ## with SQLite, the name of the DB corresponds to the DB file db_name <%= sympa_database_name %> ## The host hosting your sympa database #db_host localhost ## Database user for connexion db_user <%= sympa_database_name %> ## Database password (associated to the db_user) ## What ever you use a password or not, you must protect the SQL server (is it a not a public internet service ?) db_passwd <%= sympa_database_password %> ## Database private extention to user table ## You need to extend the database format with these fields #db_additional_user_fields age,address ## Database private extention to subscriber table ## You need to extend the database format with these fields #db_additional_subscriber_fields billing_delay,subscription_expiration ###\\\\ Web interface ////### ## Sympa's main page URL wwsympa_url https://<%= sympa_subdomain %>.<%= domain %> ## SOAP service URL soap_url https://<%= sympa_subdomain %>.<%= domain %>/sympasoap ## Supported languages for the user interface supported_lang en_US,pt_BR