# manages the base stuff of # a lighttpd server class lighttpd::base { package{'lighttpd': ensure => installed, } service{'lighttpd': ensure => running, enable => true, hasstatus => true, require => Package['lighttpd'], } file{ '/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf': source => [ "puppet:///modules/site_lighttpd/${::fqdn}/lighttpd.conf", 'puppet:///modules/site_lighttpd/lighttpd.conf', "puppet:///modules/lighttpd/${::operatingsystem}/lighttpd.conf", 'puppet:///modules/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf' ], require => Package['lighttpd'], notify => Service['lighttpd'], owner => 'root', group => 0, mode => '0644'; # ToDo: put that in a common module to share with apache 'default_lighttpd_index': ensure => file, path => '/var/www/lighttpd/index.html', content => template('lighttpd/default/default_index.erb'), require => Package['lighttpd'], before => Service['lighttpd'], owner => 'root', group => 0, mode => '0644'; '/etc/cron.daily/clean_lighttpd_compress': content => "find /var/cache/lighttpd/compress -type f -mtime +10 | xargs -r rm\n", require => Package['lighttpd'], owner => 'root', group => 0, mode => '0640'; } }