class mail::system { $postfix_smtp_listen = "all" $postfix_use_amavisd = "yes" $postfix_use_dovecot_lda = "yes" $postfix_mydestination = '$myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost' case $postfix_mynetworks { '': { $postfix_mynetworks = "" } } case $postfixadmin_database_password { '': { fail("You need to define \$postfixadmin_database_password host config") } } case $postfixadmin_setup_hash { '': { warning("You need to define \$postfixadmin_setup_hash host config") $postfixadmin_setup_hash = 'changeme' } } case $postfixadmin_database_user { '': { $postfixadmin_database_user = "postfix" } } case $postfixadmin_database_host { '': { $postfixadmin_database_host = "localhost" } } case $postfixadmin_database_name { '': { $postfixadmin_database_name= "postfix" } } # Module requirements include postfix include database include ssl::mail # Subsystems include mail::packages include mail::sasl include mail::tls include mail::dovecot include mail::amavisd include mail::header_checks include mail::postfixadmin include mail::web # Postfix configuration postfix::config { "mydomain": value => "$domain"; "myhostname": value => "$fqdn"; "mydestination": value => "$postfix_mydestination"; "mynetworks": value => "$postfix_mynetworks"; "relay_domains": value => '$mydestination'; "transport_maps": value => "hash:/etc/postfix/transport"; "mailbox_command": value => '/usr/bin/maildrop -d ${USER}'; "virtual_mailbox_base": value => '/var/mail/virtual'; "virtual_uid_maps": value => 'static:5000'; "virtual_gid_maps": value => 'static:5000'; "virtual_transport": value => 'dovecot'; "dovecot_destination_recipient_limit": value => '1'; "recipient_delimiter": value => '+'; } postfix::hash { "/etc/postfix/virtual": ensure => present, } postfix::hash { "/etc/postfix/transport": ensure => present, } # Recipient restrictions postfix::config { "smtpd_recipient_restrictions": value => 'permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_unauth_destination, reject_rbl_client, check_policy_service inet:' } # Virtual mailboxes file { '/var/mail/virtual': ensure => directory, owner => vmail, group => vmail, mode => 0750, require => User['vmail'], } group { "vmail": ensure => present, gid => 5000, } user { "vmail": ensure => present, uid => 5000, gid => "vmail", password => "*", home => '/var/mail/virtual', require => Group['vmail'], } }